

Din sökning på "*" gav 526355 sökträffar

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The task is to analyze the interaction between three bodies in the same circuit. This is about the organizational field of financing a museum. The museum used as a case is Regan Vest - part of the North Jutland Historical Museum. Through a qualitative study of relevant sources, such as previous research in the field, legislative texts and relevant guidelines, it must use the collected interview m

"Där historien ägde rum!"

This thesis examines how museums use the home as an environment with which to build narratives and create meaning. With a focus on the role of time, space and authenticity in the construction and framing of narratives, ethnographic field research was undertaken at the museums Statarmuseet and Hallwylska museet as well as the exhibitions Folkhemslägenheten at Nordiska museet and Välkommen till Sver

Gallium-68-labeled affibody molecule for PET imaging of PDGFRβ expression in vivo

Platelet-derived growth factor receptor β (PDGFRβ) is a transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor involved, for example, in angiogenesis. Overexpression and excessive signaling of PDGFRβ has been observed in multiple malignant tumors and fibrotic diseases, making this receptor a pharmaceutical target for monoclonal antibodies and tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Successful targeted therapy requires identi

Influence of macrocyclic chelators on the targeting properties of (68)Ga-labeled synthetic affibody molecules : comparison with (111)In-labeled counterparts

Affibody molecules are a class of small (7 kDa) non-immunoglobulin scaffold-based affinity proteins, which have demonstrated substantial potential as probes for radionuclide molecular imaging. The use of positron emission tomography (PET) would further increase the resolution and quantification accuracy of Affibody-based imaging. The rapid in vivo kinetics of Affibody molecules permit the use of t

Influence of DOTA chelator position on biodistribution and targeting properties of (111)In-labeled synthetic anti-HER2 affibody molecules

Affibody molecules are a class of affinity proteins. Their small size (7 kDa) in combination with the high (subnanomolar) affinity for a number of cancer-associated molecular targets makes them suitable for molecular imaging. Earlier studies demonstrated that the selection of radionuclide and chelator may substantially influence the tumor-targeting properties of affibody molecules. Moreover, the p

”Bryt diplomatiska relationer med regimen i Iran.”

Att den fria världen avbryter sina diplomatiska relationer med Irans totalitära regim är avgörande för att begränsa islamiska regimens terror och flyktingsspionage, skriver Arvin Khoshnood och Ardavan Khoshnood, Irankännare.The free world's severance of diplomatic relations with Iran's totalitarian regime is crucial to curbing the Islamic regime's terror and espionage, write Arvin Khoshnood and Ardavan Khoshnood, Iran experts.

Organizational ambidexterity in construction projects

Most organizations need to be ambidextrous by exploiting current knowledge to make profits today as well as exploring new knowledge to prepare for tomorrow's demands. The capacity to achieve both exploration and exploitation is especially problematic in project based organizations due to projects' discontinuous nature. In this study we investigate how exploration and exploitation is managed in int

Towards a multiconfigurational description of the electronic structure in solids

Materials of ionic crystals are ubiquitous in industrial chemistry.For example, materials such as cerium dioixde (CeO2) are used in both self-cleaning ovens and to clean exhaust fumes from cars.Other materials, such as titanium dioixde (TiO2) has been used in the solar-cell industry.So-called garnets are used in several lasers.In common for all of these areas of application, is that they are depen

Prevalence and comorbidity in a Swedish adolescent community sample – gambling, gaming, substance use, and other psychiatric disorders

Background: This study investigates a broad spectrum of psychiatric disorders, substance use disorders, gambling, and internet gaming disorders in Swedish 18-year-old boys and girls with the aim of estimating the prevalence of disorders and comorbidity. Methods: We used a two-phase design with screening to detect candidates for clinical interviews. Screening included 949 adolescents (55.6% girls),

First Record of Microsporidia Infection in the Damselfly Ischnura elegans Larvae : Temperature and Predator Cue Effects on the Host’s Life History

