

Din sökning på "*" gav 533477 sökträffar

Konflikter och konflikthantering inom äldreboenden - Ur enhetschefens synvinkel

Author: Annika Lund Lagerberg, Ylva Blom Title: Conflict and conflict managment in elderly care settings - From a unit managers point of view [Translated title] Supervisor: Anders Östnäs Assessor: Susanna Johansson The aim of this study was to determine the factors that contributes to conflict and how the unit managers manage and prevent these conflicts. We have chosen to examine conflicts from t

Cross-border Transfer of Registered Office

The Court decision in Daily Mail has come as a result of the resolution of the Member States to endorse a plurality of national legal solutions in the field of tax and corporate laws. The free movement provisions must be understood against this background and keeping in mind that no matter which “interface program” is to be used the system as a whole, i.e. the internal market, must be effective an

Structural change, income distribution and poverty in ASEAN-4 countries

This study analyzes the relationship between structural change and income distribution and poverty in ASEAN-4 countries –Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Philippines, over the last three decades. In particular, the study seeks to find out extent to which and how structural change would affect income distribution and poverty in ASEAN-4 countries. Accordingly, two methodological approaches are ado

Faderskap i förändring med nätet som arena

Abstract Authors: Emelie Nilsson & Mairi Winbladh Title: Changing fathering roles with the internet as a venue (translated title) Supervisor: Maria Bangura Arvidsson The aim of our study was to collect material from male Swedish bloggers that themed their blog about fatherhood. We wanted to distinguish if there were any factors visible through a blog that could create, uphold or change the

On market efficiencies on the German stock market - Evidence via the implementation of momentum strategies

This paper investigates whether the German Stock is efficient or not, i.e. whether there is a way to systematically beat the market. Within this framework momentum strategies with formation and holding periods over 3- to 12-month horizons are applied on the CDAX. The results do not show clear signs of market inefficiencies. While momentum strategies were successful in 67% of the cases, the winner

A dynamic interpretation of SMEs organizational learning in an international strategic alliance: A cross sectional case study

The purpose of this research is to find out the factors which can help SMEs to enhance organizational learning in a dynamic strategic alliance within an international context. In order to answer the research questions, a case study is conducted. By using a qualitative method, the empirical data is collected through six semi-structured interviews in the case companies. In this research, a theoretic

Employer Branding: är en organisations manifesta bild förenlig med verkligheten på arbetsplatsen?

Syftet med studien var att undersöka eventuell differens mellan den manifesta bild ett företag ger av sig själv, utifrån Employer Branding, och hur de nuvarande anställda upplever att denna information överensstämmer med verkligheten. Undersökningen utfördes som en kvalitativ fallstudie på ett företag med utgångspunkt i information från företaget, bestående av en pilotintervju med personalansvarig

Language, Irony, and Resistance - Internet spoofing in China today

Uppsatsen undersöker hur nya ord och uttryck uppkommer i kinesiska Internetskämt, egao, samt vilka funktioner den här typen av skämt fyller i dagens Kina. Uppsatsen behandlar främst skriftliga former av egao (såsom ordlekar, dikter och påhittade ord och tecken) och försöker ta reda på hur dessa påverkar det kinesiska samhället och vilka funktioner de kan tänkas fylla. Slutsatserna blir att även omThis essay investigates the background as well as the present and potential functions of egao, Chinese Internet spoofing. It focuses on the forms egao assumes in writing and analyzes how its practice of playing with and inventing words influences the Chinese society. Discussing the emergence of new expressions in text-based egao, this essay concludes that this kind of spoofing pushes the boundarie

Pale King or Noonday Demon? Acedia, The Pale King, and David Foster Wallace's Moral Vision.

This essay argues that acedia is a helpful concept in illuminating the fiction of the American author David Foster Wallace, particularly his unfinished novel The Pale King. Following a brief biographical sketch of Wallace, the essay explores the development of the term acedia—which means something along the lines of apathy, sloth, and listlessness—and the two types of acedia: personal acedia and t

Att motverka utanförskap genom sociala företag - en studie om arbetsintegration

Arbetslösheten är hög i Europa idag och bidrar till ett utanförskap för många människor som har sämre förutsättningar att nå den ordinarie arbetsmarkanden. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka på vilka sätt arbetsintegrerande sociala företag kan motverka detta utanförskap och vilka faktorer som kan främja organisationsformens utveckling. Det sociala företaget Yalla Trappan i Malmö har studera

Seafarer Payment Protection through Maritime Liens: Law and Practice in China

China is one of the leading providers of seafarers in the world. Following it, cases involving violation of seafarer wages occur occasionally. As for the measurement in settling the disputes, a seafarer can choose from the following: reconciliation, mediation, labor arbitration, law suits, and etc. If a law suit is chosen by a seafarer, he has to know how to protect his rights and interests then.

