

Din sökning på "*" gav 534696 sökträffar

Language Use with Blissymbolics

Three young adults with cerebral palsy who used Voice Output Communication Aids (VOCAs) with Blissymbolics took part in a study where they tried pre-stored phrases for specific activities. Before and after the study, 1 ½ years apart, they took part in semi-structured interviews where they answered open ended questions about the activity shopping. Analyses of the expressions they constructed with t


Efterordet till Robert Musils essä (ursprungligen ett föredrag hållet 1937) redogör för de begreppsliga, litterära och politiska sammanhang som är relevanta för förståelsen av texten. I synnerhet diskuteras Musils idé om vad han kallar funktionell dumhet. Resonemanget relateras till vad som beskrivs som de två centrala tankarna i Musils hela litterära och essäistiska arbete: teoremet om människans

Privacy, Surveillance and Digital Trust in the American Case

While generally kept out of sight, government surveillance ostensibly to ensure the security of the state from threats (both foreign and domestic) is a hallmark of the American national security state. What types of surveillance are legally allowable is constantly contested as new technologies emerge that must be tested against American constitutional principles and international law. In the wake

Plant Plasma membrane

The plasma membrane encloses the cell contents and acts as a barrier between the cell and its environment. The plasma membrane allows a controlled exchange of ions and solutes with the rest of the organism and its surroundings, and plays an active role in many processes, such as plant development, pathogen resistance and frost-hardiness.

Design Optimization and Performance Prediction of Compact Heat Exchangers

Applications of genetic algorithms (GAs) and artificial neural networks (ANNs) in thermal engineering have received much attention. Compact heat exchangers (CHEs) have special merits of high-performance and compactness and are widely used in various applications of energy and power engineering. This chapter demonstrates optimization design of a plate-fin heat changer and performance prediction of

Steam Pressure Control During Web Breaks in the Paper Machine

A new control strategy for steam pressure control inthe drying cylinders during web breaks is presented. The developmentis performed using a new physical model implemented inSimulink. The goal of the control strategy is that thecylinder temperatures are retained whenthe production is restarted after the web break.