

Din sökning på "*" gav 526186 sökträffar

Haptic 3D object recognition: A study with blind users

We report results from a subset of an extensive study of the performance of blind persons in different haptic environments. Test tasks included in the study were recognition of simple geometrical objects, realistic VRML models, mathematical surfaces, a si

Unraveling process in the laboratory

Focuses on processes brought about in laboratory settings, either processes implying adaptation to strange or contradictory stimulation. or microprocesses underlying the construction o funfamiliar aspects of the outside world. These methods hae been utilized to an increasing extent, in personality and clinical psychology, as efficient diagnostic tools.

Om att leda ett lärarlag och att arbeta för att utveckla ett campus ethos. Första året i ett två-årigt internationellt masterprogram

Projektet redovisas med en beskrivning och analys av arbetet med att leda ett lärarlag som här definieras som ett community of practice (Etienne Wenger 1988) med målet att genom ett sådant kollegiearbete gemensamt utveckla ett ändamålsenligt campus ethos för våra masterstudenter (Adrianna Kezar 2007). Mina erfarenheter och reflektioner kring arbetet med att leda och skapa möjligheter för samarbete

Embedded sensory systems based on topographic maps

Image processing is one of the popular applications of Cellular Neural Networks. Macro enriched field-programmable gate-arrays can be used to realize such systems on silicon. The paper discusses a pipelined implementation that supports the handling of gray-level images at 180 to 240 Mpixels per second by exploiting the Virtex-II macros to spatially unroll the local feedback.

Balancing - Cancer from a primary care perspective. Diagnosis, posttraumatic stress, and end-of-life care.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Att balansera. Cancer från ett primärvårdsperspektiv. Diagnostik, posttraumatisk stress och vård vid livets slut Denna avhandling belyser cancer från en utgångspunkt som kanske inte handlar om vad man först kommer att tänka på när man hör ordet cancerforskning. Det handlar inte om att “lösa cancerns gåta” eller att hitta nya metoder för behandling eller diagnos. UtgångThis thesis explores cancer from a primary care perspective covering three areas: diagnosis, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and end-of-life care. We analyzed patient records of every child diagnosed with a malignancy in a defined area. During 12 years 68 children were diagnosed (incidence 14/100,000). For 68% the diagnosis was initiated in primary care. There were 25 children with leukemia

Evidence and transparency in the open public services-reform: perspectives for the third sector

The concepts of ‘transparency’ and ‘evidence of what works’ are key features in the implementation and success of the open public service policy. This paper explores, from the perspective of the third sector, the meaning of these concepts and how we can expect them to be operationalized. Initially, an implementation guided by evidence and transparency seems reasonable and ethical. The practical me

Den dubbla blicken : Historia i de nordiska samhällena krings sekelskiftet 1900

År 1905 arrangerades det första nordiska historikermötet i Lund. Mötet blev till viss del ett misslyckande eftersom norrmännen uteblev på grund av den svensk-norska unionskrisen. Några få finländare medverkade - men de hade sin politiska och historieteoretiska uppmärksamhet riktad åt andra håll. De nordatlantiska samhällena hade ännu inga akademiska historiker. Mötets öde visar hur historia och hi

Sum rules and physical bounds on passive metamaterials

Frequency dependence of the permittivity and permeability is inevitable in metamaterial applications such as cloaking and perfect lenses. In this paper, Herglotz functions are used as a tool to construct sum rules from which we derive physical bounds suited for metamaterial applications, where the material parameters are often designed to be negative or near zero in the frequency band of interest.

An experimental evaluation of test driven development vs. test-last development with industry professionals

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a software development approach where test cases are written before actual development of the code in iterative cycles. Context: TDD has gained attention of many software practitioners during the last decade since it has contributed several benefits to the software development process. However, empirical evidence of its dominance in terms of internal code quality,