

Din sökning på "*" gav 532768 sökträffar

The Missing Link Revisited: Peace building from integration to impact in post-conflict Liberia

In contemporary conflict environments, security and development are inextricably linked. This has spawned the development of the comprehensive approach to peace support operations. But there is a deficit of studies validating that integration and coherence will lead to positive outcomes and higher degrees of effectiveness. There is also a gap between strategic planning and operative implementation

Fair Trade - Ett handelssamarbete från producent till konsument

There is today an ongoing debate about Fair Trade and its consequences. The way to reach an understanding about the producers lives is important if the future will be liberated from the uneven access to the market. Today the free market is dominated by a few multinational companies and for poor producers there is no chance to compete at the same level. If industrial countries continue to exploit d

Reforming the Human Rights Council:

The purpose of this essay is to examine how the reform process of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights has handled the problem of membership, politicization and selectivity and if the reform have led to an improvement. This question is answered by comparing the Commission on Human Rights with the Human Rights Council. The conclusion of the study is that the reform has not led to any signi

Det rationella krigets förutsättningar.

Ett begränsat krig kan vara ett rationellt val. Inför det begränsade kriget måste dock en kalkyl styrka rationaliteten. Det rationella krigets kalkyl har tre avgörande beståndsdelar. För det första måste den tänkta antagonistens faktiska förmåga vägas mot de medel krigets initiativtagare har att tillgå och är beredd att ställa till målets bemyndigande. Den faktiska förmågan består av politisk vilj

The Making(s) of Law. Postmodern feminist perspectives on local court Justices under Zambian customary law

This thesis is the result of a Minor Field Study (MFS) on the judges, the so-called Justices, working in local courts in Zambia, where unwritten customary law is applied. The analysis is based on in-depth interviews, in order to explore the role of the Justices within the structure of customary law and their role in the discrimination against women that the law allegedly generates. Theoretically s

Kinesisk cybernationalism och nationell identitet: Att definiera den kinesiska nationen på 2000-talet

This paper sheds light on the increasingly relevant question of Chinese cyber nationalism and its implications for China and the World. The paper’s aim is to explore the role of Chinese cyber nationalism in defining the Chinese nation and Chinese national identity in the 21st century. It argues that, within the realm of nationalist discourse on the Internet, Chinese netizens are actively challengi

Pop- & rockmusikelever och notläsning ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv

Title: Pop & rock music students and notation reading from a socio-cultural perspective This thesis is about pop & rock music students and their approach towards notation reading. The examination has been made from a socio-cultural perspective through qualitative interviews with rock music students of various ages and at different educational levels. Central concepts as mediation and disco

The Image of Thai Nationhood : Pragmatism in Nationalism

Den samlande gemensamma bilden av ett folk, den s.k. nationella identiteten, används för att legitimera nationalism. Alla politiska intressen kan använda sig av nationalismen på grund av dess relation till ett folks gemensamma identitet. I linje med en sådan politisk teori presenterar den här magisteruppsatsen thailändsk nationalism. Det är politisk metod som ligger bakom nationalistisk propagandaNational identity, the unifying image of a people, is used to legitimate nationalism. Because of its relationship to a populations’ common identity any political side can make use of it. This essay presents Thai nationalism in line with this political theory. Behind nationalist propaganda we find a political method. The elite holds the political power and also the contemporary key to how inclusive

Miljösäkerhetspolitik ett arbete som ifrågasätter den givna sammankopplingen mellan bistånd och miljö

The issue of global warming has escalated and is a big subject of today, and it has more and more become incorporate with development assistance policy. The purpose of this study is to analyze the debate between Al Gore and Bjorn Lomborg, for the reason that it is between them the color of the debate is most seen. And then further discuss and question the fact that global warming and development a

Bara vanligt vatten - Hydropolitik kring Nilens flodsystem – samarbete eller konflikt

Vi har valt att se varför länder väljer att samarbeta kring transnationella vattenresurser. Detta gör vi utifrån exemplet Nilen och tre av de länder som delar på denna vattenresurs, Egypten, Sudan och Etiopien. Utgångspunkten har varit teorin om hegemonisk maktställning och en analysmodell för interaktion gällande begränsade vattenresurser. Utifrån dessa har vi konstruerat en egen analysmodell för

New Economic Partnership for Africa's Development - Power and State Complience

The New Economic Partnership for Africa’s Development constitutes a new initiative to development, created by the African states themselves with an ultimate goal to be more integrated in the global economy on more equal terms and thereby reduce poverty within the continent. NEPAD sees democracy, good governance and human rights as necessary for sustainable development. This thesis examines the ass

In Search of Access: A Case-Study of Subnational Interests Access to the Institutions of the EU

Lobbying within the European Union is an everyday occurrence that provides officers and politicians with information for policy-making and gives organized interests a chance to represent their views. This thesis focuses on subnational interests experienced amount of access to the three major institutions in the EU; the Commission, the Parliament and the Council. The purpose of this thesis is to t