

Din sökning på "*" gav 532078 sökträffar

Kan användning av olika typer av språk påverka vem som känner sig inbjuden till en organisation?

Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det finns en könsskillnad i potentiella arbetstagares upplevelser av en organisationsbeskrivning på grund av språk. Forskningsfrågorna löd “Leder typ av språk i en organisationsbeskrivning till att kvinnor och män är olika attraherade av en organisation som arbetsgivare?”, “Leder typ av språk i en organisationsbeskrivning till att kvinnor och män till olika The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there is a gender difference in potential employees' experiences of an organisational description due to the language used. The research questions were "Does the type of language in an organisational description lead to women and men feeling differently regarding job appeal?", "Does the type of language in an organisational de

Butiksdöd i stadskärnan? - En fallstudie på varför butiker lämnar Helsingborgs stadskärna

The discussion of the ‘retail apocalypse’ can be found both in recent scientific articles as in the media. With an increasing volume of electronic trade and with 2 pandemic years behind us, a lot of stores have closed their physical businesses (Chatterjee m. fl. 2021, HD 2021b, Mende – Noble 2019). In Sweden a lot of these affected stores are located in the town's city centers (Anselmsson 2021

Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att möta hot och våld inom somatisk vård En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Hot och våld mot sjuksköterskor från patienter och närstående är ett växande problem. Våldet orsakar konsekvenser för både sjuksköterskan och för vårdorganisationen. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att möta hot och våld från patienter och närstående på sjukhuset inom somatisk vård. Metod: En icke systematisk litteraturstudie med induktiv ansats genomfördes.

"Kan man krama om? Vågar man?" En kvalitativ studie om pensionärers upplevelser av socialt tryck under pandemin.

The aim of this thesis was to explore the experience of and reasoning about social pressure to which senior citizens have been subjected to during the covid-19 pandemic. Our research consisted of eight semistructured interviews with pensioners over the age of 65, which reflect our qualitative approach. The theoretical framework of the analysis was Scott & Lyman's (1968) theory of accounts,

Standardiserad kvalitetssäkring av brandskydd i BIM

Digitized workflows are becoming more common in the construction industry where building information modeling, also called BIM, is a common example of this development. The BIM environment enables an unbroken chain of information on a corporate platform. To ensure that the information is correct and that the quality is of sufficient quality, systematic quality controls are carried out. This thesis

Geografisk expansion av startup företag med en digital produktplattform - En fallstudie på ett svenskt företag inom hantverkarbranschen

Dagens utveckling inom digitalisering, tjänstefiering och globalisering erbjuder nya möjligheter för startup företag med digitala produktplattformar att tillämpa geografisk expansion. Examensarbetet applicerar teoretiska ramverk och modeller för att utreda en internationell marknadsutveckling av ett svenskt fallföretag som erbjuder digitala tjänster till hantverkarbranschen. Avgörande faktorer förThe emerging trend of digitalization, servicification and globalization offers new opportunities for geographic expansion of startup companies with a digital product platform. The master thesis performs a case study on a Swedish startup company offering digital services to the craft industry by applying theoretical frameworks and models in order to examine a potential international market developm

The Principle of Fiscal Neutrality and Economic Reality in EU VAT: Two Peas in a Pod?

Economic reality constitutes a fundamental criterion for the application of the common VAT system. Although its reference by the CJEU has increased over the past decades, significant legal uncertainty does still exist regarding its origin, legal status, functioning and terminology. Van Doesum and Nellen have identified two functions of economic reality. In this regard, its benchmark of VAT reality

Social Support and Repression: An Exploration of the Governing of Social Problems in Sweden

There is a great belief in the use of repression and increased state control to combat social problems, particularly crime, in current Swedish crime policies, visible through the 34-points program in which most points are aimed at longer penalties and increased state authority. At the same time, the government claims the need for promotion of desistance. This study aims to explore the governing of

The Environmental Aspect of Cryptocurrency Adoption

Cryptocurrencies are attracting the interest of investors and the public since they are perceived as an alternative to overcome the limitations of the current financial system. Cryptocurrencies are energy-hungry; therefore, the environmental cost represents a limitation to their adoption. Research regarding the environmental aspect of cryptocurrency adoption is lacking and tends to be biased or ob

The Impacts of the Czech Economy on the Slovak Economy – Evidence from the VAR model

This paper studies the effect of the Czech economy on the Slovak Republic. Specifically, we analyze the general economic relationship as well as responses of macroeconomic variables of Slovakia to shocks in the Czech Republic. Firstly, we present the theoretical background of their relationship on top of which we build a regression analysis. Secondly, for the regression analysis, we used quarterly

