

Din sökning på "*" gav 530014 sökträffar

Reference-based search strategies in systematic reviews

In systematic reviews, the number of articles found by search strings tend to be very large. In order to limit the number of articles to handle manually, we investigate a search strategy based on references between papers. We first identify a “take-off paper” which is the starting point for the search and then we follow the references from that paper. We also investigate “cardinal papers”, i.e. pa

Diode laser spectroscopy in extended wavelength ranges

Diode laser spectroscopy performed in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared spectral regions is presented. The accessible wavelength range for visible and near-infrared diode lasers is extended by the use of sum- and difference-frequency generation. Sum-frequency generation to the ultraviolet spectral region was employed using a blue and a red diode laser. Mercury spectroscopy was demonstrated wi

A highly integrated CMOS direct digital RF quadrature modulator

A highly integrated CMOS direct digital RF quadrature modulator, consisting of two 10-bit linear interpolation current steering digital-to-analog converters (DACs) and two Gilbert cell based mixers, is described. By employing linear interpolation, the attenuation of the DAC's image components is significantly increased, and the reconstruction filter is therefore eliminated. The DAC's differential

Outland, centre, periphery and world systems theories. Some remarks from a Swedish perspective

I started with a rather superficial overview of some of the problems that medieval archaeologists have to face when they try to study marginal areas, marginal in the view of those who are living near the political and economic power on one level or another. We can formulate the problems in centre-periphery models but we have also discussed some kind of world system thinking (which of course is con

The role of exocrine pancreas for feed intake and growth. Studies in a model with exocrine pancreatic insufficient young pigs.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bukspottkörteln (pankreas) består av en sekretorisk (exokrin) del, som producerar pankreassaft innehållande olika matspjälkningsenzymer vilka medverkar vid nedbrytningen av födan i tarmen, samt en hormoninsöndrande (endokrin) del, som producerar insulin och andra hormon vilka reglerar näringsomsättningen i kroppen. Vid en underproduktion av enzymer, exokrin pankreatisk Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI), resulting from disease (e.g. cystic fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis) or surgery (e.g. pancreectomy or pancreas duct ligation), leads to disorders in the digestive system, such as, maldigestion, malabsorption and finally malnutrition. Pancreatic duct-ligated (PDL) pigs have been used as a suitable large-animal model to study the conditions and treatment of EP

Using 3D GIS Platforms to Analyse and Interpret the Past

The diffusion of digital technologies has strongly affected the way scholars and researchers use and perceive the archaeological information detected during the field investigation process. Archaeologists are still only beginning to realize the full potential of these applications beyond the attraction of providing visually engaging documentation and focus on the analytical and interpretive power.

Fundamental properties of neutrinos: masses and mixings

Neutrino physics is one of the fastest growing topic in phenomenological high energy physics. Neutrinos are elementary neutral particles and participate only in the weak interactions. For this reason it is very difficult to detect them experimentally. Nevertheless, much experimental progress has been obtained in the recent years. In particular our knowledge of the neutrino masses and mixing angles


I det här kapitlet möter ni några exempel på dåliga bedömningar av exempelvis sannolikheter. Ni kommer också att få veta mer om vad som gör bedömningar bra eller dåliga.

Risk och det levande mänskliga

En kort presentation av boken och dess författare Filosofer och kognitionsforskare, samhällsvetare och en professor i konstruktionsteknik belyser i den här boken riskproblem i olika mänskliga sammanhang. Risk och det levande mänskliga inleds med att Åsa Boholm tar oss med till Hallandsåsen. Där framförs motstridiga riskbedömningar och riskhanteringsstrategier, av Banverket och dess experter å ena

Interactions between climate, natural disturbances, and regeneration in boreal and hemi-boreal forests

Popular Abstract in Swedish Naturliga störningsregimer är viktiga drivkrafter i vegetationsdynamiken hos de flesta skogstyper jorden runt. Att förstå de rumsliga och tidsmässiga egenskaperna i störningarna, såväl i nutid som i förfluten tid, är viktigt bl a vid utformningen av strategier för naturvård, likväl som för att kunna modellera inflytandet av klimat och människans påverkan. I denna avhandNatural disturbance is an important driving force of community dynamics in many forest types around the globe. Understanding spatial and temporal properties of disturbance events in the present and in the past is important in formulating the nature conservation strategies as well as for the modeling of climate and human impacts on forest vegetation. In this thesis I studied wind and fire disturban

Vi lär som vi lever

Ibland kan man som lärare undra om man lever som man lär. En sak är i alla fall säker, vi lär som vi lever! Vårt nya stressade levnadssätt påverkar givetvis vårt sätt att lära. Under en kort tidsrymd har tre tekniska produkter påverkat lärandet mer än vad läroplaner eller vetenskapliga pedagogiska genombrott någonsin gjort - datorn, internet och mobiltelefonen. Bodil myntar att vi idag lever på

Outdoor Mobility, Place and Older People - Everyday Mobilities in later Life in a Swedish Neighbourhood

Popular Abstract in Swedish Äldres vardagliga mobilitet är temat i denna avhandling. Den handlar dels om äldre personer i två bostadsområden i Malmö, dels om äldre personer som har blivit ensamma på äldre dar. Resultaten visar på olika sätt vikten av sociala nätverk och sociala relationer för att äldre personer ska kunna eller vilja ta sig ut om dagarna. Bostadsområdet för den första delstudien äThe overall aim of this thesis is to offer an understanding of everyday mobilities outdoors among older persons from a place- and context-dependent perspective. The emphasis is to take a gentle approach towards an overall perspective with consideration to physical aspects (like the home neighbourhood), social aspects (like social networks and social participation) and mental aspects (like place im