

Din sökning på "*" gav 534638 sökträffar

Depressive symptoms postpartum is associated with physical activity level the year prior to giving birth - A retrospective observational study

OBJECTIVES: To examine physical activity level prior to pregnancy, during pregnancy and postpartum and investigate the association with depressive symptoms postpartum among women in Sweden.STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective observational study including 532 women on self-assessment of physical activity level before pregnancy, during pregnancy and postpartum, depressive symptoms postpartum as well as stre

Reindeer grazing history determines the responses of subarctic soil fungal communities to warming and fertilization

Composition and functioning of arctic soil fungal communities may alter rapidly due to the ongoing trends of warmer temperatures, shifts in nutrient availability and shrub encroachment. In addition, the communities may also be intrinsically shaped by heavy grazing, which may locally induce an ecosystem change that couples with increased soil temperature and nutrients and where shrub encroachment i

National First Peoples Gathering on Climate Change

Our purpose in hosting the National First Peoples Gathering on Climate Change (the Gathering) was to celebrate, learn from and enhance First Peoples-led climate action. We set out to strengthen kinships, cultural identity and well-being, and to strengthen caring for Country by using both Indigenous and scientific knowledge. The Gathering supported this overall purpose through five aims:• Bring Tra

Uncertainty modelling in metamodels for fire risk analysis

In risk-related research of fire safety engineering, metamodels are often applied to approximate the results of complex fire and evacuation simulations. This approximation may cause epistemic uncertainties, and the inherent uncertainties of evacuation simulations may lead to aleatory uncertainties. However, neither the epistemic ‘metamodel uncertainty’ nor the aleatory ‘inherent uncertainty’ have

Reconstructing Stress Resultants in Wind Turbine Towers Based on Strain Measurements

Support structures of offshore wind turbines are subject to cyclic stresses generated by different time-variant random loadings such as wind, waves, and currents in combination with the excitation by the rotor. In the design phase, the cyclic demand on wind turbine support structure is calculated and forecasted with semi or fully probabilistic engineering models. In some cases, additional cyclic s

Temporality of agency in regional development

The temporality of agency plays a fundamental role in regional development but has received little attention in economic geography and regional studies. This paper zooms in on two aspects of temporality: the temporality of intentions and the temporality of consequences. The former refers to actors’ perception and valuation of opportunities in the near and distant future, whereas the latter refers

Dyslexia Candidate Gene and Ciliary Gene Expression Dynamics During Human Neuronal Differentiation

Developmental dyslexia (DD) is a neurodevelopmental condition with complex genetic mechanisms. A number of candidate genes have been identified, some of which are linked to neuronal development and migration and to ciliary functions. However, expression and regulation of these genes in human brain development and neuronal differentiation remain uncharted. Here, we used human long-term self-renewin

The T-type Ca2+ Channel Cav3.2 Regulates Differentiation of Neural Progenitor Cells during Cortical Development via Caspase-3

Here we report that the low-voltage-dependent T-type calcium (Ca2+) channel Cav3.2, encoded by the CACNA1H gene, regulates neuronal differentiation during early embryonic brain development through activating caspase-3. At the onset of neuronal differentiation, neural progenitor cells exhibited spontaneous Ca2+ activity. This activity strongly correlated with the upregulation of CACNA1H mRNA. Cells

Sugar consumption and cardiometabolic risk. With a focus on the urinary sucrose and fructose biomarkers.

