

Din sökning på "*" gav 535516 sökträffar

PON-Fold : Prediction of Substitutions Affecting Protein Folding Rate

Most proteins fold into characteristic three-dimensional structures. The rate of folding and unfolding varies widely and can be affected by variations in proteins. We developed a novel machine-learning-based method for the prediction of the folding rate effects of amino acid substitutions in two-state folding proteins. We collected a data set of experimentally defined folding rates for variants an

Cooperative Vehicles versus Non-Cooperative Traffic Light : Safe and Efficient Passing

Connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) will be a key component of future cooperative intelligent transportation systems (C-ITS). Since the adoption of C-ITS is not foreseen to happen instantly, not all of its elements are going to be connected at the early deployment stages. We consider a scenario where vehicles approaching a traffic light are connected to each other, but the traffic light itself

Women, Language and Politics, Sylvia Shaw, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2020)

This timely book addresses the political under-representation of women and over-representation of men, both in the UK and internationally. It does so by bringing together perspectives from political science and sociolinguistics to analyse the relationship between gender and language in a variety of political spheres. Specifically, it investigates how both women and men use language and interact ac

Executive Summary : Guidelines and Recommendations for Laboratory Analysis in the Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes Mellitus

BACKGROUND: Numerous laboratory tests are used in the diagnosis and management of patients with diabetes mellitus. The quality of the scientific evidence supporting the use of these assays varies substantially. An expert committee compiled evidence-based recommendations for laboratory analysis in patients with diabetes. The overall quality of the evidence and the strength of the recommendations we

Spreading of Localized Information across an Entire 3D Electrical Resistivity Volume via Constrained EMI Inversion Based on a Realistic Prior Distribution

Frequency-domain electromagnetic induction (EMI) methods are commonly used to map vast areas quickly and with minimum logistical efforts. Unfortunately, they are often characterized by a very limited number of frequencies and severe ill-posedness. On the other hand, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) approaches are usually considered more reliable; for example, they do not require specific ca

The Imperative of Crisis : Power, Knowledge and Action in the Swedish Crisis Management System

This thesis investigates Swedish crisis management. This thesis aims to contribute to crisis research by providing critical perspectives on the role of knowledge in crisis management settings. The papers in this thesis stem from empirical studies of the major cases of Swedish crisis management during the last decade, including the Swedish refugee crisis in 2015, the wildfires in 2018, and the Covi

On the crystal structure of small gold crystals and large gold clusters

A large gold cluster with the formula Au55[(C6H5)3P]12Cl6, was imaged with a high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) and a proposed model was confirmed. Growth of gold crystals of approximately 4.0 nm size could be followed, row by row of atoms, with the use of a low light level TV camera and on-line image processing.

Krishantering, beredskap och lärdomar av tsunamifallen vid Indiska Oceanen 2004 & Japan 2011 Förebyggande åtgärder för människor och bebyggelse

Krishantering och förebyggande arbete inför naturkatastrofer, som i detta examensarbete avgränsas till tsunamis, har identifierats som bristande genom tiderna. Här studeras tsunamikatastroferna i Indiska Oceanen 2004 och Japan 2011 för att identifiera brister hos varningssystemen som används för att skydda samhällena som befinner sig i dessa riskzoner och dess befolkning. Först visade det sig att

Collective Horizons: Rethinking the performative and the political (im)possibilities of being together

Invisible Committee, ‘the name given to a collective voice bent on denouncing contemporary cynicism and reality’ (described by one of the members of the anonymous group), published a text in 2007 that hypothesised the ‘imminent collapse of capitalist culture’ that would arise from new waves of social contestation. Under the title The Coming Insurrection the text (denounced as a manual for terroris

Risks of alcohol and drug use disorders in prostate cancer survivors : a national cohort study

Background: Prostate cancer (PC) survivors may potentially use substances to cope with psychological distress or poorly controlled physical symptoms. Little is known, however, about the long-term risks of alcohol use disorder (AUD) or drug use disorders in men with PC. Methods: A national cohort study was conducted in Sweden of 180-189 men diagnosed with PC between 1998 and 2017 and 1 801 890 age-

Ruptured Stages and the Dramaturgies of Debt and Time

About the book:Fourteen scholars who work on campus or in the theater address this issue of what it means to play offstage. With their individual definition of what “offstage” could mean, the results were, predictably, varied. They employed a variety of critical approaches to the question of what happens when the play moves into the audience or beyond the physical playhouse itself? What are the so

Vector autoregression : Useful in rare diseases?—Predicting organ response patterns in a rare case of secondary AA amyloidosis

Background Statistical analyses of clinical data are a cornerstone in understanding pathomechanisms of disorders. In rare disorders, cross-sectional datasets of sufficient size are usually not available. Taking AA amyloidosis as an example of a life-threatening rare disorder resulting from of uncontrolled chronic inflammation, we propose techniques from time series analysis to predict organ respon

The fluorite-related "solid solutions" of CeO2Y2O3 II : A modulated structure approach

The structural description of any particular member of the CeO2Y2O3 solid solution series reduces to the determination of compositional and displacement eigenvectors associated with two sets of modulation wave-vectors. The primary modulations are associated with oxygen (vacancy) ordering and the second-harmonic modulations with metal atom ordering —both with concomitant structural relaxation. Wit

Participatory Spaces Under Urban Capitalism : Contesting the Boundaries of Democratic Practices

Can people use new participatory spaces to reclaim their rights as citizens and challenge structures of political power? This book carefully examines the constraints and possibilities for participatory governance under capitalism.To understand what is at stake in the politics of participation, we need to look beyond the values commonly associated with it. Citizens face a dilemma: should they parti

The Danish Trauma Database for Refugees (DTD) : A Multicenter Database Collaboration—Overcoming the Challenges and Enhancing Mental Health Treatment and Research for Refugees

Mental health of trauma-affected refugees is an understudied area, resulting in inadequate and poorer treatment outcomes. To address this, more high-quality treatment studies that include predictive analyses, long-term evaluations, cultural adaptations, and take account for comorbidities, are needed. Moreover, given the complex intertwining of refugees’ health with post-migration stressors and oth

European Respiratory Society clinical practice guideline : palliative care for people with COPD or interstitial lung disease

There is increased awareness of palliative care needs in people with COPD or interstitial lung disease (ILD). This European Respiratory Society (ERS) task force aimed to provide recommendations for initiation and integration of palliative care into the respiratory care of adult people with COPD or ILD. The ERS task force consisted of 20 members, including representatives of people with COPD or ILD

On the growth of small crystals of Cd, Zn, Pt and Rh during electron microscope observations

The growth of small supported metal crystals under the influence of an electron beam has been studied in real-time using a 400 keV ultra-high-resolution electron microscope. Samples of Pt, Rh, Cd and Zn supported on amorphous C or Si films were prepared ex situ and crystal growth in situ was recorded directly using a TV imaging/video system attached to the microscope. The different types of observ