

Din sökning på "*" gav 532100 sökträffar

Semidispositivitet inom det grundläggande anställningsskyddet: en ulv i fårakläder? - En rättsdogmatisk analys av semidispositiviteten i 7 § LAS och dess förhållande till Sveriges föreningsrättsliga åtaganden och oorganiserade arbetstagares rätt till effektivt rättsmedel

I den politiska överenskommelsen januariavtalet ingick bland annat förslag om att den svenska arbetsrätten skulle förändras och moderniseras. Regeringen tillsatte först en egen utredning, SOU 2020:30. Därefter utarbetade arbetsmarknadens parter efter förhandlingar en egen principöverenskommelse om förändringar av arbetsrätten. I januari år 2020 tillsatte Regeringskansliet tre utredningar vars syftThe political agreement “januariavtalet” included a proposal to change and modernise Swedish labour law. The government first appointed its own enquiry, SOU 2020:30. Subsequently, the social partners negotiated and prepared their own agreement regarding changes to the labour law. In January 2020 the Swedish government offices appointed three enquiries whose purpose was to modernise the labour law

Röstar skåningar med fötterna? Om kommunal skatt och välfärds påverkan på bostadspriserna

This paper examines if individuals take local income taxes and public spending into account when choosing where to live. A hedonic price model is applied to a dataset containing 5545 sales in southern Skåne to used to analyze the effects of local tax and spending differences on the prices of privately-owned housing. The different effects for apartments and houses as well as the effect of municipal

Law Beyond Borders: Transnational Legal Pluralism Following Hong Kong’s New Reality

Hong Kong is a region undergoing rapid social, political, and legal change as mainland China seeks to increase its control over the previously largely autonomous region with laws such as the national security law which asserts its jurisdiction beyond borders, complicating matters for Hong Kongers living abroad. The effects of law asserting its jurisdiction beyond borders is contingent on the relat

Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms in Predicting the Age Distribution Parameters of H&M Product Customers

Over the past decade, the fashion industry has shifted towards dynamic product assortments with shorter life cycles. As a result, the role of the analysis of product sales has increased and become crucial for fashion retailers. Using H&M Group’s dataset on their product sales, I analyze and compare the performance of two machine learning algorithms in predicting the standard deviation and aver

Security Services and Authoritarian Stability - A Comparative Case Study of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria before the Arab Spring

This study tests the theory of Authoritarian Stability against the expectation that security services are essential for preventing the fall of the regime in Egypt, Jordan, and Syria in the lead up to the Arab Spring. A most similar comparative case study is used as method. Authoritarian stability is operationalised as the ruler maintaining the support from domestic elites and from external powers

Hemmiljöns betydelse under tidig återhämtning efter lindrig till måttlig stroke - En litteraturöversikt

Bakgrund: I Sverige insjuknar årligen ett stort antal personer i stroke. Stroke är den vanligaste sjukdomsorsaken till bestående funktionsnedsättning och medför flest antal vårddagar på sjukhus. Tidig understödd utskrivning från sjukhus till hemmet (Early Supported Discharge) erbjuds enligt de nationella riktlinjerna för vård vid stroke för personer med lindrig till måttlig stroke. Syfte: Att karBackground: In Sweden a large number of people fall ill with stroke every year. Stroke is the most common cause of permanent disability and results in the largest number of hospital days. Early Supported Discharge is offered according to the national guidelines of mild to moderate stroke. Aim: To map how persons with mild to moderate stroke experienced the home environments significance for th

Möt gud och må bättre - en kvalitativ undersökning om psykedelikas effekter på välmående

Forskningen kring psykedelier och dess effekter på välmående och vid behandling av psykiska åkommor har under senare år ökat markant. Den kvantitativa forskningen har varit dominerande men den kvalitativa forskningen börjar komma ikapp. En kvalitativ meta-analys kom fram till fyra teman med tillhörande underteman: (1) upplevelsens fenomenologi; (2) perspektiv på behandlingen; (3) terapeutiska procThe research on psychedelics and their effects on well-being and as a treatment for mental illness is growing fast. The research has been mostly quantitative, but qualitative efforts are catching up. One qualitative meta-analysis synthesized four themes and their associated subthemes: (1) phenomenology of the experience; (2) perspectives on the intervention; (3) therapeutic processes and (4) outco

