

Din sökning på "*" gav 532897 sökträffar

Asian Models of Agricultural Development and their Relevance to Afrika

This working paper discusses the different Asian experiences of the Green Revolution from the late 1960s to the 1980s in the perspective of earlier developments of agricultural intensification. The intention of the paper is to identify common features and conditions contributing to the considerable success of Asian agriculture over the past 30 years. The authors argue that the Green Revolution mus

A fishy mosasaur: the axial skeleton of Plotosaurus (Reptilia, Squamata) reassessed

The concept of convergence, that is, how unrelated animals independently evolve similar morphological traits, is a fundamental aspect of evolution. Hitherto, the Mesozoic ichthyosaurs were regarded as the sole obligate marine reptiles that achieved a fully streamlined body and a semilunate tail fluke. However, analyses of vertebral centrum morphometrics and process orientation have revealed that a

Satiation effects in piscivore prey size selection

We present a functional response model that primarily evaluates effects of satiation in piscivore prey-size selection. The model also includes other passive processes, such as prey-size-dependent encounter rate and prey-size-dependent capture success, where capture success decreases and encounter rate increases with prey size. The model generates a wide variety of outcomes, where small, intermedia

Critical loads - assessment of uncertainty

The effects of data uncertainty in applications of the critical loads concept were investigated on different spatial resolutions in Sweden and northern Czech Republic. Critical loads of acidity (CL) were calculated for Sweden using the biogeochemical model PROFILE. Three methods with different structural complexity were used to estimate the adverse effects of SO2 concentrations in northern Czech R

Rotation Induced Octupole Correlations in the Neutron-deficient 109Te Nucleus

High spin states in the neutron deficient nucleus Te-109 have been populated with the Ni-58 + Fe-54 reaction at 220 MeV and investigated through gamma-spectroscopy methods at the GASP spectrometer making use of reaction channel selection with the ISIS Si-ball. The level scheme has been extended up to an excitation energy of approximate to 12.1 MeV. The spins and parities of the observed levels are

A unified approach towards the development of Swedish as L2: a processability account

This paper has two main objectives: (a) to put the vast body of research on Swedish as a second language (SSL) into one coherent framework; and (b) to test the predictions deriving from processability theory (Pienemann, 1998a, 1998b) for Swedish against this empirical database. We will survey the 14 most prominent research projects on SSL covering wide areas of syntax and morphology in longitudina

Wireless Communication with Medical Implants: Antennas and Propagation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Teknikutvecklingen leder till att vi får allt mer avancerade elektroniska medicinska implantat. Dessa spänner idag från den välkända hjärtpacemakern till avancerade hörselimplantat, hjärnstimulatorer och implanterbara medicinpumpar. Med de allt mer avancerade implantaten har också deras behov av att ta emot styrsignaler från utsidan av kroppen, och deras förmåga att sänWith the increased sophistication of medical implants, there is a growing need for flexible high-speed communication with the implant from outside the body. Today the communication is done by an inductive link between the implant and an external coil at a low carrier frequency. Extended range and communication speed are possible to achieve by increasing the carrier frequency and the bandwidth. One

First stars V - Abundance patterns from C to Zn and supernova yields in the early Galaxy

In the framework of the ESO Large Programme ``First Stars'', veryhigh-quality spectra of some 70 very metal-poor dwarfs and giants wereobtained with the ESO VLT and UVES spectrograph. These stars are likelyto have descended from the first generation(s) of stars formed after theBig Bang, and their detailed composition provides constraints on issuessuch as the nature of the first supernovae, the eff

Measurements of the gastric emptying rate by use of ultrasonography: studies in humans using bread with added sodium propionate

Background: Foods with a low glycemic index are increasingly being acknowledged as beneficial for individuals with disorders related to the insulin resistance syndrome. The presence of certain salts of organic acids has been shown to lower the glycemic index of bread products and one of the suggested mechanisms is a lowered gastric emptying rate (GER). One obvious pitfall with many of the common t

Endosonography of the anal sphincter in women of different ages and parity.

Objectives To obtain reference data representative of normal findings at anal endosonography in pregnant and non-pregnant women. To determine intraobserver and interobserver agreement in the detection of endosonographic anal sphincter defects in asymptomatic women. Methods Twenty-five non-pregnant nulliparous women and 25 non-pregnant parous women (age range, 20-67 years) and 47 pregnant women (a

Structures of the high-valent metal-ion haem-oxygen intermediates in peroxidases, oxygenases and catalases

Peroxidases, oxygenases and catalases have similar high-valent metal-ion intermediates in their respective reaction cycles. In this review, haem-based examples will be discussed. The intermediates of the haem-containing enzymes have been extensively studied for many years by different spectroscopic methods like UV-Vis, EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance), resonance Raman, Mossbauer and MCD (magn

Konsekvenser av reumatoid artrit i tidigt skede

The consequences of early rheumatoid arthritis were studied in a series of patients treated at University Hospital, Lund, during the period 1985-1989. Mean disease duration at enrollment was 12 months. Most of the patients have now been followed prospectively for five years, during which time disease activity and pain have increased markedly. Ability to perform the activities of daily living (ADL)

Predicting the dielectric constant-water content relationship using artificial neural networks

Accurate measurements of soil water content (theta) are important in various applications in hydrology and soil science. The time domain reflectometry (TDR) technique has been widely used for theta measurements during the last two decades. The TDR utilizes the apparent dielectric constant (K-s) for estimations of theta. The K-a-theta relationship has been described using both empirical and physica

Search for leptoquark bosons in ep collisions at HERA

A search for scalar and vector leptoquarks coupling to first generation fermions is performed using the e(+) p and e(-) p scattering data collected by the H1 experiment between 1994 and 2000. The data correspond to a total integrated luminosity of 117 pb(-1). No evidence for the direct or indirect production of such particles is found in data samples with a large transverse momentum final state el