

Din sökning på "*" gav 533447 sökträffar

Helsingborgs framväxt - Den tidiga urbana utvecklingen av staden och dess område

This paper is about the city of Helsingborg, which lies in the north-western part of Skåne, and has roots from the early middle ages. The paper discusses how and why the city grew. In the Helsingborg area there were during the Iron Age and Viking age already places that could have been the central places. The question is why the town grew up just where it did at the coast and not at the central pl

Low Load Operation on high Octane Gasoline PPC in a Light Duty Engine using Negative Valve Overlap and NVO-pilot injection

Although development of electrical vehicles seems to go forward, they are still best suitable for short range transportation, and are dependent of generation of clean electricity to be environmental friendly. The fuel cell has issues to be solved, for example low efficiency at loading, and also problem of generating and storing the hydrogen fuel in an efficient way. Recent years the hybrid vehicle

Analysis of Development of Heat in a Diesel Engine Module

Kockums AB is a company with long experience from developing and manufacturing submarines. At the moment they are running a grand development project called A26 that will be a new generation of submarines. There will be a radical change made to the energy systems on the boats regarding the diesel engines. The latest produced submarines have used two large diesel engines from MTU, but to keep repai

Purification of fire residues on board a submerged submarine

A submerged submarine is highly sensitive to fires since the fire residues cannot be directly ventilated to the atmosphere. Deadly outcome could be the result if the submarine does not reach the surface within time or manages to purify the air while submerged. Reasons for not reaching the surface could be enemies at the surface or system failure. No Swedish submarines are today able to purify fire

Energieffektiviseringsanalys i flerbostadshus. En fallstudie av Rådhusrätten i Lund.

The objective of this study was to investigate possible energy saving measures for the area Rådhusrätten in Lund, Sweden, owned by Lunds Kommuns Fastighets AB, LKF. This study also included designing a suitable solar heating system to satisfy the hot tap water need and a photovoltaic system to satisfy the electricity need of the office. The work also included buildning investigation of the inhabit

Jakten på konkurrensfördelar i dealbranschen

Dealbranschen präglas av kraftig tillväxt. Avvikelser från grundidén, att erbjuda lokala företag en kraftig exponering och potentiella kunder genom rabatterade erbjudanden, är sällsynt. Lönsamheten i branschen i kombination med låga inträdesbarriärer har resulterat i intensiv konkurrens. Kan dealföretag skapa en varaktig konkurrensfördel genom att utveckla kundservice-erbjudandet? Syfte: Syftet m

The Proposed Regulation on a Common European Sales Law (CESL) as an Alternative to the Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG) in Transnational Business-to-Business Transactions?

The Commission has put forth a proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Law of Sales (CESL). It is envisaged – as of now – as an optional second regime within each member state‘s law, electable for transnational consumer contracts and contracts among traders, as long as one of them is a small or medium-sized enterprise. The intention is to provide contractors with a level playground of one l

Joint Liability of Parent Companies in the European Union Competition Law

The attribution of joint and several liability to parent companies is a highly disputed area of the European Union competition law. The body of relevant case law distinguishes the following issues. The current practice of the attribution of parental liability is founded on three pillars. First, the presumption of decisive influence over a wholly-owned subsidiary, second, the concept of one underta

Företagsskattens påverkan på FDI inom EMU

Det råder ekonomisk instabilitet inom EMU och medlemsländerna kan därför använda sig av FDI som en lösning till att minimera effekterna av de besparingar som krävs samt den eskalerande arbetslösheten. Denna studie visar på sambandet mellan en sänkt företagsskatt och den ökade mängden ingående FDI i de ursprungliga EMU-länderna under 2000-talet. Vi väljer att studera detta då det visar på direkta i

En kamp på nya slagfält - en studie i företags organisering av marknadskommunikation via sociala medier

Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: En kamp på nya slagfält – En studie i företags organisering av marknadskommunikation via sociala medier Seminariedatum: 2011-05-29 Ämne/kurs: FEKN90, Magisteruppsats i marknadsföring, 30 HP Författare: Victor Bergström och Josefin Jonsson Skoog Handledare: Stein Kleppestö Nyckelord: Sociala medier, Dialog, PR, Reklam, Kärnkompetens Syfte: Syftet med uppsatse

Skaminventering: Resultatet av ett lyckat möte mellan forskning och klinisk verksamhet

Studiens huvudsyfte var att göra en psykometrisk prövning av ett nytt skaminstrument skapat av Rizvi, The Shame Inventory, samt att utveckla en svensk version av instrumentet, Skaminventering. Ett delsyfte var att diskutera forskningen om självmedvetna (self-conscious) känslor, dit skam hör, och lyfta fram dess svårigheter. Originalinstrumentet översattes och delades ut till 73 personer från ett sThe main purpose of this study was to do a psychometric testing of a new shame instrument created by Rizvi, The Shame Inventory, and the development of a Swedish version of the instrument. Another purpose was to discuss the research of self-concious emotions, to which shame belongs, and raise its difficulties. The original instrument was translated and distributed to 73 people from a convenience s

Asset Sales and the Announcement Effect of the Expected Use of Proceeds - A study on the Swedish stock market's reaction

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the Swedish stock market’s reaction of asset sale announcements and to see how the stated use of proceeds impacts the announcement effect. To fulfill the purpose the following research questions are asked: Is there an announcement effect associated with asset sales in general? Is the announcement effect, if any, dependent on the stated use of proceeds?

Mot framtiden! En betraktelse av progressionen och Den Andres kropp

I den här uppsatsen ämnar vi förstå modernitetens fixering vid progressionen och hur den kommer till uttryck i förhållande till det som ligger bortom staten och det agerande subjektet: Den Andres kropp. Filosofen Thomas Hobbes tankegångar om den moderna staten i Leviathan (1651) samt Friedrich Hegels förståelse av subjektets förutsättningar i Andens Fenomenologi (1807) utgör det metateoretiska ras

Findit - Design and implementation of a mobile application for public transport

The purpose of this master’s thesis was to examine existing augmented reality technologies and develop an application for Windows phone. The goal with the application was to find new ways to use augmented reality technologies together with public transport. The end user would use the application to search for and find new journey options. The development process consisted of four steps – investig