

Din sökning på "*" gav 534834 sökträffar

Exit choice in fire emergencies - Influencing choice of exit with flashing lights

Fire accidents and evacuation experiments have revealed that people often use familiar exits in fire emergencies. However, the design of emergency exits has also been shown to impact people’s choice of exit. In the present research, the use of flashing lights to direct people to emergency exits is explored in a series of experiments in both buildings and road tunnels. Recommendations concerning ho

Genome-wide scan for autism susceptibility genes. Paris Autism Research International Sibpair Study

Family and twin studies have suggested a genetic component in autism. We performed a genome-wide screen with 264 microsatellites markers in 51 multiplex families, using non-parametric linkage methods. Families were recruited by a collaborative group including clinicians from Sweden, France, Norway, the USA, Italy, Austria and Belgium. Using two-point and multipoint affected sib-pair analyses, 11 r

CO2-free power generation - A study of three conceptually different plant layouts

Ever since the release of the Kyoto protocol the demand for CO2-free processes have been increasing. In this paper three different concepts with no or a very small release of CO2 to the atmosphere are evaluated and compared concerning plant efficiency and investment cost. A novel approach to biomass gasification is proposed to provide fuel for a combined gas turbine cycle, where the biomass is con

Hydrophobicity Patterns in Protein Folding

The protein folding problem is addressed focussing on the hydro- phobicity patterns in the amino acid sequences and structures. Both real and model proteins are investigated. The hydrophobicity pattern of real proteins is probed in two ways. First, it is asked which binary pattern is most conserved within groups of related proteins. Not unexpectedly, the most conserved patterns are strongly corre

Best practice guidelines for double skin facades

Many modern office buildings have highly glazed facades. Their energy efficiency and indoor climate is, however, being questioned. Therefore more and more of these buildings are being built with double skin facades, which can provide: a thermal buffer zone, energy savings, wind protection with open windows, fire protection, aesthetics, solar preheating of ventilation air, sound protection, polluta

Temporal Adverbs in Modern Standard Chinese : A Decompositional Inquiry

Temporal adverbs (时间副词 shíjiān fùcí) in Modern Standard Chinese (MSC) are a group of words assuming the role of adverbial modifier (状语 zhuàngyǔ), expressing a temporal notion. Both characteristics are problematic; adverbs (副词 fùcí) are defined as a word class with the sole function of assuming the role of adverbial modifier, but several words traditionally categorized as temporal adverbs have synt

The Big Bang of History : Visualism in Technoscience

The traditional presentation about historical time-passing consists in a linear succession of facts in which some aspects of the life world evolve from others in an irreversible manner. The presentation of change is connected to the presentation of gradual or revolutionary linear changes that are irrevocable. I believe that this presentation could be considered correct for living organisms, but do

Figuring Flesh in Creation : Merleau-Ponty in Conversation with Philosophical Theology

This work stages a conversation between the French phenomenological philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty and philosophical theology, specifically as developed along an Augustinian trajectory. As the conversation unfolds, the outline of a new ontology is progressively sketched out – one that seeks to preserve the integrity of human beings as part of the natural world, as well as the integrity of the n

En uppslagen telefonkatalog i Brasiliens urskogar. En bok om Lasse Söderberg

Anthology, consisting of texts on the poetry of Lasse Söderberg. Contributions by Lars Gustaf Andersson & Anders Mortensen ("Foreword"); Jonas Ellerström ("Söderberg, Lasse"); Per Erik Ljung ("Det ringde en man från Rotary"); Jan-Gunnar Sjölin ("I ljuset av surrealismen"); Paul Tenngart ("Bland akrobater och andra märkliga figurer"); Octavio Paz ("Skott"); Lars-Håkan Svensson ("Lasse Söderberg