Effekter av träning med vibration på muskelstyrka fysiologiska effekter av vibration - en litteraturstudie
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Olika yrkesgrupper kan arbeta som rådgivare. De vanligaste torde vara revisorer, advokater, mäklare och värderingsmän. Rådgivaransvar innebär att rådgivare ansvarar för ren förmögenhetsskada som uppkommer om rådgivaren lämnar felaktig eller vilseledande information. För att skadestånd skall kunna bli aktuellt krävs att en skada uppkommit. Skadelidande skall visa hur stor skadan är. När skadan best
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Fulltext är ej tillgänglig i elektronisk form. För lån/kopia av tryckt uppsats kontakta Medicinska fakultetens bibliotek, Lunds universitet
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This report is part of a master’s thesis in Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Design at Lund Institute of Technology. The project is performed in collaboration with the company Hantverksdesign & Rehabiliteringsprodukter, HD, at Lidingö in Stockholm. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to develop a product, which eases the situation for people with neck disorders, when sitting for long
Today wind power developers are exploring the possibilities of establishing wind turbines in forest areas, therefore improved sound prediction models for complex terrains are valuable. The Swedish model used today is only applicable for hard flat ground without any vegetation, and is not adjustable to any meteorological parameters except the wind speed. The companies DELTA, DONG Energy and EMD Int
The emergence of the Internet has created a new legal climate where borders have become increasingly diffused. A risk of unlawful use of material distributed on the Internet is more than a threat&semic today it is reality. The range of unlawful material is immense and copyright holders are missing out on important revenues. Consequently, the Directive on Copyright in the Information Society of
The small car manufacturer Saab has over the past 20 years been incorporated in the MNC GM. GM has until resent years been the biggest car company in the world. The crisis in the American economic system and worldwide, has changed the prerequisite for the complete industry. To avoid bankruptcy GM had to divorce Saab from the parent company. Looking at a pertinent buyer, the Swedish government was
The purpose of this Master Thesis was to design an automatic separator, a machine that would separate organic from non-organic waste through a mechanical process. The use of a mechanical process was one of the target specifications given by WTM AB, the company that initiated the project. WTM is a small machine design company located in Ängelholm, Sweden, who designs machines for different kind of
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to study how the social workers understand the sexual exposure adolescents become subject to make themselves subject to on the Internet, as a social problem or a transformation of a sexual behavior. Two methods were used in this study; both a questionnaire and deep interviews with four social workers. The main result of the study shows that social workers, ac
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Fulltext är ej tillgänglig i elektronisk form. För lån/kopia av tryckt uppsats kontakta Medicinska fakultetens bibliotek, Lunds universitet
Fulltext är ej tillgänglig i elektronisk form. För lån/kopia av tryckt uppsats kontakta Medicinska fakultetens bibliotek, Lunds universitet
Fulltext är ej tillgänglig i elektronisk form. För lån/kopia av tryckt uppsats kontakta Medicinska fakultetens bibliotek, Lunds universitet
Nigeria’s inability to use its resources to increase the country’s development status has raised questions about the leadership within the country. Investigations show though that there is a not much research performed on leadership within developing countries. The objective of this study is thus to contribute to existing leadership literature’s ability to understand leadership in Nigeria. This is
Located in the southern most part of Sweden, approximately five kilometres from Lund, is a small village called Uppåkra. However, for 1000 years during the Scandinavian Iron Age this was one of the largest settlements in Scandinavia. It is believed to have been a place of special significance, a religious and political centre as well as an important place for trading goods. Since the mid 1990’s, a
I C-uppsatsen ”När befolkades Blekinges östra skärgård? Bosättningsmönster under stenåldern” studerades och klassificerades 89 stycken lösfynd. Utifrån dessa gjordes ett antal tolkningar och slutsatser. Syftet med denna uppsats är att tillföra ytterligare 10 % nya fynd dvs. 9 stycken och se i vilken omfattning fynden vederlägger, stärker eller förkastar den övergripande bilden av skärgården under
This master thesis is made in cooperation with Assa Abloy ES in Landskrona, Sweden. The purpose was to investigate the arm system for automatic swing door operators and set up an optimized theoretical model for a new PULL arm system with increased closing torque. The reason why the firm wants to get a more detailed view of the arm system is because of the present prevailing issue with non closing