

Din sökning på "*" gav 534692 sökträffar

Power and resistance, powerlessness and action in school

Action research brings to the fore questions regarding both the power over knowledge building and, consequently, questions on the quality of knowledge. Action research makes visible two dimensions that in this regard are significant. First, the dimension outside-inside where action research more than traditional research voice an inside perspective. This means that those on whom research is conduc

Multilevel “Arenas” for Fighting Poverty and Social exclusion. National report Sweden.

Poverty and to fight poverty is certainly on top of the EU agenda and especially in the wake of the economic and financial crisis that has struck many European Member States. Poverty is a central element of the newly initiated EU2020 strategy and the EU´s ambition is to seek to lift at least 20 Million people out of poverty and social exclusion to the year 2020. This report has addressed the follo


Global climate change has enormous impacts on urban areas in the developing world. The known and growing effects of climate change, like increased temperatures and increased incidence of severe storms, is evident. This winter, 2015, extreme cold waves and snow storms hit the Middle East region. Death rates in Syrian refugee camps were significant due to inefficient temporary shelters. Children and

John Cowper Powys: Displacements of Voice and Genre

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen bygger på närläsningar av två av John Cowper Powys främsta romaner, A Glastonbury Romance (1932) och Porius (1951). Ett av dess mål är att påvisa hur en dialogisk läsning av Powys - dvs. en förståelse av samspelet och växlingarna mellan olika röster, tonfall, stilarter och genrer, faktorer som tillsammans bygger upp romanens språk - kan bidraga till ett merThis study is based on dialogic readings of two of John Cowper Powys´s major novels, A Glastonbury Romance and Porius. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate the interrelationship in the examined texts between the chain of narrative displacements and the frequent changes of voice and genre. Powys´s cornucopian writing with its wide employment of characteristics from various genres makes it parti

Media and the public sphere

This encyclopedia article traces the the development of the concenpt of the public sphere with emphasis on the media as major institutions in the life of democracy

Evolution of eyes: Pax, gene duplications & morphology

Popular Abstract in Swedish PAX FÖR MANETER! Evolutionen är den process som format det liv vi ser omkring oss. Ända sedan Darwins tid har man känt till att arter och djurgrupper uppstår genom att det finns en variation mellan individer och att då tillgångarna begränsas (såsom mat eller utrymme) blir det de bäst anpassade som överlever och fortplantar sig. Flercelliga djur har funnits på jorden i kDuring the course of evolution animal complexity and diversity is generated. The last couple of years it has become increasingly clear that morphologically diverse animals share a great deal of their genomic contents, and it must be the expression of regulatory genes in new setting, rather than the generation of new genes, that are fundamental for the generation of diversity. Basal phyla hold a ke