

Din sökning på "*" gav 534784 sökträffar

A Cellular Receiver Front-End with Blocker Sensing

A receiver front-end supporting contiguous and non-contiguous intra-band carrier aggregation scenarios with a fully integrated spectrum sensor that can detect both in-gap and out-of-band blockers has been implemented in 65nm CMOS technology. An NF of 2.5dB is achieved using a noise canceling LNTA, and linearized OTAs are used to achieve an IIP3 improvement of up to 6.5dB in-band and 11dB at the fi

Aerodynamic Analysis of a Humid Air Turbine Expander

This paper presents a reduced-order through-flow expander design for the Humid Air Turbine (HAT) also called the Evaporative Gas Turbine (EvGT). The HAT cycle is an innovative gas turbine cycle that uses humid air to enhance efficiency and power output. This means that there will be a higher water vapour content in the exhaust gases than for a simple cycle. This high water content affects the desi

Neuronal Cell Death and Restoration in the Basal Ganglia: Implications for Huntington's and Parkinson's diseases

Popular Abstract in Swedish Basala ganglierna ligger under hjärnbarken i hjärnan och består av grupper av nervceller som är förbundna med varandra och med hjärnbarken. Till dessa grupper av nervceller hör striatum, globus pallidus, subthalamicus-kärnan och substantia nigra. Patologiska förändringar i olika delar av basala ganglierna orsakar många av de symptom som kännetecknar Huntington's och ParHuntington's disease (HD) is a hereditary neurodegenerative disorder presenting with chorea, dementia and extensive striatal neuronal death. The mechanism through which the widely expressed mutant huntingtin mediates striatal neurotoxicity is unknown. Excitotoxicity, i.e. calcium-dependent cell death induced by activation of NMDA receptors, has been hypothesized to play an important role in HD. Ou

Packaging Networks - a framework for integrating packaging suppliers in the demand chain

The ability to understand packaging and how it contributes to the establishment of efficient logistics and the creation of individualised values for consumers is becoming increasingly important. This licentiate thesis stresses the importance of applying a holistic view of packaging in order to be able to understand how to adapt the distribution channel to meet consumer demands. The study focuses o

Characterisation and comparison of a cMUT versus a piezoelectric transducer for air applications

The main objectives with this investigation are firstly to compare important parameters of a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (cMUT) for air applications with a corresponding piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer. Secondly, to characterise the cMUT's radiation field using light diffraction tomography. The cMUTs consist of a silicon backplate with small pyramid-shaped cavities and a met

Förförande idéer - kvalitetssäkring i hälso- och sjukvården

Popular Abstract in Swedish Många idéer cirkulerar kontinuerligt inom och mellan olika fält i samhället. En del av dessa idéer blir på modet och betraktas som legitima lösningar på olika slags problem. Bland dessa kan organisationer – såväl offentliga som privata - lätt hitta färdiga paketlösningar till hur de exempelvis skall styra, leda eller budgetera sin verksamhet. Kvalitetssäkring blev en såThe aim of this study was to expand our understanding of the processes of institutionalisation both within and between organisational fields. This was done by tracing an idea – the idea of quality assurance – through the process of institutionalisation in the health care sector. The new institutional theory, which focuses on the relation between organisations and the institutions they are consider

Havsnomaderna Urak Lawoi "Att förlora sin båt är som att förlora sin hand".

När européerna kom i kontakt med Sydost-Asien på 1500-talet möttes de av ett väl fungerande handelssystem som byggdes ut till Atlanten och Stilla havet. "Havsnomader" eller ”sjözigenare” spelade här en viktig roll, då de försåg resande med varor i viktiga hamnar mellan Indiska Oceanen och Sydkinesiska havet. De var inte själva köpmän eller grossister, utan försåg mellanhänderna med varor. Dessa "h

Voicing Communities. Northern European and Continental Choirs in Comparison

Even if the Swedish choir movement seemed to have been able to represent different kinds of people’s desires for socio-musical communities for several decades now, this is not a preeminent Swedish attitude. Sweden is not the only country in which choirs might represent an individual’s need for a positively connotated form of culturally constructed collectivism. Therefore, an interesting starting p