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Papers from the International Symposia on Polyelectrolytes Meeting in Lund, Sweden, June 15-19, 2002
Från Kant till Kant - en exkursion i Östersjöområdets geografiska idéhistoria
No title
Jämställdhetsideologins blinda fläckar
Peace Operations and the Promotion of Cosmopolitanism
Estimating northern peatland CO2 exchange from MODIS time series data
Studies using satellite sensor-derived data as input to models for CO2 exchange show promising results for closed forest stands. There is a need for extending this approach to other land cover types, in order to carry out large-scale monitoring of CO2 exchange. In this study, three years of eddy covariance data from two peatlands in Sweden were averaged for 16-day composite periods and related to
Rätt och drama - text och kontext: ett seminarium på Drottningholmsteatern den 17 juni 2004: en vänskrift till Rolf Nygren
Hans Runemark, pioneer lichen monographer
Efforts to Quantify Adaptation in Modeling of Postural Control
Till livs med Linné
Carl Linnaeus on health, food, dietetics.
Regulation of the cytoskeleton and the adhesiveness of intestinal epithelial cells by leukotriene D4
Popular Abstract in Swedish Inflammationsreaktioner kan utlösas i alla vävnader som ett generellt svar på olika stimuli. En defekt eller utebliven reaktion kan leda till svåra infektion sjukdomar. De olika stimuli som startar den inflammatoriska processen frisätter olika inflammationsmediatorer i vävnaden. Dessa kan vara lagrade i celler och frisätts till omgivningen. Vad gäller arachidonsyra prodLeukotrienes belong to a family of biologically active conjugated trienes that are formed from arachidonic acid via the 5-lipoxygenase pathway and are important mediators of inflammatory reactions. The CysLT1 receptor that specifically serves as receptor for leukotriene D4 (LTD4) has been identified as a G-protein coupled receptor. Cell-cell and cell-matrix complexes of epithelial cells are inter
A complete MP3 decoder on a chip
The paper presents the results from a course project which focused on all levels in ASIC design flow by implementing a complete MP3 decoder. Two student teams developed a decoder targeting ASIC and FPGA, respectively. The ASIC decoder, fabricated in a 0.35 μm process from AMI Semiconductor, consumes 40 mW with a supply voltage of 2 V running at 12 MHz. The FPGA decoder has been implemented and ver
Organisation och organisering. 3. uppl.
Skånska vegetationstyper
Structural studies of metal-binding proteins revealing dynamic behaviour
Popular Abstract in Swedish 6 Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning 6.1 Proteiner produceras av våra gener Nyligen bestämdes sekvensen för det mänskliga genomet bestående av 30 000 gener. Varje gen kodar för minst ett protein. All information finns i generna men för att förstå vad generna gör behöver vi studera proteinerna de kodar för. I denna avhandling presenteras några proteinstrukturer. Man kaThe Mg2+ and Mn2+ structures of calbindin D9k have been determined and they reveal a conformational change compared to the structures of apo and (Ca2+)2-calbindin D9k. These findings are unique, since normally calcium and not magnesium is known to induce conformational changes of EF-hand proteins. It has also been shown that calbindin D9k binds one Mg2+ (Kd=1mM) in the regular C-terminal EF-hand c
Borgerlig familjekultur i Lund under tidigt 1800-tal
Livsstil och förhållanden för familjer inom det högre borgerskapet i Lund ca 1800-1850. Familjerna Faxe, Tegnér, Tegman, Lovén, Bring, Thomander, Borg och Gleerup nämns, och kvinnornas förhållanden nämns speciellt.