

Din sökning på "*" gav 534492 sökträffar

Interferon-γ-induced p27KIP1 binds to and targets MYC for proteasome-mediated degradation.

The Myc oncoprotein is tightly regulated at multiple levels including ubiquitin-mediated protein turnover. We recently demonstrated that inhibition of Cdk2-mediated phosphorylation of Myc at Ser-62 pharmacologically or through interferon (IFN)-γ-induced expression of p27Kip1 (p27) repressed Myc's activity to suppress cellular senescence and differentiation. In this study we identified an additiona

Integration av numeriska metoder i kemiteknikutbildningen

Kemiteknikprogrammet fick en ny utbildningsplan 2001. Enligt den gamla utbildningsplanen fanns det en valfri kurs i numerisk analys under årskurs 4 med ett fåtal studenter. I den nya utbildningsplanen integrerades numeriska metoder med kemiteknik redan under första terminen. Metoder undervisas där problemställningen finns. Vi har valt att kalla undervisningen i numeriska metoder för beräkningstekn

Transformation of polarized light information in the central complex of the locust.

Many insects perceive the E-vector orientation of polarized skylight and use it for compass navigation. In locusts, polarized light is detected by photoreceptors of the dorsal rim area of the eye. Polarized light signals from both eyes are integrated in the central complex (CC), a group of neuropils in the center of the brain. Thirteen types of CC neuron are sensitive to dorsally presented, polari

Upper extremity deep venous thrombosis in the population-based Malmö thrombophilia study (MATS). Epidemiology, risk factors, recurrence risk, and mortality.

BACKGROUND: Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is much less common in the upper than in the lower extremity. Furthermore, there is limited information on risk factors for and the prognosis of upper extremity (UE)DVT in the general population. AIMS: To estimate incidence, risk factors, and prognosis in UEDVT. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Among a total of 1203 patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE) diagnosed

Reduced drug accumulation is more important in acquired resistance against oxaliplatin than against cisplatin in isogenic colon cancer cells.

Preclinical studies have indicated that there is only partial cross-resistance between cisplatin and oxaliplatin. The molecular background for this is incompletely known. To investigate the differences in resistance, we rendered a colon cancer cell line (S1) resistant against cisplatin and oxaliplatin and characterized the subclones with regard to cross-resistance, platinum uptake, and gene expres

Regulatory Issues for Genetic Testing in Clinical Practice.

Whereas deliver of health care is nationally based with great differences in ways of service provision and financing between countries, and thus not subject to international regulations, genetic testing has become more exposed to international regulations and conventions. This is due to an interest of protecting the individual for abuse by inappropriate use of genetic information, but also to the

Nurses' Sociodemographic Background and Assessments of Individualized Care.

Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the association between nurses' characteristics (educational level, country, work title, gender, type of work, age, and length of working experience) and their assessments of individualized care. Design: A cross-sectional comparative survey using questionnaires was employed to sample nurses from seven countries. Methods: Data were collected from ort

Constraint Programming Methods for Optimization of Single Shortest Path Routing

In this thesis, we propose methods based on constraint programming (CP) for solving an optimization problem in telecommunications, the single shortest path routing problem. The problem is to find optimal values for a set of routing configuration parameters in a shortest path routing protocol, for a given network. With optimal parameters, traffic is routed through the network in a way which is opti

Early human pregnancy serum cytokine levels predict autoimmunity in offspring.

It is generally believed that pregnancy is mediated by a Th2 response, which includes cytokines that promote placental growth and are involved in inducing tolerance to the foetus. If the balance between Th1/and Th2-mediated cytokines is disrupted, systemic and local changes could predispose the foetus to future disease. Therefore, a shift in the Th1/Th2 balance during pregnancy, possibly caused by

A large scale method for preparation of plant thylakoids for use in body weight regulation.

A method for preparation of thylakoids from plant leaves on a large scale is described. The method involves: 1) disruption of the cells with a blender followed by filtration to remove large cell debris and non disrupted cells. 2) precipitation of the thylakoids by adjusting the pH to the isoelectric point, pH 4.7. 3) a washing step by dilution of the precipitate in water followed by precipitation

Women's experience of physical activity following breast cancer treatment.

Physical activity is of great benefit to women treated for breast cancer and can even be vital. The aim of this qualitative study was to describe how women treated for breast cancer experience physical activity after surgery. Twelve women, strategically selected according to hospital, age and length of time since surgery, took part in a semi-structured interview. A qualitative method with a phenom

Mytomspunna smaklösheter

Krönika om begreppet kultfilm, de ursprungliga filmerna som samlades under begreppet på 1970-talet jämfört med 2000-talets självmedvetna produktioner.