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Konstruktionen av det heliga. Altarna i det medeltida Lunds stift

Popular Abstract in Swedish För firande av mässa i den katolska kyrkan krävs ett altare av sten. Altaret ska invigas av en biskop enligt en viss ritual. Ett viktigt element i altarinvigningsritualen är placeringen av reliker i altarets inre. Före reformationen på 1500-talet gällde denna regel även i Norden. Trots altarnas centrala betydelse i den medeltida nordiska kyrkan har de ägnats liten uppmäThis dissertation deals with the subject of altars in the churches of the medieval diocese of Lund. The main work on altars in the Catholic church is Joseph Braun´s Der christliche Altar in seiner geschichtlichen Entwicklung (1924). However, despite its extensive content it does not deal with the conditions in Northern Europe. The general aim of this dissertation is to broaden our knowledge about

Are collagenous and lymphocytic colitis different aspects of the same disease?

Objective. Collagenous colitis (CC) and lymphocytic colitis (LC) are two subtypes of microscopic colitis (MC). Even though they most often are described as different entities they share many clinical and histological features. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of conversion between CC and LC in a larger cohort of patients. Materials and methods. All 664 patients in our Pathol

A 28 GHz SiGe PLL for an 81-86 GHz E-band beam steering transmitter plus an I/Q phase imbalance detection and compensation circuit

This paper presents two circuits, a complete 1.5 V 28 GHz SiGe beam steering PLL and a standalone 28 GHz QVCO with I/Q phase imbalance detection and compensation. The circuits were designed in a SiGe process with f T = 200 GHz. The PLL is intended to be used for beam steering in an 81–86 GHz E-band transmitter. Phase control is implemented by DC current injection at the output of a Gilbert archite

Consumption of Dairy Products and Colorectal Cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)

Background: Prospective studies have consistently reported lower colorectal cancer risks associated with higher intakes of total dairy products, total milk and dietary calcium. However, less is known about whether the inverse associations vary for individual dairy products with differing fat contents. Materials and Methods: In the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)

Polymorphisms in the Inflammatory Genes CIITA, CLEC16A and IFNG Influence BMD, Bone Loss and Fracture in Elderly Women.

Osteoclast activity and the fine balance between bone formation and resorption is affected by inflammatory factors such as cytokines and T lymphocyte activity, mediated by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules, in turn regulated by the MHC class II transactivator (MHC2TA). We investigated the effect of functional polymorphisms in the MHC2TA gene (CIITA), and two additional genes; C-type

Skin toxicity and quality of life in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer during first-line panitumumab plus FOLFIRI treatment in a single-arm phase II study

Background: Integument-related toxicities are common during epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-targeted therapy. Panitumumab is a fully human monoclonal antibody targeting the EGFR that significantly improves progression-free survival when added to chemotherapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer who have wild-type (WT) KRAS tumours. Primary efficacy and tolerability results from a

Fine Mapping the Spatial Distribution and Concentration of Unlabeled Drugs within Tissue Micro-Compartments Using Imaging Mass Spectrometry

Readouts that define the physiological distributions of drugs in tissues are an unmet challenge and at best imprecise, but are needed in order to understand both the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties associated with efficacy. Here we demonstrate that it is feasible to follow the in vivo transport of unlabeled drugs within specific organ and tissue compartments on a platform that appli

Prostate cancer and neuroendocrine differentiation. Molecular aspects in prostate cancer development

Popular Abstract in Swedish Prostata cancer är Sveriges vanligaste cancerform. Många patienter med prostata cancer kan bli botade med kirurgi. I en del fall är kurativt syftande behandling inte möjlig. Dessa patienter behandlas då med hormonbehandling. Hormon behandling går ut på att hämma effekten av det maligna könshormonet, testosteron, som både den normala prostata körteln och tumörcellerna ärHormone refractory prostate cancer occurs when androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) fails to stop the growth of prostate cancer for any longer. Recent studies point towards a role for neuroendocrine (NE) differentiation in the development of hormone refractory disease. It has been hypothesized that NE-differentiated malignant tumor cells survive during ADT and promote development of androgen-indepen

