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Electrochemical and mechanical thin film sensors.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Forskningen som presenteras i denna avhandling fokuserar på tillverkning av små strukturella enheter (komponenter) samt tillämpning av ny teknologi för att adressera viktiga medicinska forskningsfrågeställningar. Framtagande av teknologi som använder sig av komponenter som är tusentals gånger mindre än bredden på ett hår är svårt men möjligt. Denna avhandling fokuserar This thesis focuses on the study of thin-film sensor technologies, novel microfabrication technologies, and thin-film technology in general. The work discusses electrochemical sensors and mechanical sensor technologies as well as fabrication strategies for them. Also included are mechano-chemical studies of the vancomycin DAla (Bacteria membrane analogue motif ) binding reaction in different chemica

The Bentonite Barrier - Swelling Properties, Redox Chemistry and Mineral Evolution

Popular Abstract in Swedish I Sverige produceras en stor del av elektriciteten i kärnkraftverk och som restprodukt får man ett mycket farligt radioaktivt avfall som måste isoleras från människor i hundratusentals till miljoner år. Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB) har i uppdrag att ta hand om detta avfall och har utvecklat metoden KBS-3. I denna placeras det använda kärnbränslet i en kopparkapsBentonite is planned for use as a buffer material in high-level radioactive waste repositories, where safety assessment is performed for very long periods (100-1000 ka). This thesis focuses on the swelling of smectites in liquid water, and analysis of bentonite from field experiments at Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden. Four field experiments were analyzed (Alternative Buffer Material experiment,

A linear distinguishing attack on Scream

A linear distinguishing attack on the for stream cipher Scream is proposed. The attack uses approximately 2100 output words and has complexity of a similar size

The Politics of Ecosocialism. Transformning Welfare

As the global economy seeks to recover from the financial crisis and warnings about the consequences of climate change abound, it is clear that we need a fundamentally new approach to tackle these issues. This innovative book offers a unique perspective, stressing the necessity of both ecological and social change as it discusses how to create a "red-green" or "eco-socialist" society. Examining t

Functional organization of spinal nociceptive pathways: evidence for a modular organization of spinal nociceptive reflex systems

The functional organization of the hindlimb withdrawal reflex system was studied in the rat. For the reflex pathway to each muscle, a "mirror-image" relationship was found between the spatial distribution of sensitivity within its cutaneous receptive field and the pattern of cutaneous unloading ensuing on muscle contraction. Thus, the withdrawal movement pattern ensuing on contraction in a muscle

Atomic Influences in Stellar Spectroscopy

Popular Abstract in Swedish Stjärnor samt andra astronomiska objekt är belägna på väldigt stora avstånd från oss, vilket innebär att de vid första anblick verkar svåra att undersöka. Den enda pålitliga informationskällan om deras funktion och utveckling är det ljus som de utsänder, d.v.s. deras spektrum. Hur kan man då erhålla någon användbar information om dessa avlägsna objekt genom att endast uThis thesis is a description of how knowledge of atomic physics can be used in a stellar spectrum analysis. Stellar investigations are spectroscopically performed based on wavelengths, intensities and spectral line structure. Properties such as isotopic shifts, hyperfine structure, Zeeman effect, line blending and spectral line broadening are investigated in stellar spectra to improve results of a

Multispectral fluorescence imaging for tumor detection and molecular biology

The use of a multispectral imaging system provides possibilities to map all information encoded in the spectral fingerprint of an exogenous or endogenous chromophore in biological media. The spectral information has been used to demarcate the spatial extent of superficial skin tumours. Monitoring the fluorescence emitted from the photosensitizer over time yield information about the photodynamic t