Din sökning på "*" gav 531698 sökträffar
Terminal Pumping in the Lund Pelletron Tandem – Design and Experimental Experience
Disappearing island states: Control over marine resources and the Law of the sea”, Public lecture, Lund University, April 2011
Laminar Friction Factors and Colburn Factors for Ducts with Advanced Boundary Conditions
Ducts of various geometrical cross sections appear extensively in engineering applications like heat exchangers. In the available literature analytical, numerical and experimental data are available for the friction factor and the Colburn factor for a variety of thermal boundary conditions. Results for fully developed cases are commonly available, but also for the thermally and hydrodynamically de
Message from Andree
An ERP evaluation of the development of item and source memory in school-aged children and young adults
Between epistemic modality and degree: the case of really
A Replicated Study on Duplicate Detection: Using Apache Lucene to Search Among Android Defects
Context: Duplicate detection is a fundamental part of issue management. Systems able to predict whether a new defect report will be closed as a duplicate, may decrease costs by limiting rework and collecting related pieces of information. Goal: Our work explores using Apache Lucene for large-scale duplicate detection based on textual content. Also, we evaluate the previous claim that results are i
Organisations and Institutions in Public Procurement of Innovations: The Case of the Energy Centre in Bracknell Forest. UK. Paper
Building angular momentum beyond band termination in 157,158Er
Our present understanding of the terminating bands in the I=40-50 spin range of 157,158Er is reviewed briefly. It is only recently that it has been possible to study states at higher spin in these nuclei, beyond band termination. Firstly, a large number of weak high-energy transitions feeding the terminating states were observed. Secondly, some collective structures that extended discrete spect
A Response from Academia
The accumulation of knowledge of boards of directors: contributions from 100 student reports
Implementation Aspects of the PLC Standard IEC 1131-3
Asymptotic distributions of subgraph counts in colored Bernoulli graphs
Kan kritiska vänner bidra till din professionella utveckling som pedagog?
Mixture theory applied to chemical reactions and diffusion of different mediums in mature concrete: A hypothetical model, part I and part II
A conceptual study of OFDM-based multiple access schemes: Part 1 - Air interface requirements
The multimedia era has started. The migration of computer (packet oriented) and telephony (circuit switched) networks in combination with an explosive development of new services, creates a mass market for public broadband communication. There are no reasons foreseen why these kinds of services should not go mobile. Future customers will not treat a mobile access differently than a fixed access to
Tulpaner och brustna grenar: om ledare, legitimitet och klaner i Centralasien
"'Får jag se dig åter ansigte mot ansigte?' De Blomstrandska familjebreven 1830-1952"
Familjekorrespondens 1830-1952 i familjen Blomstrand, där flera medlemmar verkade som missionärer i södra Indien. Missionärernas barn togs om hand av släktingar i Sverige.
Costimulation Blockade in Experimental Transplantation
Popular Abstract in Swedish Sedan 1960-talet har det varit möjligt att transplantera organ från en människa till en annan. Transplantation är den enda behandlingsmetoden när hjärta, lungor eller lever är obotligt skadade. För njursjuka finns dialys som ett alternativ, även om transplantation oftast är ett bättre alternativ. Ett stort problem är att kroppens immunförsvar inte accepterar det nya orTransplantation is the only cure for end-stage organ failure. With the transplantation follows the need for continuous treatment with immunosuppressive agents for as long as the graft functions, which entails major side effects. Less toxic treatments are therefore in great demand. Preferably, the treatment should also be limited in time. The ultimate solution would be induction of tolerance to t