

Din sökning på "*" gav 532841 sökträffar

Sensitive and specific immunodetection of human glandular kallikrein 2 in serum

BACKGROUND: Human glandular kallikrein 2 (hK2) is expressed in the prostate and is present in serum from men with prostate cancer. Specific detection in serum is difficult mainly because of low concentrations and immunological cross-reactivity with prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Our objectives were to design an assay with improved analytical detection and functional sensitivity and nonsignifican

Synergistic interaction effect between job control and social support at work on general psychological distress

Purpose Little is known about the interaction between job control and social support at work on common mental disorders. To examine whether there is a synergistic interaction effect between job control and social support at work on general psychological distress and whether it differs by the level of job demands. Methods About 1,940 male and female workers from the Malmo Shoulder and Neck Study we

Harmonic decomposition of two particle angular correlations in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV

Angular correlations between unidentified charged trigger (t) and associated (a) particles are measured by the ALICE experiment in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV for transverse momenta 0.25 < p(T)(t,a) < 15 GeV/c, where p(T)(t) > p(T)(a). The shapes of the pair correlation distributions are studied in a variety of collision centrality classes between 0 and 50% of the total hadronic cros

Optimal recall length in survey design

Self-reported data collected Via Surveys are a key input into a wide range of research conducted by economists. It is well known that Such data are subject to measurement error that arises when respondents are asked to recall past utilisation. Survey designers Must determine the length of the recall period and face a trade-off as increasing the recall period provides more information, but increase

Multiple alpha-galactosidases from Aspergillus niger: purification, characterization, and substrate specificities

Enzymes with α-galactosidase activity are produced by many organisms, often in multiple forms. Here we compare the biochemical and hydrolytic properties of four major α-galactosidase forms (α-gal I-IV) that were purified from the culture filtrate of Aspergillus niger. α-Gal II, III and IV appear to be isoforms of the same enzyme, and N-terminal amino acid sequence data suggest that they are closel

Remembering childhood atopic dermatitis as an adult: factors that influence recollection

Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is common in the population, and studies have shown that the disease is on the increase. Studies based on hospital records reflect selected populations and may miss less severe cases of AD, and the use of self-reported questionnaires has the drawback of recall bias. Objectives: To investigate some possible factors influencing recall bias when questionnaires are u

Molecular Dissociative Ionization and Wave-Packet Dynamics Studied Using Two-Color XUV and IR Pump-Probe Spectroscopy

We present a combined theoretical and experimental study of ultrafast wave-packet dynamics in the dissociative ionization of H-2 molecules as a result of irradiation with an extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) pulse followed by an infrared (IR) pulse. In experiments where the duration of both the XUV and IR pulses are shorter than the vibrational period of H-2+, dephasing and rephasing of the vibrational wa

Finite elements solutions to magnetostriction. - I. Harmonic modelling

This work deals principally with linear finite element (FEM) modelling of highly magnetostrictive materials. This is accomplished by coupling the Maxwell's equations to the wave equation by using the linearised tensor equations governing magnetostriction. The model in this paper deals with harmonic oscillations and the resulting FE-model is verified against simplified analytical solutions and diff

Pulse pressure strongly predicts cardiovascular disease risk in patients with type 2 diabetes from the Swedish National Diabetes Register (NDR).

OBJECTIVES: To analyze pulse pressure (PP) as a risk predictor for coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke and cardiovascular disease (CVD; CHD and/or stroke) in type 2 diabetic patients. METHODS: A total of 11,128 female and male type 2 diabetic patients with known baseline PP values and no CVD, aged 50-74 years, were followed for a mean duration of 5.6 years (1998-2003). A subgroup of 5521 patients

Strain driven transport for bone modeling at the periosteal surface.

Bone modeling and remodeling has been the subject of extensive experimental studies. There have been several mathematical models proposed to explain the observed behavior, as well. A different approach is taken here in which the bone is treated from a macroscopic view point. In this investigation, a one-dimensional analytical model is used to shed light on the factors which play the greatest role

Molecular size of riverine dissolved organic matter influences coastal phytoplankton communities

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentrations in many northern European freshwater systems have been increasing during the past decades. DOM affects the marine plankton community where rivers discharge into the sea. Large DOM molecules have been suggested to be more available to aquatic plankton than smaller ones due to their more recent origin in the degradation process. In this study, we investi

Characterization of New Particle Formation Events at a Background Site in Southern Sweden: Relation to Air Mass History

Particle formation events were analysed from aerosol number size distribution data collected at a background station in southern Sweden between February 2001 and May 2004. Events occurred on about 36% of all days and were favoured by high global radiation values. The clearest events (class I, 20% of all days) were observed when the formation rate of activated hypothetical clusters around 1 nm diam

Mesenchymal stromal cells in malignant glioma - Functions and therapeutic potential

The most common malignant brain tumor in adults is a glioma called glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). About 300 persons are diagnosed with GBM every year in Sweden. Unfortunately, it is also the most aggressive brain tumor and as of today, it is not possible to cure it. Despite treating the patients with surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, the median survival is only 15 months. The main problem with