

Din sökning på "*" gav 533114 sökträffar

A cost-effectiveness analysis of screening and treatment for Chlamydia trachomatis infection in asymptomatic women

OBJECTIVE: To assess the cost-effectiveness of identifying and treating asymptomatic female carriers of Chlamydia trachomatis. DESIGN: Cost-effectiveness analysis based on previously reported cohort analytic studies and average salaries and costs of medical care in Sweden. SETTING: Women attending youth, family planning, and gynecology clinics. PARTICIPANTS: 1000 women and their male sex partners.

Determining PCB desorption behaviour on sediments with SFE and investigating the dependency of selective fractions on sediment characteristics

A method for studying PCB desorption behaviour from sediments using supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) and pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) is presented. Four sediments were investigated and extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide employing increasingly harsher extraction conditions ranging from 40 degrees C and 12MPa to 100 degrees C and 36.5 MPa. To ensure quantitative extractions, the

Lovastatin Induces Relaxation and Inhibits L-Type Ca2+ Current in the Rat Basilar Artery.

Statins inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis and protect against ischaemic stroke. It has become increasingly apparent that the beneficial effects of statin therapy may extend beyond lowering of serum cholesterol. The present study was done to explore possible pleiotropic statin effects at the level of the cerebral vascular smooth muscle. Lovastatin, lovastatin acid, simvastatin and pravastatin, were

Plant species diversity as a driver of early succession in abandoned fields: a multi-site approach

Succession is one of the most studied processes in ecology and succession theory provides strong predictability. However, few attempts have been made to influence the course of succession thereby testing the hypothesis that passing through one stage is essential before entering the next one. At each stage of succession ecosystem processes may be affected by the diversity of species present, but th

The intrinsic factor-vitamin B12 receptor, cubilin, is assembled into trimers via a coiled-coil alpha-helix

A large protein was purified from bovine kidney, using selective extraction with EDTA to solubilize proteins anchored by divalent cation-dependent interactions. An antiserum raised against the purified protein labeled the apical cell surface of the epithelial cells in proximal tubules and the luminal surface of small intestine. Ten peptide sequences, derived from the protein, all matched the recen

Expression of Alkaline Sphingomyelinase in Yeast Cells and Anti-inflammatory Effects of the Expressed Enzyme in a Rat Colitis Model.

Alkaline sphingomyelinase (Alk-SMase) is a key enzyme in the intestinal tract for digestion of dietary sphingomyelin (SM), which generates lipid messengers with cell-cycle regulating effects. The enzyme is significantly decreased in ulcerative colitis and colon cancer. Based on this information, we wanted to investigate whether the enzyme had preventive effects against murine colitis. We report he

Upper Ordovician carbonate mounds on Gotland, central Baltic Sea: Distribution, composition and reservoir characteristics

We present a multidisciplinary description of the Upper Ordovician carbonate mounds which are found throughout the central Baltic Sea and which were studied in detail on the island of Gotland. These mounds were the subject of intense exploration between 1974 and 1992 and a total of 323 shallow wells were completed in more than 100 mounds on Gotland. Many of these were put into production and a tot

Dual-window scatter correction and energy window setting in cerebral blood flow SPECT: a Monte Carlo study

The image quality in SPECT studies of the regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) performed with 99mTc-HMPAO is degraded by scattered photons. The finite energy resolution of the gamma camera makes the detection of scattered photons unavoidable, and this is observed in the image as an impaired contrast between grey and white matter structures. In this work, a Monte Carlo simulated SPECT study of a rea

Community mobilization and peer education in a HIV-STI prevention program for university students

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det är en viktig uppgift för samhället att förebygga HIV och STI (sexuellt överförbara infektioner) bland ungdomar. Under de första åren av 1990-talet, när denna studie genomfördes, ökade dessa infektioner på ett oroväckande sätt. Detta gällde särskilt klamydiainfektionerna och nästan 25% av studenterna vid Lunds universitet rapporterade att de hade haft en konstaterad Slowing the incidence of HIV and STI among young people requires that they change their sexual behaviours. There is evidence that community-based interventions that target multiple levels of influence can be effective. In community mobilization different segments and sectors of a population are directly involved in problem identification and in the design and implementation of programs. The proces

Retrofocusing of Acoustic Wave Fields by Iterated Time Reversal

In the present paper an iterative time-reversal algorithm, that retrofocuses an acoustic wave field to its controllable part is established. For a fixed temporal support, i.e., transducer excitation time, the algorithm generates an optimal retrofocusing in the least-squares sense. Thus the iterative time-reversal algorithm reduces the temporal support of the excitation from the requirement of neglig

The Limits of Thought & the Mind-Body Problem

This paper gives an account of Colin McGinn's essay: "Can We Solve the Mind-Body Problem?". McGinn's answer to his own essay title is that the problem is forever beyond us due to the particular nature of our cognitive abilities. The present author offers a number of criticisms of the arguments which support this conclusion

Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Combustion in PPC and Diesel Engines

Popular Abstract in Swedish Trots ny fordonsteknik så har koldioxidutsläppen ökat med nästan 40% i Europa sedan 1990-talet. Detta beror främst på en tilltagande transport på våra vägar. Drivmedel som används inom transportsektorn är nästan uteslutande diesel och bensin, vilka härstammar från fossila bränslen. För att hantera konsekvenserna av transportfordons miljöpåverkan så blir lagstiftningen pThis thesis deals with large eddy simulations (LES) of turbulent combustion processes in direct injection internal combustion (IC) engines. Modeling of direct injection IC engine combustion involves modeling of turbulent spray/gas two-phase flow, modeling of chemical reactions of large hydrocarbon fuels and coupling of chemistry with turbulent flows. LES is chosen in this thesis for it capability