Din sökning på "*" gav 527408 sökträffar
"Kärleken, ja den är ju allsmäktig" : en studie om ungdomars syn på kärlek, sexualitet och samlevnad - hur reflekterar dagens ungdomar kring dessa teman?
The purpose of this essay was to study how youths view love, sexuality and coexistence. Our intention was to study how today’s adolescence reflect upon these matters. Our main questions were related to love, family constellation, reasons for breaking up from a relationship and the consequences that follow that, sex and questions concerning the gender aspect of a relationship. The study was qualita
Kvinnan, Våldet och Lagen
This essay is a survey about how important laws regarding women, has lead forward to present day's legislation regarding women battering in Sweden. We have chosen to concentrate on the battered woman's situation. The laws has through centuries given the man a right to beat his wife. Has the way of looking at women's situation in society changed the laws regarding women battering? Has t
Socialt arbete och frivilligt arbete : en studie inom sjukvården i Warszawa
The purpose with this studie is to illuminate the areas of social work and volonteer work within healthcare in Warsaw, Poland. I also want to problematize around the possibilities and obstacles for social work and to find out if volonteer work has any impact on the socialworkers situation. The central questions for my studie is: 1 Is there any social work done within healthcare in Warsaw, in that
Vem behöver diagnosen Asperger syndrom?
The aim of the study was to analyze the reasons behind the increasing number of people with the diagnosis Asperger syndrome and the effect of the diagnosis on the individual, the family and society. The theoretical approach was based on the theories of Michel Foucault and complemented with two articles by Mats Börjesson and Per Solvang. I asked the following questions: How was the diagnosis establ
Det rättsliga utrymmet för offentlig-privata FoU-samarbeten
Offentliga aktörers möjligheter att ingå forskningssamarbeten med privata partners begränsas genom såväl nationell rätt som EG-rätt. Trots detta finns ett ansenligt legalt utrymme för sådana samarbeten. För det första måste alla förhållanden som innebär att en offentlig aktör anförtror en privat aktör genomförandet av en ekonomisk aktivitet granskas under de EG-rättsliga regler som är tillämpliga
Barnets åsikter i vårdnadsprocessen
Detta arbete handlar om barn och deras åsikter i vårdnadsprocessen. Arbetet består av två delar, en deskriptiv del som tar upp den historiska utvecklingen vad gäller synen på barn och barns rättigheter samt gällande rätt på området, arbetet innehåller också en empirisk undersökning som syftar till att se om de senaste lagändringarna på området som trädde i kraft den 1/7 2006 fått någon synbar prak
Behörighetsproblematiken i tvister som endast delvis omfattas av skiljeavtal - särskilt om utvecklingen av anknytningsdoktrinen i NJA 2007 s. 475 och NJA 2008 s. 120
Skiljeförfarandets tvistelösande funktion vilar uteslutande på avtalsrättslig grund. Det är nämligen skiljeavtalet som - till följd av dess verkan som rättegångshinder - medför en omstyrning av tvistlösningsform från rättegång till skiljeförfarande. De tvistefrågor som omfattas av skiljeavtalet ska avgöras av skiljemän, medan frågor som faller utanför skiljeavtalet ska avgöras av domstol. Skiljeav
Kausalitet och juridik
I föreliggande uppsats diskuteras orsaksbegreppet i juridiken. Begreppets metafysiska oavhängighet uppmärksammas, varmed de svårigheter som är behäftade med kausalitet som metafysisk företeelse, och som i den tidigare debatten delvis bidragit till ämnets svårtillgänglighet, kan undvikas. Vidare förespråkas en mer nyanserad beskrivning av kausalitet i juridiken än den som traditionellt formuleras i
Arbetsrättsligt skydd för föräldralediga arbetstagare. En normativ analys.