Here, we report, for the first time, a microsporidian infection in laboratory-reared larvae of the damselfly Ischnura elegans. Infected larvae originated from field-collected adult females, which were caught in southern Poland in August 2020 (the second half of the flight season). Higher rearing temperatures and the presence of predator cues from the invasive alien signal crayfish (Pacifastacus le

The indirect review of administrative action in Sweden : Control and judicial protection

The chapter examines the role of indirect review of administrative action in Swedish law. A general description of the overall structure of the Swedish system for judicial review of administrative action is followed by a discussion about the administrative measures that cannot be reviewed in a direct review. The chapter then focuses specifically on the phenomenon of indirect judicial review in relThe chapter examines the role of indirect review of administrative action in Swedish law. A general description of the overall structure of the Swedish system for judicial review of administrative action is followed by a discussion about the administrative measures that cannot be reviewed in a direct review. The chapter then focuses specifically on the phenomenon of indirect judicial review in rel

Successful gene therapy of Diamond-Blackfan anemia in a mouse model and human CD34+ cord blood hematopoietic stem cells using a clinically applicable lentiviral vector

Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) is an inherited bone marrow failure disorder in which pure red blood cell aplasia is associated with physical malformations and a predisposition to cancer. Twentyfive percent of patients with DBA have mutations in a gene encoding ribosomal protein S19 (RPS19). Our previous proof-of-concept studies demonstrated that DBA phenotype could be successfully treated using len

Postmenopausal overweight and breast cancer risk; results from the KARMA cohort

Purpose: To study the risk of incident breast cancer and subtype-specific breast cancer in relation to excess body weight in a contemporary Swedish prospective cohort study, The Karolinska Mammography Project for Risk Prediction of Breast Cancer, KARMA. Methods: A total of 35,412 postmenopausal women attending mammography and included in the KARMA study provided baseline data on body mass index (B

Commodification of recreational hunting in Sweden : hunting tourism experiences as ‘peculiar goods’

IntroductionRecreational hunting in Sweden can be depicted as being embedded in two different but overlapping cultural and socio-economic contexts. One is the traditional non-commercial and stewardship-oriented form hunting, in Swedish called ‘allmoge’ hunting. It is characterised by a democratic hunting tradition where the local hunting team is ascribed a main role in wildlife management. These tThe paper is based on a study of hunting tourism enterprising in Sweden. The study examines how hunting tourism businesses in Sweden navigate in a complex social, economic and moral environment. The aim of the present paper is to identify how tensions between a market- oriented value sphere and a value sphere based on friendship- and community reciprocity are played out in hunting tourism entrepre

Early diagnosis, treatment, and Health-Related Quality of Life in women with mild Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema.

Bakgrund: Tidig diagnos och behandling av bröstcancer-relaterade lymfödem(BCRL) är viktigt för att förhindra försämring och påverkan på livskvalitet. Vidmindre BCRL i arm, kan det ansamlas lymfvätska lokalt i den ytliga vävnaden, utan en volymökning. Tissue Dielectric Constant (TDC), är en metod som mäter lokal vävnadsvätska i hud och subkutan vävnad och hade inte använts tidigare för att diagnostBackground: Early diagnosis and treatment of Breast Cancer-RelatedLymphedema (BCRL) are important to prevent lymphedema progress and impacton Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL). The treatment includes self-care andtreatment with compression garment. In mild BCRL, the lymphedema can be local, without an increase in arm volume. Tissue Dielectric Constant (TDC), measuring local tissue water in sk

How infant presence influences social behaviour between adults in barbary macaques

Macaque politics and influential infants How infants influence social behaviour in adult Barbary macaques To befriend or not to befriend? Under what circumstances do animals act friendly to each other, and when do they act aggressively? Amid the dynamic and turbulent social landscape of macaque societies, individuals need to constantly evaluate their ever-changing social landscape. Family ties, f