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Mellan åsikt och vittnesbörd : Amerika och Västerlandets arkaiska rötter
Popular Abstract in Swedish Frågan om Amerikas kulturella ställning i förhållande till den övriga världen är av central betydelse för all forskning som berör Amerikas och det moderna Europas historia. Det här förhållandet har blivit påtagligare under senare tid beroende av vårt samhälles senare "kris" med det s. k. "postmoderna" - och "globaliserade" - perspektivets genombrott. I avhandlingen presThe question of America’s cultural position in relation to the rest of the world is essential for all research connected to America and to the history of modern Europe. This situation has become obvious over the last years because of our societies’ latest “crisis”, with the consecration of the “post-modern” and “global” view of society, history and culture. The aim of the dissertation is to analys
Is seeing just believing? Measurement properties of visual assessment of Postural Orientation Errors (POEs) in people with anterior cruciate ligament injury
En främre korsbandsskada i knät är vanligt förekommande bland fysiskt aktiva personer inom sporter som innehåller vridningar, inbromsningar och snabba riktningsförändringar, såsom handboll och fotboll. Skadan kan exempelvis leda till en instabil knäled, försämrad funktion i vardagliga och idrottspecifika aktiviteter, försvagade lårmuskler, försämrad rörelsekvalité och nedsatt självskattad funktionRupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a common knee injury among young physically active populations. The injury results in impaired physical functions, such as joint instability, limitations in daily activities and sport-specific activities, and worse movement quality, e.g., altered postural orientation. Postural orientation is defined as the ability to maintain alignment between bod
Framtidsveckan 14-20 oktober
Increased Permeability of the Blood‐Brain Barrier Induced by Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields
Improvements in The Hardware of The Lund Impedance Tomography System
The objective of this study is to improve the quality of the hardware of the existing Lund impedance tomography system. Improvement in the current generator and different isolation proposals are presented.
A method for MR quantification of flow velocities in blood and CSF using interleaved gradient-echo pulse sequences
The aim of this study was to establish a rapid method for in vivo quantification of a large range of flow velocities using phase information. A basic gradient-echo sequence was constructed, in which flow was encoded along the slice selection direction by variation of the amplitude of a bipolar gradient without changes in sequence timings. The influence of field inhomogeneities and eddy currents wa
Att nå bortom grupptänkandet – ett konststycke!
Applicability of ultrasonic tomographic technique for progressive damage evaluation in prismatic rock specimen
Several damage processes are associated with the loading of intact rock specimens including closure of existing microcracks, initiation of cracks, and finally development of cracks. Ultrasonic imaging techniques have proven to be very successful in providing relatively high-resolution images of the damage processes in the rock. Ultrasonic velocity tomography is a full-field measurement technique t
Brief Report : Interferon-γ-Inducible Protein 10-A Potential Marker for Targeted Viral Load Monitoring of Antiretroviral Treatment?
BACKGROUND: The use of surrogate markers for targeting viral load (VL) testing could be an alternative to universal VL testing during antiretroviral treatment (ART) and would allow for more effective resource allocation. We investigated the correlation between levels of HIV RNA and interferon-γ-inducible protein 10 (IP-10) in Ethiopian adults at 12 months after ART initiation. In addition, we spec
Är Gud påhittad eller verklig?
Populärvetenskaplig framställning av den religionsfilosofiska frågan om realism/anti-realism applicerat på den centrala religiösa termen "Gud". Lösningsförslag utifrån pragmatisk realism och referensteorier presenteras.
När verkligheten bjuder motstånd
Dikt som reflekterar Eberhard Herrmanns pragmatiska realisms grundtanke: att verkligheten bjuder motstånd.
Moderaternas ideologiska grundsyn : En uppföljning av debatten under det sena 1900-talet
Aims Three doctoral theses by Aronson (1990), Hylén (1991) and Ljunggren (1992) drew different conclusions regarding the ideological development of the Swedish Conservative (Moderate) party during the 20th century until the 1980s. This study investigates the party programs from 1904 to 2011/2013 with regard to the party’s most fundamental perception of reality in terms of a collectivistic versus i
Klemens av Alexandria : Stromata
Evaluation of aerosol and cloud properties in three climate models using MODIS observations and its corresponding COSP simulator, as well as their application in aerosol-cloud interactions
The evaluation of modelling diagnostics with appropriate observations is an important task that establishes the capabilities and reliability of models. In this study we compare aerosol and cloud properties obtained from three different climate models (ECHAM-HAM, ECHAM-HAMSALSA, and NorESM) with satellite observations using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data. The simulator M
A numerical study of heat transfer effects and aerodynamic noise reduction in superheated steam flow passing a temperature and pressure regulation valve
Steam is a common medium in thermal engineering. When it flows through a throttling element, the aerodynamic noise may occur due to the disturbance. In this investigation, superheated steam flowing through a Venturi tube, one of the main parts in a temperature and pressure regulation valve, at different thermal conditions is studied to analyze to effects of heat transfer on the acoustic power. Wit
The Sikhs in Sweden : Migration, Representation and Generational Change
Combining expansion in pulp capacity with production of sustainable biofuels – Techno-economic and greenhouse gas emissions assessment of drop-in fuels from black liquor part-streams
Drop-in biofuels from forest by-products such as black liquor can help deliver deep reductions in transport greenhouse gas emissions by replacing fossil fuels in our vehicle fleet. Black liquor is produced at pulp mills that can increase their pulping capacity by upgrading some of it to drop-in biofuels but this is not well-studied. We evaluate the techno-economic and greenhouse gas performance of
Transcultural Music-Making in Contemporary Music Ensembles : Five Approaches in Germany, the Netherlands, Uzbekistan and Turkey
The present article describes the approaches of five ensembles specialized in transcultural music-making in the context of contemporary music in Germany, the Netherlands, Uzbekistan and Turkey. While facing similar underlying conceptual and practical challenges in the process of combining different musical traditions and cultural backgrounds, such as the question of how to merge oral and notated t