

Din sökning på "*" gav 531347 sökträffar

Movement on Stairs During Building Evacuations

The time that it takes an occupant population to reach safety when descending a stair during building evacuations is typically estimated by measureable engineering variables such as stair geometry, speed, stair density, and pre-observation delay. In turn, engineering models of building evacuation use these variables to predict the performance of egress systems for building design, emergency planni

Snuten i skymningslandet : svenska polisberättelser i roman och film 1965–2010

Popular Abstract in English My dissertation is a Swedish history of ideas 1965-2010 as expressed in the best-selling and most influential Swedish police novels and films. The title is "The Cop in the Twilight Land. Swedish Police Narratives in Novels and Film 1965-2010". Here I elaborate on the analysis briefly treated in the essay "Skymningslandet" ("Twilight Land") in the anthology "SolskenslandThe dissertation "The Cop in the Twilight Land: Swedish Police Narratives 1965-2010" considers Swedish culture and ideas in the period 1965-2010 as expressed in detective fiction and film in the tradition of Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö. It takes the Swedish police narrative tradition to be part and parcel of the European history of ideas and culture; a history that necessarily comprises America, by

JavaRAG: A Java Library for Reference Attribute Grammars

Reference attribute grammars (RAGs) is a powerful formalism for developing modular extensible compilers and program analysis tools. This paper presents JavaRAG, an implementation of RAGs as a Java library that is independent of the abstract syntax tree structure. This makes it possible to extend legacy compilers implemented in Java with RAG computations. We have evaluated the approach by integrati

Automatic Annotation for all Semantic Layers in FrameNet

We describe a system for automatic annotation of English text in the FrameNet standard. In addition to the conventional annotation of frame elements and their semantic roles, we annotate additional semantic information such as support verbs and prepositions, aspectual markers, copular verbs, null arguments, and slot fillers. As far as we are aware, this is the first system that finds this informat

Signalling between plants and microorganisms

Popular Abstract in Swedish Växter kan bli attackerade av många olika sorters bakterier, svampar, virus, insekter och betande djur. Därför har växter utvecklat flera olika försvarssystem mot patogener. Bland annat kan de ha skyddande ytskikt, antimikrobiella molekyler och proteiner. Men växter kan också leva i symbios med bakterier och svampar. Baljväxter bildar rotknölar där kvävefixerade bakteriPlants and microbes can interact in several ways. Plants can be attacked by different types of pathogens like fungi, virus and bacteria, but can also form symbioses with fungi and bacteria. Certain common antimicrobial proteins are produced by the plants regardless of the type of microbial interaction with the plant. In this work, different factors involved in plant-microbe interactions have been

What is systems science?

A most natural view is that systems science is a science dealing with systems and their systems properties. What, then, is science that it can deal with systems properties which by nature are deeply penetrating also into the systemic nature of our conceptual processes, of language, and of science itself. We start out from an independent view of the concept of science. Namely, that sciences are ded

A kinetic study of metabolite transfer in coupled two-enzyme reactions

Popular Abstract in Swedish I vår kropp står ämnesomsättningen för nedbrytning av mat till kemiska ämnen som är nödvändiga för vår energiförsörjning, kroppsuppbyggnad och fortplantning. Varje cell i varje organism tillverkar eller tar upp små molekyler, som de sedan sätter ihop till stora molekyler. Samtidigt som detta sker så bryter cellerna ner molekyler som har blivit tillverkade. Ur detta får There are two fundamentally different ways by which a metabolite can be transferred between enzymes in metabolic pathways. If the two sequential enzymes cannot form a complex with each other, the metabolite must first be released from the producing enzyme to the reaction medium and then be transported to the consuming enzyme, via the reaction medium, by free diffusion. If the two sequential enzyme

Validation of CFD Model for Simulation of Spontaneous Ignition in Bio-mass Fuel Storage

Both numerical simulations and experimental measurements of small scale spontaneous ignition with different biomass fuels have been performed. In the experiments, temperature history was monitored at five different locations inside the fuel bed. The measured temperature history was used for validation of comprehensive threedimensional computer simulations which were carried out using a parallel fi

Metanbomb i Arktis?

Kommer vi att drabbas av en "metanbomb" när värmen tinar den ständigt frusna permafrosten och värmer upp våtmarkerna och havet i Arktis? Risken för detta nämns i olika sammanhang, och handlar om att stora mängder metangas – en starkare växthusgas än koldioxid – snabbt skulle kunna frigöras och stiga upp i atmosfären. Klimatologen Markku Rummukainen finner att det kanske inte blir någon explosion,

Fragments of life and death : the biography of grinding and polishing stones found in long barrows at the Almhov burial site

The burial and gathering site Almhov was discovered as a result of large-scale archaeological excavations in southern Sweden revealing the remains of five long barrows, two dolmens and a large number of pits, rich in finds. Given the multitude of activities performed at the site including, for example, monument-building, pit-digging, burying, feasting and axe-manufacturing, the site can serve as a

Characterization and Use of a Multiplex PCR-based System: Random amplified Polymorphic DNA

Random amplified polymorhic DNA (RAPD) is a PCR-based marker system that makes use of universal sets of short oligonucleotides that amplify random DNA fragments under low-stringency conditions. The RAPD marker system has found widespread use and possesses a number of very positive features, being a multiplex and universal system. The present studies characterize and evaluate the properties of the

Industrisamhällets agrarlandskap: bevarande, vård och värde

Konferensen exemplifierar och belyser konkreta landskapsförändringar under den industriella epoken och diskuterar vad industrialismen och den moderna eran betytt för uppfattningen om natur och kultur, för landskapssynen och för synen på bevarande.

Historia från industrisamhället

Lars-Eric Jönsson tar i den avslutande artikeln utgångspunkt i ett individuellt levnadsöde i 1900-talets Sverige. Det är en social problembiografi skriven av flera sociala och psykiatriska institutioner. Artikeln undersöker villkoren för hur biografin kom till och på vilket sätt den omskrivne presenterades. Jönsson konstaterar hur personakten snarare handlar om individens möte med dessa institutio

Avstånd - Närhet. Ingmar Bergmans Vintersagan

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avstånd-Närhet. Ingmar Bergmans Vintersagan på Dramaten, är en föreställningsanalys av Vintersagan, Bergmans iscensättning av William Shakespeares sena drama The Winter's Tale (1610-11) på Kungliga Dramatiska teatern (Dramaten) i Stockholm år 1994. Ingmar Bergman (f 1918) är främst känd som filmregissör och brukar förknippas med det auteur-begrepp som franska filmkritikThis dissertation investigates the directorial changes brought about in Vintersagan, Ingmar Bergman's 1994 production of William Shakespeare's late play The Winter's Tale (1610-11) at Dramaten in Stockholm, and put forth a contribution to a more nuanced understanding of Bergman as a theatre director. Foreignness and familiarity, remoteness and proximity are the dichotomies with which his theatrica