

Din sökning på "*" gav 534873 sökträffar

QUOTATIONS - Mapping out abnormal return opportunities on the Stockholm Exchange 1994-2006

The purpose of this study is to investigate, at the Stockholm Exchange during the period 1994 to 2006, whether certain quotations with particular characteristics can be said to produce positive abnormal returns relatively larger than others. We measure the initial return as well as the mid and long run abnormal returns for firms quoted on the Stockholm Exchange during 1994 and 2006 based on quotat

Value Capture in Open Source Projects

Open Source projects are collaborative processes that generate value for users but generally disallow actors to generate revenue directly from the product that is developed. Nonetheless, many companies are involved in Open Source projects. Therefore it is of interest to study what kind of mechanisms are involved in how companies capture value from Open Source project involvement, and also what kin

A View of a Traditional Foundry’s Leadership - Do they follow the Chinese Cultural in the way they lead?

Goals of this thesis is to investigate how the Foundry Chinese Managers perceive leadership, and how they construct their leadership skills in their daily working environment in that specific foundry context and whether the Chinese leadership is still following the traditional Chinese Culture or they have their own ways to lead. We are using a qualitative/inductive method. We are using already exi

Det nordiska lagstiftningssamarbetet i relation till FN- konventionen angående avtal om internationella köp av varor (CISG)

Då Danmark, Finland, Norge och Sverige tillträdde FN- konventionen om internationella köp av varor, CISG, deklarerades även överensstämmande förbehåll, reservationer, av vart och ett av de fyra länderna. Detta agerande var endast ett i mängden av gemensamma beslut som företagits mellan de fyra länderna i rättsutvecklingens historia, men ur ett nutida perspektiv är just detta beslut högst aktuellt.When Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden joined the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, CISG, it was with mutual disclaimers, reservations. This decision was only one of the several joint decisions undertaken by the four countries as regards the tradition of legal development among the Nordic countries, although from a contemporary perspective that decision is highly up

Umgänge med förälder - är det en rättighet eller en skyldighet för barn?

Uppsatsen beskriver gällande rätt vid umgängestvister rörande barn och dess föräldrar i FN:s Barnkonvention, i den europeiska konventionen angående skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna och i svensk rätt. Uppsatsens syfte är att med hjälp av gällande rätt undersöka huruvida umgängesreglerna innebär en rättighet eller en skyldighet för barn att umgås med föräldrarna. This paper describes the current law concerning the right of access between children and parents in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and in Swedish law. The intent of this paper is to discuss whether the current law regarding access makes it a right or an obligation for a child to

Youth Feminist Activism in China: An Ethnographic Analysis of an Innovative Action-oriented Feminism

In the spring of 2015, five young feminist activists were arrested by the Chinese police for allegedly ‘causing trouble’, which resulted in global attention aimed at this new wave of feminist movement. Youth feminist activism have made their voice heard in China through numerous actions for gender equality since 2012. Not much is known about the new feminist movements and the limited work that exi

Internationalization of South Korean software SMEs: A multiple-case study on market selection, expansion patterns and the influence of large business conglomerates

The purpose of the thesis was to examine the internationalization process of South Korean software SMEs with a focus on their market selection and international expansion patterns. In addition, the thesis aimed to determine whether the presence of large business conglomerates in the domestic market, a unique characteristic of the South Korean economy, had any significant influence on the internati

Can China Successfully leapfrog into Electrical Vehicle Dominance

The concept of the leapfrog, whereby developing economies ‘jump’ directly to adopting the advanced economy technologies without having to follow the development paths of their predecessors, is a very appealing theory. A leapfrog attempt is visible in the Chinese governments ambitions to react to the recent change of focus of the global auto industry to developing more sustainable vehicles to addre

Implementation of adaptive optics into a femtosecond laser chain

Optical aberrations are the main cause for reduced focusability and low peak intensity in laser beams. All the applications that rely on high peak power and/or small focus spot size, loose efficiency when optical aberrations are present. They can be reduced by using specially shaped optical elements, but all aberrations cannot be avoided completely. In this thesis we used a new approach for reduc

Hydropower in Cambodia : Competing discursive story-lines of a contested development path

