Din sökning på "*" gav 533198 sökträffar
Population ecology and management of waders breeding on coastal meadows
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hårt trängda vadare på strandängar Kustnära ängsmarker har utnyttjats av människan i hundratals, i vissa fall mer än i tusen år, som betesmarker för kreatur samt till slåtter för vinterfoder åt djuren. Dessa marker, till stor del skapade av människan, är attraktiva för många fågelarter. Här lägger dom sina bon och i anslutning till ängarna finns rikligt med mat till båMany wader (Charadrii) populations are declining throughout in Europe, but the underlying causes are often poorly known and diverse. To fully grasp the reasons behind declines in vulnerable wader populations, it is crucial to understand the demography. In my thesis, I have focused on the viability and management of waders occurring on coastal meadows in the Baltic Sea using redshank (Tringa totanu
Long Waves: Their Secular Change, Irregularities and Crises - A Methodological Discussion
Testing Stationarity in Small and Medium-Sized Samples when Disturbances are Serially Correlated
Chapter 5 - Support vector machines in medical classification tasks
Integrated optical read-out for polymeric cantilever-based sensors
Popular Abstract in Undetermined Denne afhandling præsenterer en ny udlæsnings metode udviklet til cantileverbaserede sensorer. Cantilevere er tynde vipper, der er fastgjorte i den ene ende, og som igennem de seneste ti °ar har vist sig at være en interessant ny type bio/kemisk sensor. Den specifikke genkendelse af et kemikalie viser sig ved at cantileveren bøjer som følge af det skabte overfladesThis thesis presents a novel read-out method developed for cantilever-based sensors. Cantilevers are thin beams clamped at one end and during the last 10 years they have emerged as an interesting new type of bio/chemical sensor. The specific recognition of a chemical manifests itself as a bending of the cantilever from the generated surface stress. Conventionally the read-out used for this type of
Metals with Unique Functional Properties
A new perspective on avian phylogeny - a study based on mitochondrial genomes
Popular Abstract in Swedish Nu levande fåglar delas traditionellt in i två grupper. Den ena gruppen är Palaeognathae och omfattar ratiter (struts, nandu etc.) och stubbstjärthöns. Den andra gruppen, Neognathae, representerar alla övriga fåglar, drygt 20 ordningar med över 9.000 arter. Grunden för denna uppdelning utgörs i första hand av morfologiska studier av fåglarnas gommar. Man har ansett att The Class Aves (birds) is generally divided into two main groups - the Palaeognathae and the Neognathae. Paleognathous birds are the flightless ratites and the tinamous, while Neognathae include all other extant birds (more than 9,000 species). This opinion has prevailed for more than a century and is primarily based on morphological studies of the avian bony palate. In this study, the relationsh
Environmental performance and European cities - a new key parameter in competition between metropolitan centres.
Uppbrottet och återkomstens illusion
The Aquaporins - Expression and Regulation of Water Channel Proteins
Aquaporins are integral membrane proteins that function as water channels highly specific for water or as aquaglyceroporins permeable to water as well as small solutes such as glycerol and urea. The model plant Arabidopsis thaliana has 35 genes encoding aquaporin proteins. Identifying the complete set of aquaporins in Arabidopsis constitutes an unique opportunity to comprehensively classify and re
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in a river ecosystem
Popular Abstract in Swedish Atmosfäriskt nedfall är den största källan till miljögiftet PCB i sötvatten. I flertalet vattendrag, exempelvis Emån, fungererar också sediment som en källa. Ett pappersbruk i anslutning till Emån hade använt returpapper som innehöll PCB som råvara. PCB följde med utsläppen till ån och lagrades in i sedimenten. Miljögiftet läckte sedan ut långsamt till vattnet. Största Atmospheric deposition is one source of persistent pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in aquatic environments. Other point sources can also contribute to the PCB loadings in the water. In the Emån River, in southeast Sweden, contaminated sediment was a source of PCB, the largest deposits of it being found in a small lake connected with the river, Lake Järnsjön, the sediment of it c
Svart eller vitt? – en analys av den svarta sektorns drivkrafter och effekter
Är bra lokaler en formsak?
Avdelningen för humanekologi
The acquisition of Swedish grammar
Abstract not available
"Judarnas Wagner" : Moses Pergament och den kulturella identifikationens dilemma omkring 1920-1950
Popular Abstract in SwedishMed tonsättaren och musikkritikern Moses Pergament (1893-1977) som biografiskt lod har syftet med denna studie varit att blottlägga och analysera föreställningar om "juden", modernism, nationalism och "ras" i det svenska samhället. Pergament föddes i Helsingfors och växte upp i ett svenskspråkigt judiskt-ortodoxt hem. Han kom till Sverige 1916 och blev svensk medborgare With the composer and music critic Moses Pergament (1893-1977) as a biographical prism, the purpose of this study has been to uncover ideas in Swedish society about nationalism, "the Jew", modernism and "race". Pergament was born in Helsinki, Finland, and grew up in a Swedish-speaking, Jewish orthodox home. He came to Sweden in 1916 and became a Swedish citizen in 1919. Along with his composing, P
The Effect of Cooled EGR on Emissions and Performance of a Turbocharged HCCI Engine
This paper discusses the effects of cooled EGR on a turbocharged multi-cylinder HCCI engine. A six-cylinder, 12-liter, Scania D12 truck engine is modified for HCCI operation. It is fitted with port fuel injection of ethanol and n-heptane and cylinder pressure sensors for closed-loop combustion control. The effects of EGR are studied in different operating regimes of the engine. During idle, low sp
Mediekritik och mediepedagogik
Discussion concerning media criticism and media pedagogy in modern education