

Din sökning på "*" gav 534754 sökträffar

Do-not-resuscitate orders Ethical aspects on decision making and communication among physicians, nurses, patients and relatives

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärt-lungräddning (HLR) introducerades 1960 och fick genast stor betydelse vid be-handlingen av hjärtinfarkt. Så småningom kom metoden att användas vid nästan alla till-fällen då hjärtat stannade. I mitten av 70-talet började man i USA utfärda ordinationer till sjuksköterskorna att HLR inte skulle startas på vissa patienter i händelse av att hjärtat skulle stanna. DettThe purpose was to describe ethical aspects on how do-not-resuscitate (DNR) deci-sions are made, established, and communicated between physicians, nurses, patients and relatives. A random sample of 220 physicians and nurses answered a questionnaire about their attitudes to and experiences of the making and communication of a DNR decision. The re-sponse rate was 73%. Twenty seriously ill patients,

Flexible Force-Vision Control for Surface Following using Multiple Cameras

A flexible method for six-degree-of-freedom combined vision/force control for interaction with a stiff uncalibrated environment is presented. An edge-based rigidbody tracker is used in an observer-based controller, and combined with a six-degree-of-freedom force- or impedance controller. The effect of error sources such as image space measurement noise and calibration errors are considered. Finall

Physiology and Pharmacology of C-fibres in the rabbit eye

C-fibre neuropeptides, such as tachykinins and calcitonin-gene related peptide (CGRP), play an important role in neurogenic inflammation. The present work deals with five different aspects of the physiology and pharmacology of C-fibres. 1) Tachykinin receptor antagonists of peptide and non-peptide nature have been employed to identify the tachykinin receptors of the rabbit iris as NK1 and NK3 type

Pelvic floor dysfunction. A vaginal surface EMG study in healthy and incontinent women

Popular Abstract in Swedish Urininkontinens är en utbredd folksjukdom och ett stort folkhälsoproblem. Omkring 500 000 människor i Sverige, mest kvinnor (2/3) är drabbade. Förekomsten av inkontinens ökar med stigande ålder. Ofrivilligt urinläckage orsakar många gånger både medicinska och sociala handikapp med minskad livskvalitet som följd. Undersökningar har visat att endast 25% av de inkontinentaDysfunction of the pelvic floor can lead to incontinence and different forms of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Urinary incontinence is a common problem and about 500 000 persons in Sweden, mostly (2/3) women, suffering from incontinence. The general aim of this thesis was to characterize the function and dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles in healthy and incontinent women. Vaginal EMG, p

John Philoponus against Cosmas Indicopleustes : A Christian Controversy on the Structure of the World in Sixth-Century Alexandria

The scope of this study is to compare John Philoponus and Cosmas Indicopleustes, two Christian individuals of different backgrounds and belonging to different fractions of the Church in the turbulent time for the Church in sixth century Alexandria. Any Christian is likely to feel the need to define how the tenets of his or her faith relate to contemporary science. As long as Christianity has exis

Enzyme Hydrolysis of Cellulose Derivatives. Active Site Studies and Polymer Characterisation.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Cellulosa är ett av de vanligast förekommande biologiska ämnena på jorden och en mycket viktig råvara. Cellulosa är en polymer, uppbyggd av glukosmolekyler som är bundna till varandra i kedjor. Kedjorna kan bli mycket långa och består ofta av flera tusen glukosmolekyler. Eftersom cellulosakedjor är lineära kan de packa sig parallellt med varandra och bilda styva fibrer Soluble derivatives of cellulose have become increasingly important in industrial products e.g. in pharmaceutical applications and in technical dispersions. The polymer characteristics of modified celluloses are to a high degree determined by the substituent distribution along the polymeric backbone. The distribution will be more or less heterogeneous both due to the fact that polymers from renewa