Minnet och glömskan av de döda i Skateholm
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The functional organization of the hindlimb withdrawal reflex system was studied in the rat. For the reflex pathway to each muscle, a "mirror-image" relationship was found between the spatial distribution of sensitivity within its cutaneous receptive field and the pattern of cutaneous unloading ensuing on muscle contraction. Thus, the withdrawal movement pattern ensuing on contraction in a muscle
Popular Abstract in Swedish Stjärnor samt andra astronomiska objekt är belägna på väldigt stora avstånd från oss, vilket innebär att de vid första anblick verkar svåra att undersöka. Den enda pålitliga informationskällan om deras funktion och utveckling är det ljus som de utsänder, d.v.s. deras spektrum. Hur kan man då erhålla någon användbar information om dessa avlägsna objekt genom att endast uThis thesis is a description of how knowledge of atomic physics can be used in a stellar spectrum analysis. Stellar investigations are spectroscopically performed based on wavelengths, intensities and spectral line structure. Properties such as isotopic shifts, hyperfine structure, Zeeman effect, line blending and spectral line broadening are investigated in stellar spectra to improve results of a
The use of a multispectral imaging system provides possibilities to map all information encoded in the spectral fingerprint of an exogenous or endogenous chromophore in biological media. The spectral information has been used to demarcate the spatial extent of superficial skin tumours. Monitoring the fluorescence emitted from the photosensitizer over time yield information about the photodynamic t
Today document archives are geographically distributed but often not replicated. This can potentially result in a low quality of service in terms of reduced availability and long user-perceived access times. Instead of indiscriminate replication we study the effectiveness of caching techniques such as prefetching and selective preloading. Our technique analyzes whether user access behavior is pred
This chapter is focused on the study of electroremediation of heavy metals from a real soil. Specifically, the case of the study was a soil from Almaden mining district, with a very high mercury concentration. The risk assessment of heavy metals depends on the mobility and bioavailability and not only on the total concentration. Therefore, this study evaluates the distribution of mercury into diff
Mankind has always used animals as the Other, to compare himself with them. Animals have provided the mirror in which mankind has defined himself . In their perceived similarities and dissimilarities with humans, he has distinguished the boundaries which separates him from the Other. Since antiquity, this relationship has been lively debated between at least two groups of interpreters. The "dualis
Dijet angular distributions provide an excellent tool for looking at high transverse momentum parton interactions in order to study both QCD and new physics processes. With the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) recently brought into use, an unprecedented energy regime has opened up. ATLAS is one of the experiments at the LHC. Its high performance calorimeter system providing near hermetic coverage in th