

Din sökning på "*" gav 533668 sökträffar

Dömd till samverkan! En kunskapsöversikt

Skapandet av en effektiv kollektivtrafik kräver i ökande grad samverkan mellan formellt självständiga organisationer. I denna kunskapsöversikt diskuteras samverkan mellan offentliga och privata organisationer samt resenärer. Syftet är att öka den begreppsmässiga förståelsen av samverkan på kollektivtrafikområdet. Den gör det genom att definiera samverkan, och diskutera vilka kvaliteter som möjligg

Addressing dual embeddedness : The roles of absorptive capacity and appropriability mechanisms in subsidiary performance

This study examines how subsidiaries can manage dual embeddedness with both local partners and a multinational enterprise. Specifically, we examine the role of absorptive capacity and appropriability mechanisms on subsidiary performance. We analyse how absorptive capacity and appropriability enable subsidiaries to successfully address knowledge challenges related to internal and external networks.

Avfallsförebyggande handlar om effektiv produktion och genomtänkt konsumtion – inte om avfall. : Sju lärdomar från forskningsprojektet från avfallshantering till avfallsförebyggan

Denna rapport sammanfattar de viktigaste lärdomarna från forskningsprojektet ”Från avfallshantering till avfallsförebyggande”. I forskningsprojektet har forskare från Lunds universitet och Göteborgs universitet, men också Umeå Universitet och Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, studerat avfallsförebyggande.Syftet med projektet har varit att identifiera och förklara svårigheterna med att förverkliga de av

Matrix Metalloproteinase-8 Activity is Increased in Type 1 Diabetes Children with High-Risk Diabetes HLA and Systemic Inflammation

Background: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) are colocalized to lipid-laden macrophages, and play a central role in initiation and propagation of chronic vascular diseases including atherosclerosis. Prior cross-sectional studies from our centre on children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes suggested possible propensity conferred by diabetes-risk HLA DQ2/8, particularly

A European-wide 222radon and 222radon progeny comparison study

Although atmospheric 222radon (222Rn) activity concentration measurements are currently performed worldwide, they are being made by many different laboratories and with fundamentally different measurement principles, so compatibility issues can limit their utility for regional-to-global applications. Consequently, we conducted a European-wide 222Rn ∕ 222Rn progeny comparison study in order to eval

Inverse modelling of European CH4 emissions during 2006–2012 using different inverse models and reassessed atmospheric observations

We present inverse modelling (top down) estimates of European methane (CH4) emissions for 2006–2012 based on a new quality-controlled and harmonised in situ data set from 18 European atmospheric monitoring stations. We applied an ensemble of seven inverse models and performed four inversion experiments, investigating the impact of different sets of stations and the use of a priori information on e

Valorization of Brewer's spent grain to prebiotic oligosaccharide : Production, xylanase catalyzed hydrolysis, in-vitro evaluation with probiotic strains and in a batch human fecal fermentation model

Brewer's spent grain (BSG) accounts for around 85% of the solid by-products from beer production. BSG was first extracted to obtain water-soluble arabinoxylan (AX). Using subsequent alkali extraction (0.5 M KOH) it was possible to dissolve additional AX. In total, about 57% of the AX in BSG was extracted with the purity of 45–55%. After comparison of nine xylanases, Pentopan mono BG, a GH11 enzyme

Jus Post Bellum and Protection of Indigenous Peoples

In this chapter, I examine the international law protecting the rights of indigenous peoples regarding the environment they inhabit during the aftermath of armed conflict (post-conflict) and how it sits with the larger framework of applicable law in post-conflict – the corpus of jus post bellum. I map out the legal landscape by looking at indigenous peoples’ rights in human rights law and internat

Mid-term Outcomes of Endovascular Repair of Ruptured Thoraco-abdominal Aortic Aneurysms with Off the Shelf Branched Stent Grafts

Objective: To assess the mid-term outcomes and feasibility of branched endovascular repair (b-EVAR) of ruptured thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms (rTAAAs). Methods: All patients undergoing b-EVAR of rTAAAs between 2011 and 2016 were included. Pre-, intra and postoperative imaging was reviewed to assess technical success, outcomes, and feasibility of b-EVAR in the emergent setting. Results: Eleven