Kartläggning av en talapraxidrabbad persons skriftliga kommunikation utifrån ett AKK-perspektiv för vuxna med förvärvade tal- och språkstörningar

I denna fallstudie kartlades den totala expressiva, skriftliga kommunikationen hos en person med total talapraxi. Den skriftliga kommunikationen sträckte sig över två års tid. Syftet med kartläggningen var att utifrån forskningspersonens skriftliga kommunikation få ökad kunskap om möjligheten att använda bildbaserad AKK som ersättning för tal och hur den i så fall skulle kunna vara utformad. Kommu

Dialektisk beteendeterapi: en undersökning av behandlingens effektivitet

Syftet med föreliggande studie är att evaluera patienters erfarenheter av att ha genomgått Dialektisk beteendeterapi (DBT) vid en specia-listmottagning inom vuxenpsykiatrin. Dialektisk beteendeterapi för borderline personlighetsstörning, utvecklad av Marsha Linehan är speciellt utformad för klinisk behandling av kroniskt suicidala patien-ter med borderline personlighetstörning. Forskning kring DiaThe purpose of this study was to evaluate patients´ experiences of being subjected to Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) in a specialized out-patient psychiatry unit in a South Swedish town. DBT, developed by Marsha Linehan, is specifically designed for clinical treatment of chronically suicidal patients with borderline personality disorder. Re-search on dialectical behavior therapy, its design an

Chefscoachning: En intervjustudie om chefers upplevelser av coachning i hälso- och sjukvården

Syftet med denna explorativa studie var att utforska chefscoachning och bringa större förståelse för klienters upplevelse av coachningsprocessen. Avsikten med studien var att generera hypoteser kring hur chefscoachning ser ut i praktiken och hur det uppfattas av klienterna. Med en kvalitativ ansats intervjuades nio respondenter semistrukturerat. Transkripten från intervjuerna bearbetades med tematThe purpose of this exploratory study was to examinate executive coaching and contribute to a greater understanding of clients' experiences of the coaching process. The purpose was to generate hypotheses about what executive coaching looks like in practice and how it is perceived by the clients. With a qualitative approach nine respondents were interviewed semi-structured. The transcripts of t

Implications from the Internet Standard:A Potential Bridge Connecting the Copyright Law and Human Rights Law

This thesis aims to provide a comprehensive description on the issues counted in the copyright protection of the Internet Standard. The self-contained mechanism protecting the Internet Standard needs multiple private licenses which make the protection indirect and complicated. Some scholars already recognized the importance of protecting the process under various human rights law contexts, and thi

Mining For Social Responsibility

This thesis examines what facilitates pro-active and mutually beneficial relationships between TNCs and host communities by looking at how corporations can operate in countries where existing institutions are inadequate at regulating mining operations. Furthermore it aims to examine the relationships between government and TNC and how they affect the dynamics and legitimization of CSR policies. Th

Vem var kvinna? Om Sojourner Truth och uppkomsten av en amerikansk kvinnorättsrörelse

The words of Sojourner Truth, a 19th century preacher, womanist and abolitionist are often cited when the connection between the abolitionist movement and the early women’s movement in the USA is brought up. This essay aims to examine the origins of that movement that is usually described as the first wave of feminism in the USA. Using the tools of intersectional theory the analysis of this essay

Konsumentens ansvar för mänskliga rättigheter och miljö - Industrin med jätteräkor

The purpose of this essay is to show how every individual’s consumption affects the environment and people all around the world. Our consumption has another price than the financial one we pay in the store. In my essay I analyze the different aspects of responsibility of states, companies and individuals. To get a theoretical perspective I used Magdalena Bexell’s theories about the need to expand

Yttrandefrihet, pressfrihet och föreningsfrihet i Libyen: En studie ur ögonen på Amnesty International och Human Rights Watch

Freedom is what many people consider to be the core element in the arab spring. Freedom from oppression and freedom to act without restrictions. The uprisings escalated from a growing disapproval of state governance in the Middle East and North Africa. Through demonstrations an opposition managed to remove the leader of a state, like Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and Ben Ali in Tunisia. The story had qui