

Din sökning på "*" gav 534649 sökträffar

Concentration Difficulties in the School Environment - with focus on children with ADHD, Autism and Down's syndrome

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det övergripande syftet för den här avhandlingen var att identifiera miljöfaktorer som påverkar barn med ADHD, autism och Downs syndrom och deras förmåga att koncentrera sig i sin lärmiljö i skolan. Målet med den forskning som gjorts här är inte att avskriva några av de extraresurser som barnen ifråga behöver, utan i stället att ge förslag på hur man kan utforma deras lThe overall aim of this thesis was to identify environmental factors that affect children with ADHD, autism, and Down's syndrome and their ability to concentrate in their learning environment at school. The issue of this research is not to dismiss any of the additional resources these children are in need of; instead it is to suggest how to arrange learning environments in the most supportive way

Structural Fire Safety - As exemplified by a Swedish Manual for Analytical Design

During the last decade, a rapid progress has been made in the development of validated analytical models for the thermal and mechanica1 behaviour of fire exposed structures and structural members. In a long-term perspective, the development now goes towards an analytical design, directly based on a natural fire exposure and specified with respect to the combustion characteristics of the fire load

Kan man på programnivå vända negativa trender?

Ansökningstalen för Elektroteknikprogrammet, LTH, har sedan IT-kraschen 2000 minskat kraftigt. Detta fenomen är inte unikt för Lund utan kan noteras på Sveriges övriga tekniska högskolor och internationellt i västvärlden. De programansvariga har under flera år varit medvetna om problemen och har på bred front försökt att möta de nya förutsättningarna och vända trenden. Färsk statistik visar att vå

Pulsed Multipole Injection for the MAX IV Storage Rings

The MAX IV facility presently under construction will include two storage rings for the production of synchrotron radiation. The 3 GeV ring will house insertion devices for the production of x-rays while the 1.5 GeV ring will serve UV and IR users. Both rings will be operated at a constant 500 mA of stored current with top-up shots supplied by the 3.5 GeV MAX IV linac acting as a full-energy injec

Beyond Survival - Cognition after Pediatric Brain Tumor

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund Hjärntumör hos barn är en relativt ovanlig sjukdom som drabbar cirka 70 barn i Sverige årligen. Under de senaste 40 åren har överlevnaden i barnhjärntumör ökat avsevärt från under 40 % till över 70 %. Överlevnaden har inte varit utan pris och många barn får kognitiva svårigheter efter behandlingen, t.ex. problem med långsamhet, dåligt minne, bristande uppmärksaBackground: Pediatric Brain Tumor (PBT) survivors suffer from cognitive sequelae, especially within the areas of cognitive tempo, attention, executive function and memory. The cognitive difficulties are often accentuated over the years, but knowledge about the long term trajectory is still scarce. Aim: The aim of this thesis was to examine cognitive sequelae after Pediatric Brain Tumor (PBT); ris

Revisiting the structure of the p(4x4) surface oxide on Ag(111)

Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and density-functional theory are used to reexamine the structure of the renowned p(4×4)-O/Ag(111) surface oxide. The accepted structural model [C. I. Carlisle et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 3899 (2000)] is incompatible with the enhanced resolution of the current STM measurements. An "Ag6 model" is proposed that is more stable than its predecessor and accounts for

A New Method for Quantifying Fire Growth Rates Using Statistical and Empirical Data – Applied to Determine the Effect of Arson

When designing fire safety of buildings the fire growth rate is an important parameter, in large affecting the overall fire safety level within the building. Generally, a deterministic fire growth rate is used raising the question whether the resulting design arrives at a reasonable level of safety. A method was developed to obtain distributions of fire growth rates in specific building types.

A Prophet like Elijah or according to Isaiah? Rethinking the Identity of Jesus

According to John Meier, the identity of the historical Jesus was shaped by early Jewish understandings of the prophet Elijah. This article assesses five points of alleged similarity between Jesus and Elijah and draws attention to two neglected distinctions: the distinction between the earthly Elijah and the eschatological one, and the distinction between the formative and interpretative functions

Staging Science : Some aspects of the production and distribution of science knowledge

Popular AbstractAvhandlingen presenterar, från ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv, interaktionen mellan naturvetenskapens kunskap och annan kunskap, här kallad "vardagskunskap". Utgångspunkten i presentationen är människans existens. Två aspekter av denna lyfts fram som centrala - att människan är kroppsligt utsatt för, berörd av, något hon inte har full kontroll över, samt att hon alltid agerar utifrThe dissertation presents a phenomenological view on the interaction between science knowledge and prescientific knowledge. Drawing on Husserl, Merleau-Ponty and Lévinas the human bodily grounded existence is described, the central feature of this existence being its responsivity to the Other. This responsivity is presented as the starting point for the production of science knowledge, thus making