

Din sökning på "*" gav 527370 sökträffar

"..dom brukar kalla en hora också.." (flicka 10 år) : En studie om svordomar i skolmiljö

Our purpose with this paper was to describe how children experience and use curses and swearwords in the school environment, compared to the perspectives of adults and surrounding society. The main questions were: How common is cursing and swearing in the school environment and which factors are it influenced by? What do curses and swearwords mean for children and adults in today's society and

Att vilja och att kunna i socialt arbete: socionomers upplevelser

This essay concerns the discrepancy between wanting to and actually having the possibility to accomplish in social work, as described by a group of social workers (BA). The essay paints a picture of a phenomenon with importance for personnel in Human Service Organizations. My perspective is the individual's relationship to his/her work and the thought of "the good work"is a main thre

Etnicitet som ständigt pågående konstruktion : en översikt av forskningen om etnicitet

Ethnicity has become a frequently used concept, not only in the academic world but also in the media and in public debates. The purpose of this paper was to have a closer look at what ethnicity actually is and what it means to people as well as to scientists, ethnicity as a concept and as a phenomenon. Focus was on the more recent research that has been done about what is described as "new et

Hur beaktas barns behov och barnets bästa vid handläggningen av ekonomiskt bistånd? : En kvalitativ fallstudie av en socialförvaltning

The main purpose of this essay was to study how the needs of the children and the best interest of the child, as it is described in the UN Conventions on the rights of the child (crc), are covered during the evaluation of providing supplementary benefit on a social services department. Based on this, I have formulated important questions. · How is the concept " best interest of the child"

Ungdomar och brott : om gymnasieungdomars oro och utsatthet för brott i Lund

Criminality is a constant current and distressing phenomenon of the society and we assume that crimes affect and awaken strong emotions, for instance fear and insecurity, in people. We chose to, with the help of quantitative method, investigate senior high school students' harassment of becoming victims of crime and the risk of being exposed to crime. Essential questions at issue run as follow

Missbruk inom arbetslivet: en undersökning om skyldigheter, åtgärder och könsdominansens betydelse

The purpose with this essay was to investigate if the sexmajority at work has any meaning for how the parties concerned act with abuseproblems. The essay was built on following questions: What obligations does an employer have when abuse occurs at work? What measures and comtributions are being used in abuse? How is abuse defined? What is thought about drogtests and is it being used? Are the abuse

Familj i barnaögon : sjätteklassares åsikter om familj och familjebildning

We wanted to examine children's views on families and traditions surrounding family formation. Our main questions were; What are children's views on the concept "family" and how does this compare to the different definitions of family? How traditional or modern are children in comparison with historical and present views? and What are the effects of their own experiences, and val

Vilken yrkesroll formas på handledningen? : personlig assistans ur ett dramaturgiskt perspektiv

This is a qualitative study of how personal assistants (working with disabled) experience their "occupational role" that is created by and formulated during their counselling (or supervision). The empirical base consisted of interviews. In my analysis, I used Goffman’s "dramaturgical approach", an approach that views social life as performances similar to those performed at a t

Vem är min mamma/pappa idag? - Om barns och ungas upplevelser av att växa upp med alkoholmissbrukande föräldrar

The aim of this essay is to describe and analyse the experiences of adults growing up with alcohol abusing parents and how their adult life have been affected by this fact. The questions dealt with were as follow: - How does parent alcohol abuse affect the every day life of children and young people? - What survival strategies do children of alcohol abusing parents develop? - In what way does the

Öl - en löneförmån?: en studie av alkoholkulturen inom restaurangbranschen

The aim of this study was to investigate the alcohol-culture within the restaurantbusiness. Our main questions were: What is the personnel in the restaurantbusiness´ attitude towards: · Alcohol and its consumption? · The function of alcohol in the society? · The function of alcohol among the staff? · Drinkinghabits among the staff? · Being at risk of alcoholabuse? · Alcoholpolitics? To answer thes

Heder i patriarkala hem : en kulturyttring eller en social konstruktion : socialarbetarnas tolkning av hjälpsökande flickor

The phenomenon murder, in the name of honor, you can describe in several different ways. The purpose with our work was trying to describe honor related crimes from the investigators perspective. From the valid discourses we were looking for answers about how a social worker understand girls crying for help and what aspects are determine in the judge for a propitiate measure. During our work with t

"Jag har inte bett om att få en bror som missbrukar" : en kvalitativ studie om syskonskap till narkotikamissbrukare

The purpose of this essay was; to shed light on men's and women's experiences and feelings being sibling to an abuser of narcotics and to visualise if these experiences and feelings have any connection with growth conditions. Essential questions were; - How are growth conditions described in families where a child is an abuser of narcotics? - How is the relation described between the abuse

Vad skall vi ha brottsofferjouren till?

The purpose with this research is to comprehend the function of a local Victim Support Service in comparison to other local organisations, and also to receive a deeper understanding of the function role of the crime victim in the supportive work, and with this information interpret and analyse the work with crime victim on a local level. The research is based on six qualitative interviews, previou

Empowerment och paternalism, vad betyder de egentligen? En belysning av begreppen

This study aimed to shed light on the conseption empowerment and paternalism, to show some of the inherent tension that lies within the conceptions. I wanted to see if empowerment and paternalism really could be seen as it´s contrary, as it often is described in litterature. I looked into the conceptions different parts to see if, and which parts, where shared or contradict each other. This is an

Undersökning av verksamheten vid en diabetesfotmottagning utifrån patientens perspektiv : en jämförelse mellan svenska och utlandsfödda patienter

The aim of the study was to evaluate care given at a diabetes foot clinic from the patient's perspective. A comparison between Swedish- and foreign-born patients with severe diabetic foot ulcers/problems concerning their experiences of the content and organisation of health care was made. A qualitative, descriptive study design was chosen and a consecutive sampling procedure was used. Fifteen

Lustgårdens döttrar : en mindre studie av den kvinnliga sexualiteten

The problem we have chosen to investigate is if women of today are inhibited by old ideas of morality concerning the female sexuality and if this affects their sexual identity. We have discussed our questions at issue in the four main headlines: "Influence of upbringing", " Sexual approach", "Sexual content" and "Ideas of morality in former and present time"