Räddningstjänstens arbete med Agenda 2030

År 2015 samlades världens ledare och antog 17 globala hållbarhetsmål för att bidra till en social, ekonomisk och miljömässigt hållbar utveckling. De 17 globala hållbarhetsmålen utgör Agenda 2030 och ansvaret för genomförandet av agendan vilar på medlemsländernas regeringar. För att uppnå agendan måste alla sektorer engagera sig. Det innebär att kommunal räddningstjänst som är en del av den kommunaThe importance of sustainability is constantly increasing in today’s society and 2015 the United Nations adopted 17 global sustainable development goals (SDGs), summarized as the “2030 Agenda”. To achieve the 2030 Agenda all sectors must become involved which means that the Fire and Rescue Services (FRS) must contribute to this sustainability work. It is therefore important to map how the Swedish

Trepanerad eller inte trepanerad, det är frågan - En osteologisk undersökning av tre skånska kranier

This essay will discuss three craniums from the neolithic and bronze age which each has an interpreted hole from a trepanation. The purpose of this text is to study whether these three craniums truly are trephined and if characteristics such as cut marks, linear fractures, signs of scraping or healing are visible. The aim is also to find which diagnostic characteristics have been used in earlier r

“Att finnas där människor finns” - En kvalitativ studie om socionomer i civilsamhället

The aim of this study was to examine how social workers in civil society experience their work, by using organizational theories. In addition the aim was to study how social workers in civil society look at their role as social workers, with the terms professional identity and professional role. The method that was used was qualitative and semistructured interviews with five social workers that wo

Att erkänna barn i familjehem- en kvalitativ studie där barns röster lyfts fram

The aim of the study was to examine what makes children in foster care experience participation in matters concerning themselves and their view on valuable relationships with birth family, social workers and foster family. To accomplish this we applied Axel Honneth's theory of recognition on four autobiographies written by adults who lived in foster homes in Sweden during their childhood. On t

Eat your greens

Why do people, to such a large extent, waste fruits and vegetables? In design, it’s essential to develop systems and ways to help people help themselves make more sustainable choices. In- terviews, surveys, and past research show that to reduce food waste, planning and storage are essential, as well as knowledge of fruits and veg- etables. In a more globalized world, fewer people have this k

Sveriges roligaste arbetsplats?

A strong employer brand is what determines whether people choose to look for work at the organization or not. Today, it is becoming increasingly difficult for organizations to stay in the labor market as competition increases. There is an abundance of information that makes it difficult to get a good idea of ​​what it is like to work in an organization. The hospitality industry is an industry that

The Relationship Between Vertical Integration and Risk. A Statistical Analysis of Changes in Vertical Integration within Industries Affected by the Global Semiconductor Shortage

Succeeding a brief discussion of what vertical integration (VI) is, its interaction with risk and uncertainty, and the context of this study, namely the COVID-19 pandemic and its simultaneous semiconductor shortages, the purpose of this paper is outlined to fill a research gap regarding an empirically supported relationship between vertical integration and systemic risk. The aim and contribution h

Who Are 'We' in 'Us and Them'? – The Varieties of Identification

Organizational change due to digitalization trends puts established organizations under pressure to constantly adapt in order to compete in today’s markets. The disruptive nature of such transformational changes significantly impacts what organizations stand for and, thus, how organizational members relate to their organization. Taking an interpretivist stance, the aim of this study is to understa

How does the degree of rurality affect different determinants of economic growth?

The heterogeneity in regional growth rates within the European Union has been subject to a vast array of studies and research. However, there exists surprisingly little literature focusing on the impact of regional structural development on the economic growth processes. Given that the treaty on the functioning of the European Union emphasises the strengthening of the economic and social cohesion

Attract, Select, Retain: A qualitative study on how startup accelerators attract, select and retain mentors that support the development of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Given the rise of new startups and the challenges amplified by events like the Covid-19, it is critical to address the notion of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem which, in turn, facilitates the development of new ventures. One of the actors within this ecosystem is startup accelerators, which provide networking opportunities, financial and mentoring assistance to new ventures. Previous research on ac

Gångvänliga gator - Fotgängares upplevelse av walkability på centrala gator i Malmö

In one way or another, everyone is a pedestrian. The planning for walkable cities has received more and more attention over the years. Researchers in the fields of transportation, the health sciences, urban design, and environmental psychology have all contributed to the walkability research by focusing on different aspects of walking. Walkability can be defined as factors related to the planning-

Intellectual Property and Sustainability in the EU - Trademarks in the Age of Circular Economy and the European Green Deal

The European Green Deal and the subsequent action plans, including the “Action Plan on Circular Economy” and “A new Industrial Strategy for a globally competitive, green and digital Europe”, recently adopted by the European Commission, indicate that sustainability and environmental concerns, among others, are becoming more and more important in the eyes of the legislator. Sustainable development i