Competition in EU Digital Markets

The features of digital markets constitute entry barriers and facilitate large platforms to adopt strategic behavior. Large platforms benefit from these features, making it hard for new market players to enter their markets or compete. Besides, large platforms can employ strategies to foreclose competition based on the characteristics of digital markets, leading to large platforms holding dominanc

Brand authenticity on Instagram: Consumers’ perspective on beauty brands

Capturing how consumers understand brand authenticity is a prominent quest by scholars. However, the concept is characterized by its multiplicity of meanings. Especially in the context of social media, the meaning of brand authenticity remains uncaptured. Focusing on beauty brands, this study aims to explore the consumers’ process of understanding brand authenticity on Instagram by taking the sens

Embrace a new era of digital internal communication: employees' sensemaking of internal communication through enterprise social media

Although the digitalization in the working place seems to be inevitable, employees’ sensemaking on digital internal communication and employee voice through enterprise social media has been ignored in the strategic communication research field. This study problematizes the insufficient knowledge in digital internal communication and highlights the employee perspective. Another research problem is

Mikrofluidikchipp för exponering av biologiska partiklar för varierande molekylära stimuli

Easy exposure of biological particles for molecular stimuli is of interest when examining the effects of antibiotics on different bacteria or to perform toxicity analysis for biophysical studies of vesicles. Such experiments require advanced equipment that can only be found in laboratories and are vastly time-consuming. A possible solution to the problem could be a “lab-on-a-chip”, which in short

ESG - Värdedrivare eller reglering

This thesis aim to evaluate how sustainability in terms of ESG-ratings affect portfolio performance. A portfolio strategy sorting stocks solely on ESG-ratings from MSCI will be evaluated with financial performance measures and regression analysis. Furthermore, the authors will use a quantitative method and incorporate stocks from the S&P 500. Portfolios will be rebalanced once a year to take m

Arbetsgivarens dilemma – uppsägning eller avskedande? - En analys av hur arbetsgivares skyldigheter påverkar valet mellan uppsägning och avskedande samt de ekonomiska konsekvenserna som följer

Föreliggande uppsats har analyserat vilken påverkan arbetsgivares skyldigheter vid uppsägning respektive avskedande av personliga skäl har på arbetsgivares val mellan uppsägning och avskedande. Genom tillämpning av en rättsdogmatisk metod har gällande rätt analyserats och slutsatser dragits om vilka konsekvenser rättsreglernas utformning får. Mest påtagligt är att fler arbetsgivare väljer att avskThis essay will describe how the responsibilities of the employer differ between termination and dismissal for personal reasons as well as analyse the impact this has on employers' choice between termination and dismissal. The circumstances that are invoked as reasons for termination and dismissal are often the same, but in the event of dismissal, the misdemeanor must have a greater impact on

LAS - Falsk trygghet? - Anställningsskyddets styrkor och brister

Idag omfattas de flesta arbetare av omställningsavtal men vetskapen om dessa, dess funktioner och betydelse för både arbetsgivare och arbetstagare är begränsad. Analysen som gjorts i uppsatsen, kommer fram till att omställningsavtalen underlättar för arbetsgivaren att göra val om vilka medarbetare som skall stanna vid en arbetsbrist. För arbetstagaren innebär det att det finns ett stöd men garanteToday, most workers are covered by adjustment agreements, but knowledge of these, their functions and their significance for both employers and employees is limited. The analysis made in the essay concludes that the adjustment agreements make it easier for the employer to make choices about which employees should stay in the event of a work shortage. For the employee, this means that there is supp

External Migration Control Measures and Ill-Treatment of Migrant Women: On the Responsibility of the EU and the Member States Under the EU-Charter

Genom den externa dimensionen av EUs migrations policys har EU och medlemsstaterna alltmer börjat använda sig av externaliseringsåtgärder som ett sätt att få till bukt på de irreguljära migrationsströmmar som når unionens externa gränser. Åtgärderna är karaktäriserade av inhemska handlingar med extraterritoriella effekter vilka leder till ökad migrationskontroll i de tredjeländerna som åtgärderna Through the external dimension of the EU migration policy, the EU and its member states have increasingly employed externalization measures as a means of stemming the irregular migration flows that reach the external borders of the Union. The measures are characterized by domestic conduct with extraterritorial effect leading to increased migration control in the third countries targeted by these m