Inhibition of the malate-aspartate shuttle in mouse pancreatic islets abolishes glucagon secretion without affecting insulin secretion

Altered secretion of insulin as well as glucagon has been implicated in the pathogenesis of Type 2 diabetes (T2D), but the mechanisms controlling glucagon secretion from alpha-cells largely remain unresolved. Therefore, we studied the regulation of glucagon secretion from alpha TC1-6 (alpha TC1 clone 6) cells and compared it with insulin release from INS-1 832/13 cells. We found that INS-1 832/13

Mellan nation och omvärld : debatt i Sverige om vetenskapens organisering och finansiering samt dess internationella och nationella aspekter under 1900-talets första hälft

Between the nation and the surrounding world - Debate in Sweden regarding the organisation and financing of research and its international and national aspects during the first half of the twentieth century My thesis regards the attitude of the Swedish research society to research as a national and an international phenomenon during the period 1900-1950. My work relates to the question in which w

Directional Light Emission from Propagating Surface Plasmons of Silver Nanowires.

Thin metallic nanowires are highly promising candidates for plasmonic waveguides in photonic and electronic devices. We have observed that light from the end of a silver nanowire, following excitation of plasmons at the other end of the wire, is emitted in a cone of angles peaking at nominally 45-60 degrees from the nanowire axis, with virtually no light emitted along the direction of the nanowire

Identification of a novel protein kinase Cδ-Smac complex that dissociates during paclitaxel-induced cell death.

Protein kinase C (PKC) δ is a regulator of apoptosis with both pro- and anti-apoptotic effects. The mechanistic basis for the discrepant effects is not completely understood. Here we show that Smac interacts with PKCδ. The interaction depends on the N-terminus of Smac and is disrupted upon treatment with paclitaxel. This is associated with release of Smac into the cytosol. Activation of PKCδ rescu

Laminar burning velocities of rich near-limiting flames of hydrogen

In the present work, near-limiting hydrogen flames were investigated both experimentally and numerically. Very rich hydrogen + air flames were studied in a constant volume bomb equipped with a pressure sensor and a Schlieren system for optical registration of the flame front movement. The mixtures contained 70% and 75% of hydrogen, the rest being air. The measurements were conducted at pressures f

A Unified Sediment Transport Model for Inlet Application

Robust and reliable formulas for predicting bed load and suspended load were developed for application in the nearshore zone where waves and currents may transport sediment separately or in combination. Also, a routine was included to determine the sediment transport in the swash zone, both in the longshore and cross-shore directions. An important objective of the development was to arrive at gene

Climate-driven changes in winter abundance of a migratory waterbird in relation to EU protected areas

AimSpecies are responding to climate change by changing their distributions, creating debate about the effectiveness of existing networks of protected areas. As a contribution to this debate, we assess whether regional winter abundances and distribution of the Smew Mergellus albellus, a migratory waterbird species listed on Annex I (EU Birds Directive) that overwinters exclusively in European wetl

The Image of a Mind-Skull: Samuel Beckett’s "...but the clouds..." and Television-Philosophy

The article offers a new approach for the exploration of media and television studies by extracting the television-philosophy implicit in Samuel Beckett’s television play …but the clouds…. The reading focuses on the immanent logic of the play seen as a televisual and an intermedial whole, instead of constructing it as an intertextual tapestry of references. The article argues against a popular int

Statistical analysis of coastal morphological data sets over seasonal to decadal time scales

Statistical analysis of long-term morphological data on coastal sedimentary features provides important information on the processes governing these features and their evolution in space and time. In this paper, seasonal, yearly and decadal (i.e. long-term) behavior of coastal morphological features is derived from field data by using both simple and advanced statistical techniques. The sedimentar