

Din sökning på "*" gav 531169 sökträffar

Evaluating the effects on enhanced intersystem connectivity

Future mobile terminals will be able to use several types of wireless systems and have the possibility to change between different operators, while maintaining there original connection. This will impact the operators way of conduct business locally as well as globally. The different wireless systems will form hierarchical networks, where the systems have different coverage areas and bandwidth off

Texture compression of light maps using smooth profile functions

Light maps have long been a popular technique for visually rich real-time rendering in games. They typically contain smooth color gradients which current low bit rate texture compression techniques, such as DXT1 and ETC2, do not handle well. The application writer must therefore choose between doubling the bit rate by choosing a codec such as BC7, or accept the compression artifacts, neither of wh

Man and Animality in the “Fables” of August Strindberg

The paper focuses on a suite of fable texts from the modern epoch, the “Fables” of August Strindberg, written in the 1880s. In most of these ten prose fables the protagonists are anthropomorphized animals, one of the facts clearly connecting the suite with the Aesopic tradition, which Strindberg was highly familiar with. The basic message of the Aesopic genre – the rejection of man’s animality as

Statistics on local drug sales: A tool to identify problem areas and to follow effects of education on drug use

Popular Abstract in Swedish Lokal läkemedelsstatistik – ett verktyg för att identifiera problemområden och att bedöma effekter av information och utbildning om läkemedel. Det finns behov att studera läkemedelsförskrivning och läkemedelsanvändning och dessas samband med och effekter på hälsa, sjuklighet och överdödlighet. Det är också önskvärt att kunna använda individdata. I Sverige är det i allmAims: 1) To assess if drug sales data indicate differences in morbidity, mortality, socio-economic conditions and deviating prescribing habits among physicians; 2) to identify areas for educational interventions and to analyse changes in prescribing after educational activities. In addition, an effort was made to estimate differences between pharmacy sales and purchases by the population, and the

Familjens kris. Fem decennier av svensk familjepolitik

This article analyses the history of the Swedish welfare state, with a special emphasis on the development of Swedish family policy between 1930 and 1975. It is argued that a coalition between state officials and state-appointed experts was active in the shaping and legitimising of the concept of family as well of family politics. The underlying assumption of the paper is that the concepts of the

Analysis of Island-Operated Distribution Networks with Distributed Induction Generation under Fault Conditions

This paper presents an analysis of an island-operated distribution network with distributed induction generation under different fault conditions. In the first part, the behavior of an island-operated induction generator connected to a distribution network is presented for short-circuits at different locations in the network, with varying values of fault resistance, initial loading conditions and

Directional Analysis of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Propagation Channels

This paper presents a double directional analysis of vehicle-to-vehicle channel measurements conducted in three different traffic scenarios. Using a high-resolution algorithm, we derive channel parameters like Angle-of-Arrival (AOA), Angle-of-Departure (AOD), propagation delay and Doppler shift and identify underlying propagation mechanisms by combining these estimates with maps of the measurement

Himlens fröjd eller helvetets fasa : perspektiv på västsvenska kyrkomålningar från 1700-talet

Popular Abstract in Swedish Yttersta domen blev det favoriserade motivet då man under 1700-talet dekorerade de västsvenska kyrkornas innertak. VARFÖR kom just helvetesdetaljen att uppta allt större utrymme? Syndens straff utvisas här som en evig vistelse i ett kvalfyllt helvete. Snart var det stort nog att symboliskt rymma hela församlingen. Härifrån rungar varningar, hot skallar medan eldsprutandDuring the18th century, the Swedish orthodox Church faced considerable problems with dissension and indifference. One important means of coping with the situation was the decision to have the ceilings of the churches painted in brilliant oil-paint. The appropriate theme for the didactic purpose was Time’s End, Christ’s second coming in order to judge mankind. Almost every church in the South-west

The Diabetes Incidence Study in Sweden (DISS): Ascertainment, risk factors, and problems with classification

Popular Abstract in Swedish Patienter med diabetes mellitus har högt blodsocker. Insulin reglerar blodsockervärdena. Redan i slutet av 1800 talet föreslogs att skulle det finnas två olika typer av diabetes, den ena beroende på bristande insulinbildning, den andra beroende på bristande insulineffekt. I början av 1900 talet utvecklades insulinframställningen. Observationer av blodsockernivåerna i blThe Diabetes Incidence Study in Sweden (DISS) registers diabetes in young adults aged 15-34 years in Sweden. This thesis aims to validate the ascertainment, methods in the classification of diabetes, and putative etiological factors such as family background, psychological stress, and BMI, that may affect the incidence of diabetes in young adults, in the DISS registry. The capture-recapture method