Atomspektroskopiska undersökningar i infrarött
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An exact calculation is given for the function Bx(n) which enters the Hohenberg-Kohn-Sham expansion, in powers of ▿n(r), of the echange energy of an inhomogeneous eletron gas. The calculation is made for arbitrary inter-particle interaction. It is shown that the gradient expansion does not exist, in the case of Coulomb interaction, unless correlations are taken into account.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling syftar till att ge en översikt över cirka hundra år av europeisk intellektuell historia som lyfter fram nya aspekter av de klassiska tänkarna. Analysen av de fyra filosoferna Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, David Hume och Charles de Montesquieu syftar till att belysa en generell historisk process, nämligen hur den moderna människosynen växer fram i Europa. EThis essay has three main aims. The first one is to give an overview of some hundred years of European intellectual history, bringing out new aspects of the classical thinkers. The analysis of the four philosophers Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, David Hume and Charles de Montesquieu aims at illustrating a general historical process, viz. the emergence of the modern view of man in Europe. After Hobbes,
Six plutonium-containing particles stemming from Runit Island soil (Marshall Islands) were characterized by non-destructive analytical and microanalytical methods. Composition and elemental distribution in the particles were studied with synchrotron radiation based micro X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Scanning electron microscope equipped with energy dispersive X-ray detector and with wavelength
Recension av Hans Hägerdal; Väst om öst. Kinaforskning och kinasyn under 1800- och 1900-talen.
The development of biological reactors for the treatment of toxic and recalcitrant organic pollutants is a complex task. Firstly, microbial inoculation, acclimation and selection must be optimized to provide the best microflora possible. Secondly, innovative technologies must be developed to overcome the intrinsic low degradation rates of hardly-degradable pollutants in order to allow short treatm
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Popular Abstract in Swedish Fågelflyttning omfattar några av de mest fascinerande beteendemässiga anpassningarna vi finner i naturen. Hos många fågelarter flyttar unga fåglar obereoende av erfarna vuxna individer och kräver således medfödd information om flyttningsvägar, rastning och övervintringsområden. Denna information har visat sig bestå av ett nedärvt program som innehåller flyttningsriktninIn many species of birds juveniles migrate independently of experienced adults and thus have to rely on innate information about migratory routes and wintering area. This information is encoded as a set of inherited migratory directions and a timing schedule that provides information on when and how far to migrate. Apart from these remarkable behavioral adaptations, migration also requires several