

Din sökning på "*" gav 527407 sökträffar

Heder i patriarkala hem : en kulturyttring eller en social konstruktion : socialarbetarnas tolkning av hjälpsökande flickor

The phenomenon murder, in the name of honor, you can describe in several different ways. The purpose with our work was trying to describe honor related crimes from the investigators perspective. From the valid discourses we were looking for answers about how a social worker understand girls crying for help and what aspects are determine in the judge for a propitiate measure. During our work with t

"Jag har inte bett om att få en bror som missbrukar" : en kvalitativ studie om syskonskap till narkotikamissbrukare

The purpose of this essay was; to shed light on men's and women's experiences and feelings being sibling to an abuser of narcotics and to visualise if these experiences and feelings have any connection with growth conditions. Essential questions were; - How are growth conditions described in families where a child is an abuser of narcotics? - How is the relation described between the abuse

Vad skall vi ha brottsofferjouren till?

The purpose with this research is to comprehend the function of a local Victim Support Service in comparison to other local organisations, and also to receive a deeper understanding of the function role of the crime victim in the supportive work, and with this information interpret and analyse the work with crime victim on a local level. The research is based on six qualitative interviews, previou

Empowerment och paternalism, vad betyder de egentligen? En belysning av begreppen

This study aimed to shed light on the conseption empowerment and paternalism, to show some of the inherent tension that lies within the conceptions. I wanted to see if empowerment and paternalism really could be seen as it´s contrary, as it often is described in litterature. I looked into the conceptions different parts to see if, and which parts, where shared or contradict each other. This is an

Undersökning av verksamheten vid en diabetesfotmottagning utifrån patientens perspektiv : en jämförelse mellan svenska och utlandsfödda patienter

The aim of the study was to evaluate care given at a diabetes foot clinic from the patient's perspective. A comparison between Swedish- and foreign-born patients with severe diabetic foot ulcers/problems concerning their experiences of the content and organisation of health care was made. A qualitative, descriptive study design was chosen and a consecutive sampling procedure was used. Fifteen

Lustgårdens döttrar : en mindre studie av den kvinnliga sexualiteten

The problem we have chosen to investigate is if women of today are inhibited by old ideas of morality concerning the female sexuality and if this affects their sexual identity. We have discussed our questions at issue in the four main headlines: "Influence of upbringing", " Sexual approach", "Sexual content" and "Ideas of morality in former and present time"

Barns upplevelser av sina rättigheter: en undersökning av 11-åringars kännedom om barnkonventionen samt deras upplevelse av inflytande hemma och i skolan

The purpose of this essay is to examine what children at the age of eleven think about their rights. Do children feel, that they were treated well by adults and are listened to and if adults really respected them? Do children know anything about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child? Our questions at the issue were: What is convention of the Child? What is article 12.1 about? What knowledge

Skilsmässor bland invandrare - "hon ville ha det på ett annat sätt och det var där det började"

The main purpose of this essay was to study immigrants and social assistants view on why immigrants go through divorce, and why so many marriages among immigrants end in divorce. Do immigrants seek help when they go through divorce? What kind of methods does the social assistants use when they try to help immigrants with marital problems? Is it possible that shortcomings in the professional method

Restricted possibilities of unionization within the maquila industry of El Salvador

The research for this study, concerning trade unions within the maquila industry, has been carried out during a three months period in the Central American country of El Salvador. Fieldwork and research has been financed by the MFS (Minor Field Study) scholarship of SIDA. Research questions used throughout the field study have focused on the possibility of unionization and the role and position of

Hot och våld inom socialtjänsten - och vad man gör för att förhindra det

I studied the risk of threats and violence towards social workers and how prevention work is organised and performed in a case study. I studied available data and literature on the subject and performed qualitative interviews with three social workers and the head of department of an average sized welfare office in Sweden, and a social worker who had been threatened by a client in another work pla

Resursskola : en möjlighet för barn med sociala och emotionella svårigheter

The purpose of this paper was to examine how a special day-school works for children with functional difficulties, such as emotional and social, and for this reason they can´t stay in their ordinary schools. I also wanted to compare a special day-school at a countryside to a special day-school in a city, to see what the similarities and differences were. The schools in my examination were Mangårde

Om konsten att vända ungdomars kriminella karriär : en studie av föreningen NFG (Non Fighting Generation) i Halmstad

This essay considers whether one can set criminal youth "right". The purpose was partly to illuminate how youths in NFG (Non Fighting Generation) in Halmstad described what use they could get of the membership, and partly to explain for what reasons they would chose a way of life against violence and criminality. I have done qualitative interviews with members of NFG in Halmstad. I start

Det goda och det onda: om en kvinnas kamp för ett drogfritt liv

The purpose of our essay was to find out if it is possible to explain a drug-abuser's way out of her abuse by using different theories and concepts. The following questions were raised: Did the woman identify herself as a drug-abuser or did she try to maintain identities, which are connected with other groups in society and if so, did she experience any problems when quitting the habit and sta

Aktionsforskning i samhällsarbete

The purpose was to examine action research in order to see if this form of research could be used in the work of the council Södra Innerstaden to describe and map the livingarea Södra Sofielund/Seved together with the people living in the area. Questions asked was: What is action research? How could an action research project be done in the work of Södra Innerstaden to describe and map the livinga

Att straffa barn - en studie om barnfängelser i England & Wales

This essay means to examine England and Wales juvenile prisons, how the judicial system and the system for imprisonment are constructed. It also means to clarify the background to this system, as well as what the theory for imprisonment of children is based on. In our essay we use a qualitative method, mostly based on written research, but we also use our own empirical study of Huntercombe Young O

Invandrarmammors sociala nätverk

The purpose of this study was to investigate how immigrant mothers in Sweden view their social network and how they think their social network affects their parenthood. The study is based on a qualitative method. We interviewed eight immigrant women with children under the age of 18. During the interviews we used maps of networks in order to get a clearer picture of the size and the structure of t