This thesis uses discourse to analyze how different story-lines of hydropower development in the Mekong River Basin reproduce the concept of sustainable development. With actors advocating sometimes diametrically opposite development paths resulting in different social, economic and environmental trade-offs they all refer to and motivate their agendas in terms of sustainable development. I applied

Hållbarhetsredovisning - Samspelet mellan lagstiftning och riktlinjer

Denna uppsats handlar om hur hållbarhetsredovisning regleras och samspelet mellan de olika instrumenten; lagstiftning, normer, branschstandarder och riktlinjer. Det är en tvärvetenskaplig uppsats, som genom en socio-legal studie ämnar sätta lagstiftningen i relation till den verklighet och miljö den reglerar. Hållbarhetsredovisning har blivit allt vanligare hos näringslivet idag. Det är ett sätt fThis essay is about how Sustainability Reporting is regulated and the interplay between the different regulating instruments; legislation, norms, standards and guidelines. It is an interdisciplinary essay which intends to put legislation in relation to the reality and the environment in which it regulates. Therefore the essay stems from a socio-legal method. Sustainability Reporting among companie

Occurrences of insect outbreaks in Sweden in relation to climatic parameters since 1850

This study was carried out in order to identify the main insect species responsible for forest damages (pests) in Sweden, and to explore the relationships between insect outbreaks and environmental variables (temperature, precipitation, and availability of insect host trees, including storm damaged trees). Special attention was given to changes in management practices through time, and their conse

Acquisition, analysis and visualisation of X-ray spectrometer data at MAX IV

This thesis describes the development of software for an X-ray spectrometer at MAX IV. The main functionality of the software is to create an energy spectrum from detector data. A new beamline, SPECIES, is under construction at the MAX IV synchrotron facility. One of the experimental stations at SPECIES contains an X-ray spectrometer. The spectrometer will be used to analyse X-rays scattered by r

The gender wage-gap in Brazil and the role of discrimination

Abstract: The gender pay-gap is not a new phenomenon in Brazil. Since the increase of female participation on the labor market, the gap has remained a persistent problem that has generated a wide range of studies on the topic. The Human Capital Theory argues that individuals’ education and on-the-job experience are essential determinants on wage estimations. This assessment is not disputed in the

Men and their perception of gender stereotypes used in print advertisements

This thesis deals with the question of how men perceive the usage of gender stereotypes in print advertisements. After reviewing existing literature in the field of gender stereotypes and their utilization in advertisements, a research gap has been identified in two areas: male gender stereotypes and perception of advertisements. Hence, this thesis combines these two aspects in an attempt to contr

Pollinering av tvåhjärtbladiga växter utanför hagmarker i Skåne

Kristoffer Magnusson Pollinering av blommor utanför hagmarker Det senaste århundradet har den biologiska mångfalden i jordbrukslandskapet minskat markant på grund av den ökade intensiteten i jordbruket. Vad som fanns tidigare var ett mer lågintensivt jordbruk med traditionella verktyg och metoder. Detta lågintensiva jordbruk skapade otroligt artrika ängar och hagmarker i jordbrukslandskapet. EfThe aim of this study is to examine the spillover effects of diversity in insect pollinated plants in the vicinity of semi-natural grasslands, if the biodiversity in plants is increased as a result of being close to pastures and if a local environmental support has an effect on its surroundings. As agricultural intensification reduces biodiversity and contributes to habitat degradation, studies on

"Som en irriterande mygga - men han tycker om mig" -syskons upplevelse av att ha ett syskon med ADHD-

Syftet med den här undersökningen var att generera en beskrivning av hur syskonen i familjer med ADHD barn upplevde relationen till barnet, samt relationen och tillgängligheten till föräldrarna. Halvstrukturerade Intervjuer med 4 syskon till barn med ADHD analyserades utifrån Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Studien visar att syskonens upplevelse av relationen till barnet med ADHD vThe aim of this investigation was to generate a description of how siblings in families with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) children experienced the relation to ADHD child in addition to relation and availability to the parents. Semi structural interviews with 4 siblings to Children with ADHD were analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) method. The study reve