

Din sökning på "*" gav 534729 sökträffar

Factors of importance for the development of evidence-based practice amongst radiographers in public healthcare

IntroductionResearch evidence suggests that radiographers often rely on previous training, traditional practices, work experience and protocols developed within the department rather than up-to-date research-based evidence in their daily practice. The aim of the study was to investigate factors that might impact the development of evidence-based practice amongst radiographers in clinical public se

Controlled molecule injector for cold, dense, and pure molecular beams at the European x-ray free-electron laser

A permanently available molecular-beam injection setup for controlled molecules (COMO) was installed and commissioned at the small quantum systems (SQS) instrument at the European x-ray free-electron laser (EuXFEL). A b-type electrostatic deflector allows for pure state-, size-, and isomer-selected samples of polar molecules and clusters. The source provides a rotationally cold (T ≈ 1 K) and dense

Tuning Interactions in Correlated Electron Systems: From Two-Band Superconductivity to Quasi-1D Spin Chains

Neutron scattering techniques have been employed to investigate two key areas of condensed matter physics: superconductivity and quantum magnetism. The experimental studies span two distinct areas: two-band superconductors, where we explore the interplay between superconducting anisotropy and vortex structure, and quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1D) spin chains, where we investigate the magnetic exci

Vascular ageing in relation to chronological and self-perceived age in the general Swedish population

Background. Aortic stiffness is a marker of vascular ageing. Non-conventional risk markers reflecting vascular ageing are largely unexplored. We aimed to investigate the relationship between self-perceived age (SPA) and self-rated health (SRH) with aortic stiffness in the general population. Methods. Cross-sectional assessment of 3760 participants from two Swedish population-based cohorts (mean ag

Greenhouse gas emissions in global value chains: governance, regulation and liability

This chapter discusses the legal conceptualization of greenhouse gas emissions from transnational production. Using global value chain theory as our starting point, we show how these emissions can be understood on the level of law through a combination of private governance, regulation and private law doctrine. We propose that this approach provides a useful heuristic tool for identifying, apporti

Effect of the local anaesthetic ropivacaine intraperitoneally during and after cytoreductive surgery on time-interval to adjuvant chemotherapy in advanced ovarian cancer: a randomised, double-blind phase III trial

BackgroundIn a previous phase II trial, intraperitoneal local anaesthetics shortened the time interval between surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy, an endpoint associated with improved survival in advanced ovarian cancer. Our objective was to test this in a phase III trial.MethodsA double-blind, phase III parallel superiority trial was conducted at two university hospitals in Sweden, within a public

Jämställdhetens betydelse för energieffektivitet i transportsektorn : Slutrapport

Jämställdhet är en högst relevant aspekt för en mer hållbar transportsektor. Det finns genomgående stora skillnader mellan könen vad gäller såväl resvanor och beteende som attityder och värderingar. Skillnaderna i resvanor är så stora att enbart skillnaderna i bilanvändning skulle minska energianvändningen från transportsektorn med en femtedel om män i genomsnitt reste som kvinnor i genomsnitt. Kl

Political attention, collaborative governance and adaptive capacity in flood risk mitigation within municipal administrations

Flood risk mitigation requires collaborative governance that involves many and diverse actors. The capacity of municipal administrations to anticipate and adapt plays a crucial role in addressing flood risk in the Nordic region. However, although flood risk often spans boundaries, each organisation's governance capacity depends largely on the formation of collaborative ties among involved politici

Evaluating Microplastic Detection Techniques in Human-Impacted Water Systems : A Mini-Review

Microplastics (MP) have emerged as significant global pollutants, garnering considerable attention from both the scientific community and the public. The significance of microplastic research lies in its capacity to inform effective pollution control strategies and mitigate associated environmental and health risks. The review illuminated the complexities and challenges inherent in analyzing micro

Fermented Quinoa and Canihua in Plant-Based Diets Increase Iron and Zinc Bioavailability in Growing Rats

This study aimed at evaluating the effects of non-fermented and fermented pseudocereal flours, quinoa and canihua, on iron and zinc bioavailability in Wistar rats. Two diets prepared with 92% fermented quinoa or 79.5% fermented canihua were compared with diets prepared with the same amount of non-fermented pseudocereals. Other two quinoa diets were prepared with 60% non-fermented or fermented quin

Temporal reliability evolution of a prestressed girder with post-tensioned tendons subjected to corrosion

This paper presents a methodology for the assessment of time-dependent reliability of post-tensioned (PT) girders. As possible lack of consistent maintenance efforts and the constraints of economic and temporal resources become increasingly apparent, there is a need to comprehend their remaining service life, intricately tied to the gradual evolution of their reliability over time. In this study,

Volcanic environment impact on andic properties and carbon dynamics in drained peatlands

The world’s soils are the most significant terrestrial C store. They store at least twice the amount of carbon as the atmosphere. Peatlands are the most significant long-term soil C store, even though they only cover about 3% of the terrestrial land surface and thus play a vital role in the global C cycle. Iceland is an island in the North Atlantic characterised by high volcanic activity, with vol

Sleepy Network Devices: Implementation and Energy Modeling of Low-Power Proxying Solutions

As the industrial, commercial, and domestic prevalence of Internet of Things networks grows, so does the search for viable solutions to decrease their energy consumption. One common solution is using a low-power proxy that can control the power state of the devices within the network. To evaluate such solutions, either implementations can be made and measured for energy consumption, or energy mode

Structure and Function of IGA

In mammals, IgA is the antibody class that is produced in largest quantities. The main producers are plasma cells located in the lamina propria at mucosal surfaces that secrete it as dimers covalently linked to the J chain. Polymeric immunoglobulin receptors (pIgRs) expressed on epithelial cells bind to dimeric IgA molecules and mediate basolateral to apical transcytosis, before IgA is released in

Social-class differences in spacing and stopping during the historical fertility transition: Insights from cure models

Background: There is a long-standing debate about the role of spacing and stopping in the fertility transition, fueled by a lack of methods to appropriately model spacing and stopping. Traditional event-history analysis cannot distinguish between the two processes in analyzing the determinants of birth risks, and attempts to separately model spacing and stopping have been criticized from a methodo

Fate of Optical Excitons in FAPbI3 Nanocube Superlattices

Understanding the nature of the photoexcitation and ultrafast charge dynamics pathways in organic halide perovskite nanocubes and their aggregation into superlattices is key for potential applications as tunable light emitters, photon-harvesting materials, and light-amplification systems. In this work, we apply two-dimensional coherent electronic spectroscopy (2DES) to track in real time the forma

System-wide identification and prioritization of enzyme substrates by thermal analysis

Despite the immense importance of enzyme-substrate reactions, there is a lack of general and unbiased tools for identifying and prioritizing substrate proteins that are modified by the enzyme on the structural level. Here we describe a high-throughput unbiased proteomics method called System-wide Identification and prioritization of Enzyme Substrates by Thermal Analysis (SIESTA). The approach assu

Association between early airway intervention in the pre-hospital setting and outcomes in out of hospital cardiac arrest patients : A post-hoc analysis of the Target Temperature Management-2 (TTM2) trial

Introduction: Airway management is a critical component of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) resuscitation. The primary aim of this study was to describe pre-hospital airway management in adult patients post-OHCA. Secondary aims were to investigate whether tracheal intubation (TI) versus use of supraglottic airway device (SGA) was associated with patients’ outcomes, including ventilator-free d