

Din sökning på "*" gav 534030 sökträffar

Property Values and the Likelihood of Self-Employment

It is well known that capital constraints can hinder individuals to set up a business. Many business owners rely on own capital or capital from friends, fools and family in order to acquire required capital. In this paper, we study the role property plays for starting a business or becoming self-employed. Specifically, we investigate how property values and changes in property taxes affect the lik

Obesity, Adipocytes and Breast Cancer – Insights from Translational Studies

Background: Being overweight is becoming the new normal, and more than half of the adult Swedish population is overweight which poses a risk to public health. Overweight and obese women have both an increased risk and a worse prognosis for breast cancer, compared with women of normal weight. The breast cancer incidence in Sweden is increasing, and about one in nine women will be diagnosed with bre

The inclusive organisation : Management practices of employee-driven innovation (EDI)

The purpose of this study is to explore the inclusive involvement of non-R&D and non-managerial employees’ in processes of innovation. It answers a contemporary call for research to investigate a wider scope of organisations in the quest for understanding the interaction between employees and managers in employee-driven innovation (EDI). Based on a qualitative research study of two global corp

Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) Song on a Subarctic Feeding Ground

Male humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) are known to produce long complex sequences of structured vocalizations called song. Singing behavior has traditionally been associated with low latitude breeding grounds but is increasingly reported outside these areas. This study provides the first report of humpback whale songs in the subarctic waters of Northern Norway using a long-term bottom-moor

Managing multiple risks in land use planning – a literature review

Many risks addressed in land use planning, such as flooding and accidents involving hazardous materials, have widely different characteristics which makes them difficult to compare. Yet, these risks sometimes need to be considered together in order to support decision-making. Furthermore, risks can sometimes affect each other, which differentiate the land use planning context from situations where

Working, Yet Poor: National Report Sweden

This report assesses the phenomenon of in-work poverty in Sweden inrelation to the four specific VUP groups identified within the Working, Yet Poor project. It is shown that the main drivers of in-work poverty in Sweden are not related to the wage setting system as dealt with through collective bargaining as such. Rather, in-work poverty is more closely associated with work-intensity affecting wor

Asteroid break-ups and meteorite delivery to Earth the past 500 million years

The meteoritic material falling on Earth is believed to derive from large break-up or cratering events in the asteroid belt. The flux of extraterrestrial material would then vary in accordance with the timing of such asteroid family-forming events. In order to validate this, we investigated marine sediments representing 15 time-windows in the Phanerozoic for content of micrometeoritic relict chrom

Accounting matters : Revisiting claims of decoupling and genuine green growth in Nordic countries

Ecological modernisation in the form of support to the notion of green growth remains the dominant discourse in environmental policy globally. Still, questions of limits to economic expansion and growth on a planet with finite natural resources have been at the core of environmental discourses at least since the 1970's. A recent effort by Stoknes and Rockström (2018) seeks to unite notions of ecol

Covid-19-pandemin och den svenska strategin : Epidemiologi, postmodernism och svensk exceptionalism

Aims The aim is to characterize the underlying epidemiological ideas behind the Swedish COVID-19 strategy in the spring of 2020 and their plausible relation to Swedish exceptionalism and postmodern view of science. The aim is not to finally evaluate the long-term handling of the pandemic in Sweden. Results Overconfidence in natural herd immunity (although not officially stated), individual respons

Higgs boson production cross-section measurements and their EFT interpretation in the 4ℓ decay channel at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

Higgs boson properties are studied in the four-lepton decay channel (where lepton = e, μ) using 139 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded at s√=13 TeV by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. The inclusive cross-section times branching ratio for H→ZZ∗ decay is measured to be 1.34±0.12 pb for a Higgs boson with absolute rapidity below 2.5, in good agreement with the Standard Mo