

Din sökning på "*" gav 531336 sökträffar

Development and Application of a First Principle Molecular Model for Solvent Effects

Popular Abstract in Swedish En betydande del av kemin i naturen och inom industrin äger rum i en omgivning av andra molekyler. Reaktioner, övergångar, interaktioner och andra kemiska processer påverkas nästan alltid utav omgivningen. Dessa modifikationer eller omgivningseffekter beror i grund och botten på växelverkan mellan molekylerna, den så kallade intermolekylära växelverkan. Det speciella faA considerable part of chemistry in nature and industry, takes place in an environment of other molecules. Reactions, transitions, interactions or other chemical processes are almost always modified by the environment. These modifications or environment effects depend ultimately on the interactions between the molecules, the so called intermolecular interactions. The special case of effects induce

Reduction in Secondary Losses in Turbine Cascade Using Contoured Boundary Layer Fence

Present work deals with reducing secondary losses in turbine cascade by using boundary layer fences in two ways. Firstly, to reduce the strength of vortex which is incident at the leading edge of airfoil and hence reduce the strength of horse shoe vortex, and secondly, to reduce the pressure gradient between the pressure side and the suction side in the flow passage region between airfoils. In pre

Ingrid Persdotter

Biografisk skiss över Ingrid Persdotter, känd servitris på Tua och Grand vid 1900-talets början.

Fine Mapping of Disease Genes Using Tagging SNPs

We describe a haplotype clustering approach for localising a disease mutation within a fixed genomic region, which supplements tagging SNP (tSNP) information with (external) information on linkage disequilibrium. By applying our method to simulated data based on the coalescent, and on real haplotype data, we demonstrate that there are situations where significant gains can be made by incorporating

An overview of stored electromagnetic energy

Although, the stored electromagnetic energy of an antenna is used to determine the antenna Q, it is difficult to define the stored energy. The stored energy can be estimated from the input impedance of the antenna, the electromagnetic fields around the antenna, and the current densities in the antenna structure. These estimates are similar but not equal for all antennas. Here, the different approa

Slutrapport: projektet “Citeringsmönster i Open Access-tidskrifter” inom ramen för programmet OpenAccess.se

Introduction. Along with the great expansion of research being published in Open Access (OA) journals over the last decade, the interest for analysing the OA literature using informetric methods has also increased. Most studies have focused on the citation impact of OA journals and whether OA publishing increases the chances of a research publication being cited. Fewer analyses, however, have inve