

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Covid-19 och slaget mot turism och besöksnäring : Turist- och beställningstrafikens utmaningar och styrkor

Bussbranschen kan tillhöra en av de näringar som drabbats hårdast i samband med pandemin (covid-19). Många bussreseföretag är små och medelstora familjeföretag med låga marginaler. Redan vid pandemins början i mars 2020 lyftes en oro för framtiden bland dessa företag. Över ett år senare står stora delar av verksamheterna helt eller delvis stilla på grund av rådande restriktioner och osäkerheten i

Modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors for atherothrombotic ischemic stroke among subjects in the malmö diet and cancer study

Risk factors for ischemic stroke is suggested to differ by etiologic subtypes. The purpose of this study was to examine the associations between modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors and atherothrombotic stroke (i.e., excluding cardioembolic stroke), and to examine if the potential benefit of modifiable lifestyle factors differs among subjects with and without predisposing comorbidities. Afte

General Trends in Core-Shell Preferences for Bimetallic Nanoparticles

Surface segregation phenomena dictate core-shell preference of bimetallic nanoparticles and thus play a crucial role in the nanoparticle synthesis and applications. Although it is generally agreed that surface segregation depends on the constituent materials' physical properties, a comprehensive picture of the phenomena on the nanoscale is not yet complete. Here we use a combination of molecular d

Reduced WNT5A signaling in melanoma cells favors an amoeboid mode of invasion

Tumor cells invade and spread via either a mesenchymal or an amoeboid mode of migration. Amoeboid tumor cells have a rounded morphology and pronounced RhoA activity. Here, we investigate how WNT5A signaling, a tumor promotor in melanoma, relates to Rho GTPase activity and amoeboid migration. We compared melanoma cells with low (HTB63 cells) and high (WM852 cells) WNT5A expression. HTB63 cells exhi

Towards clinical application of tau PET tracers for diagnosing dementia due to Alzheimer's disease

The recent development of several tau positron emission tomography (PET) tracers represents a major milestone for the Alzheimer's disease (AD) field. These tau PET tracers bind tau neurofibrillary tangles, a key neuropathological characteristic of AD that is tightly linked to synaptic loss, brain atrophy, and cognitive decline. It is notable that these tau PET tracers show low uptake in most non-A

A multicenter comparison of [18F]flortaucipir, [18F]RO948, and [18F]MK6240 tau PET tracers to detect a common target ROI for differential diagnosis

Purpose: This study aims to determine whether comparable target regions of interest (ROIs) and cut-offs can be used across [18F]flortaucipir, [18F]RO948, and [18F]MK6240 tau positron emission tomography (PET) tracers for differential diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dementia vs either cognitively unimpaired (CU) individuals or non-AD neurodegenerative diseases. Methods: A total of 1755 partic

Ease or excitement? Exploring how concept stores contribute to a retail portfolio

Purpose: The study aims to explore how concept stores (theoretically) differ from other experience-based retail formats, and hence, how they (practically) contribute to a diversified retail store portfolio. Design/methodology/approach: Case study based on semi-structured, qualitative interviews with seven IKEA retail managers, three industry experts and 26 customers of IKEA concept stores in Londo

Climate change and energy performance of European residential building stocks : A comprehensive impact assessment using climate big data from the coordinated regional climate downscaling experiment

In recent years, climate change and the corresponding expected extreme weather conditions have been widely recognized as potential problems. The building industry is taking various actions to achieve sustainable development, implement energy conservation strategies, and provide climate change mitigation. In addition to mitigation, it is crucial to adapt to climate change, and to investigate the po

Dags att i grunden förändra vår relation till havet

Debatt: Med djup oro ser vi dramatiska förändringar med konsekvenser för både människor och djur. Nu behöver vi alla på ett fundamentalt sätt förändra vårt förhållande till havet. Det skriver 78 forskare, som i dag vill uppmärksamma Världshavsdagen och FN:s årtionde för havsforskning för hållbar utveckling.

A comparison of spouse and non-spouse carers of people with dementia : a descriptive analysis of Swedish national survey data

Background: Being an informal carer of a person with dementia (PwD) can have a negative effect on the carer’s health and quality of life, and spouse carers have been found to be especially vulnerable. Yet relatively little is known about the care provided and support received by spouse carers. This study compares spouse carers to other informal carers of PwDs regarding their care provision, the su

Hållbar eller ohållbar – det är frågan? Svenskars magkänsla om hur ohållbara och hållbara varumärken är och hur detta stöds i företagens kommunikation

Denna rapport och studie är en pilotstudie som ska mynna ut i två förgreningar eller riktningar. En riktning går mot digital hållbarhet och den andra mot ett större projekt där målsättningen är att utveckla en modell för hur varumärken och företag bakom dessa ska förhålla sig till de 17 globala målen i sin marknadsföring med syfte att bli både hållbara och säljande – dvs hur ska företagen göra för

An Adaptive Approach for Task-Driven BCI Calibration

One of the most significant obstacles for the every­day use of systems based on Brain­Computer Inter­faces (BCIs) is the tediousness of calibration. Successful improvements on calibration, particularly the time needed and the user­experience, have been made with, e.g., transfer learning, gamification, and task estimation [1, 2, 3]. Inthis work, we present an adaptive approach to BCI systems’ calib

Place-making of resilience in urban regions in the aftermath of Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed travel patterns to and in major urban regions. Destinations have seen a dramatic shift from overtourism to undertourism. This has led to new challenges for regional destination management organisations (DMOs) as tourists and residents seek green areas in cities and visit adjacent natural reserves. Therefore this research explores how the Covid-19 pan

Sin, Suffering, and the Problem of Evil

This volume discusses the topics of sin, suffering, and evil in the Hebrew Bible. It gathers fresh and innovative perspectives provided by internationally renowned biblical scholars that not only demonstrate ways in which these topics are dealt with in the Hebrew Bible itself, but also map out their lasting impact on human experience of suffering throughout history. Put into dialogue with the thou