

Din sökning på "*" gav 526355 sökträffar

Ett digitaliserat Sverige : en studie om digitalisering och krav vid kommunala museer

The aim of this master thesis is to examine how institutional rules and demands, present in cultural politics, affects the work with digitalisation in local museums. According to narrative trends in Sweden’s national cultural politics, digitalisation has the potential to encourage and increase democracy by enabling participation and wider access. Therefore, digitisation practices in cultural insti

How to make culture comprehensible : comparative case study of popularisation activities at the Louvre in Paris and the Historiska Museet in Stockholm

This work is a qualitative comparative case study of popularizing activities at the Louvre in Paris (2015-2019) and the Historiska Museet in Stockholm (1999-2005). Throughout a press content analysis, the two museums’ take and initiative to promote the intelligibility of cultural knowledge is decrypted and then compared. This thesis shows how different standards and conceptions lead to a more cons

Bland älvor & älgar : en komparativ fallstudie om immersiv och interaktiv teknologi vid Västergötlands museum respektive Naturhistoriska riksmuseet

In our thesis we will analyze two different types of immersive and interactive technologies at two Swedish museums: Västergötlands museum and Naturhistoriska riksmuseet. For this paper we conducted field research where we visited the museums and studied two installations: a browser game called Fornbyäventyret as well as a mobile app called Nya djur, which is based on augmented reality. Our primary

Very preterm birth and fetal growth restriction in adolescence - Cardiovascular and renal aspects

This thesis applied magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to investigate to what extent very preterm birth due to early onset fetal growth restriction (FGR) impacts the cardiovascular system and kidneys in adolescence. The thesis further investigated whether FGR exacerbates the organ-specific effects of very preterm birth.Study I validated a widely available non-contrast enhanced MRI method for quantif

Detektering och Visualisering av Långsiktiga Avvikande Handelsbeteenden

Olagliga transaktioner i form av bland annat penningtvätt, insiderhandel och marknadsmanipulation är stora problem som ofta glöms bort. Bara under 2020 tvättades 1.6 biljoner dollar världen över, motsvarande 2.7\% av världens totala BNP. Insiderhandel och marknadsmanipulation bidrar till misstro för marknaden vilket gör att den till lägre grad kan allokera pengar till företag från investerare då fIllegal transactions in the form of money laundering, insider trading and market manipulation is a major problem that is often forgotten. In the year of 2020, 1.6 trillion dollars were successfully laundered, corresponding to 2.7\% of the world's total GDP. Insider trading and market manipulation contribute to mistrust of the market, resulting in worse capital distribution from investors to co

Urbana Hängsel + Tornhuset=sant? Två byggnader i en komplicerad relation

This bachelor thesis examines the relationship between two buildings situated at Universitetsholmen in Malmö: Tornhuset (1910) and its modern extension Urban Hinges (2015). Together, the two buildings form World Maritime University. The modern extension has received a great deal of attention, both positive and negative, in traditional as well as in social media. Several statements suggest that vi

A landscape level analysis of entrepreneurship and sustainable energy transitions : Evidences from Gujarat, India

In accordance with India's sustainable energy targets of achieving 175 GW of renewable energy (RE) installed capacity by 2022 and 450 GW by 2030, the role of private sector actors has become increasingly important. As presently, 96 percent of the total installed RE utilities in India are privately owned; this makes sustainability driven entrepreneurship the core of India's energy sector transition

Towards a conceptual understanding of sustainability-driven entrepreneurship

In common discourse, economic activities run by profit-oriented managers and entrepreneurs are considered to be at the root of social and ecological crisis and hence, hamper sustainable development. With this perspective, government, policymaking institutions, and civil societies take the center stage in shaping a sustainability-oriented industry by using the tools of command and control to curb t

Identification and characterization of murine glycoprotein 2-expressing intestinal dendritic cells

The intestinal lamina propria (LP) contains distinct subsets of classical dendritic cells (cDC), each playing key non-redundant roles in intestinal immune homeostasis. Here, we show that glycoprotein 2 (GP2), a GPI-anchored protein and receptor for bacterial type-I fimbriae, is selectively expressed by CD103+CD11b+ cDC in the murine small intestine (SI). GP2 expression was induced on CD103+CD11b+

Robust Performance Over Changing Intersymbol Interference Channels by Spatial Coupling

We show that spatially coupled low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes yield robust performance over changing intersymbol interfere (ISI) channels with optimal and suboptimal detectors. We compare the performance with classical LDPC code design which involves optimizing the degree distribution for a given (known) channel. We demonstrate that these classical schemes, despite working very good when de

Diglyphomorphomyia Girault (Chalcidoidea: Eulophidae) new to the Neotropical region including nine new species

the genus Diglyphomorphomyia Girault is newly reported from the Neotropical region, with the majority of material and species from Costa rica. It is represented by nine species in the region, and all are new species described here: D. albiclava, D. albicoxa, D. carinifer, D. costulata, D. cristata, D. metallica, D. parva, D. pedunculata, D. pilosa. An identification key for the species is included

Multi-dimensional imaging : A tool to unravel material properties at the nanoscale

Optical microscopy has revolutionized the way we understand our world and has become a crucial tool in a range of disciplines such as biology, physics, chemistry, and material sciences. The development of new microscopy techniques has been capital to its success and wide applicability. A prominent example is the recent development of methods that allow imaging in three dimensions. This has been a