

Din sökning på "*" gav 527381 sökträffar

Johansen Cointegration Analysis of American and European Stock Market Indices: An Empirical Study

Cointegration analysis using the Johansen Method on 3 different sample periods (2-, 4-, and 8-year samples) concluded evidence of one cointegrating vector in the 2 and 8 year samples while the 4 year data gave mixed results suggesting the economic shock (Global Financial Crisis) of 2007 and on may have affected those results. Overall, we conclude little diversification benefits between the markets

Value Creation through Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions. An Empirical Study on European Acquirers of US Targets.

The present paper analyzes the valuation effects of geographical diversification by examining mergers and acquisitions involving acquirers from 12 developed European countries and U.S. target firms over the period 1999-2007. Our findings suggest that acquisitions of overvalued U.S. targets do not cause, on average, any significant change in the excess values of European acquirers. However, after c

The decay and rise of a new strategy: A case study of the Effect of Financial Crisis on a company´s strategy

Problem: More information is needed on how a company can overcome hardship during stormy business cycles. Appropriate management strategies on how to get the business going as the dust settles is essential in order for a company to sustain on the market. Management in any recession is difficult, especially in today´s turmoil. Nonetheless, corporate strategic renewal is needed to mitigate the risk

Bevisvärdering av muntliga utsagor i brottmålsprocessen

Bevisvärderingen av muntliga utsagor spelar ofta en mycket central roll när rätten skall avkunna dom i brottmålsprocessen. Eftersom rätten enligt rättegångsbalken skall använda sig av s.k. fri bevisvärdering så ställs det stora krav på de enskilda ledamöternas kompetens och kunskapsnivå. Rättens överväganden kommer nämligen inte bara att beakta juridiska spörsmål, utan de kommer även baserat på öv

The Bush Doctrine - a carte blanche for a war on the world?

The events on September 11, 2001, changed the view for many regarding the use of force. The US immediately engaged in a war against terrorism, and in an attempt to win this war and protect American citizens, President Bush and his administration used all means necessary. Thus, the Bush Doctrine came to be. This doctrine introduced a controversial view of the use of force. It would allow the US to

Internationellt sammarbete inom räddningstjänsten

Denna uppsats behandlar huvudsakligen de internationella avtal som Sverige ingått med främmande makter för att underlätta samarbete över statsgränserna vid räddningsinsatser. Avtalen beskrivs, jämförs med varandra och presenteras mot bakgrund av svensk lagstiftning. Två delar av den inhemska lagstiftningen tas upp. Den ena är regleringen av räddningstjänstens verksamhet och den andra är regleringe

Development of an HCCI index

New models of combustion engines have gained a great interest within research in the last decade. This interest has arisen due to the possibility to achieve a higher degree of efficiency and lower emissions, which will impact the environment positively. A higher degree of efficiency implicates an economical benefit in terms of fuel. The HCCI engine has been thoroughly researched due to its combine


Community radio stations are a new phenomenon in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. While the Kenya Communications (Amendment) Act 2008 recognizes them as a media category, confusion remains around questions of ownership, funding and roles. Following the volatile post-election situation of December 2007, the government imposed a month-long live media ban. Media has been blamed by politicians for infla


Group-based microfinance programmes, based on trust and solidarity among members, currently dominate development policy and practice as the approach compensates for individual poor’s lack of material resources and market imperfections. Despite strong evidence of its social and economic impact, few researches take an in-depth, empirical look at how the group models manifest and create social capita

Gender Language In UN Resolutions and Reports: The Effects of Resolution 1325

This thesis examines the gender language in resolutions from the UN Security- Council and reports from the Secretary-General in order to determine if there is a correlation between the two. The objective of the thesis is to highlight Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security and its implementation within peacekeeping missions in order to contribute to advocacy for greater inclu