Introduction: In contrast to the intake of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), the evidence linking added sugar intake to the risk of cardiometabolic disease (primarily referring to cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes (T2D)) is contradictory. Aim: The aim of this thesis is to elucidate the role of added sugar intake in the risk for cardiometabolic diseases. To obtain further understanding of

Human iPS-Derived Astroglia from a Stable Neural Precursor State Show Improved Functionality Compared with Conventional Astrocytic Models

In vivo studies of human brain cellular function face challenging ethical and practical difficulties. Animal models are typically used but display distinct cellular differences. One specific example is astrocytes, recently recognized for contribution to neurological diseases and a link to the genetic risk factor apolipoprotein E (APOE). Current astrocytic in vitro models are questioned for lack of

Transport parameter correlations for digitally created PEFC gas diffusion layers by using openPNM

A polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) is an electrochemical device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy and heat. The energy conversion is simple; however, the multiphysics phenomena involved in the energy conversion process must be analyzed in detail. The gas diffusion layer (GDL) provides a diffusion media for reactant gases and gives mechanical support to the fuel cell. It is a


Millenarianism has been the subject of vast historical scholarship and debate, where emphasis is often placed on its political, social and cultural manifestations. Drawing onthis research, this article focuses on the theological understandings of millenarianism throughout Christian history. After a brief discussion of the scriptural origins of the idea of a thousand-year reign, an overview will be

Diagnostic efficiency and validity of the DSM-oriented Child Behavior Checklist and Youth Self-Report scales in a clinical sample of Swedish youth

The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and Youth Self-Report (YSR) are widely used measures of psychiatric symptoms and lately also adapted to the DSM. The incremental validity of adding the scales to each other has not been studied. We validated the DSM subscales for affective, anxiety, attention deficit/hyperactivity (ADHD), oppositional defiant (ODD), conduct problems (CD), and obsessive-compulsiv

Derivation of human iPS cell lines from monozygotic twins in defined and xeno free conditions

Human induced pluripotent stem (hiPS) cell lines CTRL-9-II and CTRL-10-I were derived from healthy monozygotic twin donors using non-integrating RNA based Sendai virus reprogramming and cultured in a xeno-free chemically defined condition. The established hiPS cell lines, CTRL-9-II and CTRL-10-I, are karyotypically normal, free from reprogramming vectors, display endogenously expression of pluripo

Treatment of a mouse model of spinal cord injury by transplantation of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived long-term self-renewing neuroepithelial-like stem cells

Because of their ability to self-renew, to differentiate into multiple lineages, and to migrate toward a damaged site, neural stem cells (NSCs), which can be derived from various sources such as fetal tissues and embryonic stem cells, are currently considered to be promising components of cell replacement strategies aimed at treating injuries of the central nervous system, including the spinal cor

Ferryl hemoglobin and heme induce Α1‐microglobulin in hemorrhaged atherosclerotic lesions with inhibitory function against hemoglobin and lipid oxidation

Infiltration of red blood cells into atheromatous plaques and oxidation of hemoglobin (Hb) and lipoproteins are implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. α1‐microglobulin (A1M) is a radical‐scavenging and heme‐binding protein. In this work, we examined the origin and role of A1M in human atherosclerotic lesions. Using immunohistochemistry, we observed a significant A1M immunoreactivity in

Forest floor fluxes drive differences in the carbon balance of contrasting boreal forest stands

The forest floor provides an important interface of soil-atmosphere CO2 exchanges but their controls and contributions to the ecosystem-scale carbon budget are uncertain due to measurement limitations. In this study, we deployed eddy covariance systems below- and above-canopy to measure the spatially integrated net forest floor CO2 exchange (NFFE) and the entire net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) at

Diagnostic codes of cancer in Skåne healthcare register : a validation study using individual-level data in southern Sweden

Background: The Swedish healthcare is decentralised to 21 regions. Detailed information on all delivered care in the southernmost region, Skåne, is prospectively collected in the Skåne Healthcare Register (SHR). The data is updated daily and hence a good source for epidemiological studies. However, the diagnostic codes used to identify cancer patients in SHR have not yet been validated. Methods: W

Scientific models in legal judgements : The relationship between law and environmental science as problem-feeding

Legal decision-making often relies on scientific knowledge and information of other kinds, not least in environmental law where legal institutions use environmental modeling to, for example, project expected effects of projects when approving or denying permits. In this paper, using the problem-feeding model of interdisciplinarity, we analyze this relationship as an exchange of problems and soluti