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Christian Lenemark, Sanna lögner: Carina Rydberg, Stig Larsson och författarens medialisering
Management Control Theories and the European Excellence Model
Det ”långa” 1800-talet som en andra konfessionell tidsålder
Artikeln, som är ett sammandrag på svenska av mitt föredrag vid CIHEC:s konferens i Exeter 3/7 2003 (som kommer att publiceras av University of Wales), presenterar Olaf Blaschkes tes om 1800-talet som en andra konfessionell tidsålder, modifierar och tillämpar den på nordisk kyrkohistoria som pluralistisk (= mångfaldig), dualistisk och/eller monistisk konfessionalisering.
The ethical contract as a tool in organic animal husbandry.
This article explores what an ethic for organic animal husbandry might look like, departing from the assumption that organic farming is substantially based in ecocentric ethics. We argue that farm animals are necessary functional partners in sustainable agroecosystems. This opens up additional ways to argue for their moral standing. We suggest an ethical contract to be used as a complementary to t
Plats - kroppslig praktik och reflexiv kommersialisering
Individual and Structural Determinants of Environmental Practice
During recent years, there has been a growing awareness that a better understanding of human activities and the behavioural components of environmental problems is needed. This volume brings together psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, historians of technology and economics, and management experts to identify and examine the rules and motives that govern the environmental behaviour of indiv
Ett inspirerande år
Knowledge-Based Real-Time Control Systems : IT4 Project: Phase II
The long-term course in alcohol and drug dependence.
Mässa på svenska. Den reformatoriska mässan i Sverige mot den senmedeltida bakgrunden.
Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna studie undersöks femtonhundratalets reformatoriska mässa i Sverige och hur den utformades i sockenkyrkorna. Bruk och texter som de reformatoriska källorna vittnar om eller enbart antyder, relateras till de senmedeltida förutsättningar som rådde på sockennivå vid tiden för de första reformatoriska förändringarna av liturgin. Detta tillvägagångssätt lyfter fram deThis study investigates the 16th century Mass of the Reformation in Sweden, with emphasis on how it was celebrated in parish churches. Practices and texts which the sources of the Reformation give evidence of (or merely suggest) are related to the late medieval practices and texts which were in use in the parishes when the reforms began. This method emphasizes continuity and plurality, but also al
Codices Reginenses Latini. Drottning Kristinas latinska handskrifter på Vatikanbiblioteket. Vatikanbiblioteket och Svenska Institutet i Rom i ett gemensamt katalogiserings- och forskningsprojekt.
Policy Interventions and Industrial Strategies for Bioenergy: Alignment, Dysfunction, Understanding and Acceptance.
NMR Imaging of Flow and Perfusion using Hyperpolarized Nuclei: Theoretical Considerations and Application to Experimental Models
In the studies presented in this thesis, hyperpolarized tracers have been used for the study of macroscopic flow and capillary perfusion with magnetic resonance imaging. The feasibility of performing vascular studies using echo-planar imaging (EPI) and hyperpolarized 129Xe was investigated using xenon dissolved in ethanol prior to injection into a flow phantom. It was concluded that hyperpolarized
A Qualitative Analysis of European Web-based Civic Participation Among Young People: Concluding Discussion
Mediatiden - Lärarhandledning
Pregnancy outcome in women perceiving decreased fetal movement
Out of 1914 women who had been instructed to count fetal movements (FMs) throughout the third trimester of pregnancy, 158 consulted the delivery ward staff about decreased FMs; they constituted the study group. Each woman who reported decreased FMs was examined by cardiotocography, analysis of plasma estriol and objective recording of FMs. Appropriate clinical management was decided on by the obst
No title
Förord (till rapporten Musikklassrummet i blickfånget)
Att förstå rådgivning till småföretagare
"Att förstå rådgivning till småföretagare" is a study concerning aspects on advising small-firm managers. The strategy is to penetrate different aspects of the advisory fundtion in order to understand it better. Three distinct aspects have been chosen. On a basis of the consulting literature and the author´s own experience as an advisor to small firms a normative/pragmatic perspective on advising