Sweden has a very favourable legislation regarding paid parental leave. However, in the labour market this is not always something positive. Absence from the workplace, and especially a long one, may disturb the employer's organisation and there is a risk that employers compensate for this by, in the worst case, avoiding to employ workers of a fertile age. Further, back at the workplace after
Omsorg om barnen! : HUYAWAs arbete för AIDS-föräldralösa barn i Tanzania
Kagera region is the most severely AIDS affected region in Tanzania. With its more than 150.000 AIDS orphans, which is 1/3 of the children of the region, the disease lays a heavy burden on society and on peoples' lives. It has a crucial demographical and economical impact on the society. It kills the productive part of the population and leaves the orphans without financial and psychological s
Ungdomskriminalitet: en komparation mellan lagstiftningen och den offentliga debatten i Sverige och Danmark
This paper concerns the issue about juvenile delinquency and how social problems are constructed. The purpose has been to explore the debate about juvenile delinquency in Denmark and Sweden with the following sub-questions; which possibilities does the legislation give to put young people in institutional care by force? What problems are debated about juvenile delinquency in Denmark and Sweden tod
"Vänner gör livet värt att leva" : sexton ungdomars syn på vänskap
The purpose of this essay was to, from teenagers’ own perspective and from a perspective of gender, find out what teenagers think about friendship. The main issues were: What characterizes teenagers’ thoughts about friendship? What do teenagers think about their friends’ thoughts about friendship? What characterizes teenagers’ experiences of friendship? Is there a difference between girls and boys
Exemplet FUNK : att reproducera det idéburna projektet Basta
This study aims to understand the circumstances needed for diffusion of the innovation Basta. By doing a case study of the establishing of FUNK in Gothenburg, I wanted to find explanations for successes and failures in the diffusion process, and see what role the goal of empowerment played in this process. I found that the innovation Basta has a high degree of relative advantage and compatibility
Hur förverkligas barnets bästa av politiker och ledning i socialförvaltningen?
The main purpose of this essay was to study how the social service committee and a special management at social service has implemented the UN Convention on the Rights of the child, and particularly children’s perspective in the law of the Swedish Social Service. I have particularly concentrated on; how politicians and civil servants of social service describe the content in the UN Convention on t
Ensamstående mamma - ett socialt problem ?
Our purpose was to examine whether single mothers can be seen as a social issue. How do the mothers themselves experience their own situation to be single parents in contemporary society and how do those who work in society see them as a group? The issues we have studied are: - What is a social issue? - How do single mothers look upon their situation? - How does society see their situation? We hav
Autonomi inom äldreomsorgen : en undersökning av vårdpersonalens förhållningssätt
The aim of this study was to examine how ethical conflicts could influence the ways that care staff chose to act. My questions was - How do care staff think they should act in situations where aged persons autonomy either could be supported or limited? - How do care staffs chosen act relate to the Swedish Social Services Act and its intentions? - Is level of education of any importance when it com
Second Chance School i Malmö : en fallstudie
We wanted to examine what Second Chance School in Malmö is by letting significant actors shed light on their operation. Our goal was to get answers to questions as: Why did the European Union start a network by the name of Second Chance Schools? What criteria does a Second Chance School have to fullfill to be a part of the network? Why did Second Chance School start in Malmö, and how? What is the
"Den ordlösa smärtans spår i huden": kunskaper om självskadebeteende inom psykiatrin
The purpose of this study was to examine what kinds of knowledge staff within psychiatry have regarding self-injury among girls and how they work with these patients. Our questions was how self-injury is defined, which girls have self-injurious behaviours, what the reasons are of self-injury among girls and how the staff work with these girls in the psychiatry. The essay was based on qualitative i
"Det är för de dumma ögonen, mamma" : en studie av fem familjer med synskadade barn i Skåne
Purpose The purpose of this essay was to investigate the welfare level of five visually handicapped children and their families. I want to illustrate the obstacles and possibilities there are for the visually handicapped children to take part of the welfare that's indicated in the Swedish Government Official Report (SoU 2001:55). I also want to give a picture of the support the society gives t