

Din sökning på "*" gav 528293 sökträffar

Organizational dischronization: On meaning and meaninglessness, sensemaking and nonsensemaking

This paper contributes to close up studies of how members in organizations experience and act in relationship to what is broadly and vaguely referred to as institutionalized structures and practices. Based on a case study about scorecards, a quality control system, it is illustrated that this practice works poorly, because of inconsistent ideas of purpose and functioning. We introduce the concept

Proteomic analysis reveals dexamethasone rescues matrix breakdown but not anabolic dysregulation in a cartilage injury model

Objectives: In this exploratory study, we used discovery proteomics to follow the release of proteins from bovine knee articular cartilage in response to mechanical injury and cytokine treatment. We also studied the effect of the glucocorticoid Dexamethasone (Dex) on these responses.Design: Bovine cartilage explants were treated with either cytokines alone (10 ng/ml TNFα, 20 ng/ml IL-6, 100 ng/ml

The association of zonulin-related proteins with prevalent and incident inflammatory bowel disease

BACKGROUND: Current evidence regarding the association of serum zonulin-related proteins (ZRP) levels with prevalent inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is contradictory. Moreover, the association with the subsequent risk of incident IBD is still unexplored. This study aimed to investigate the association of serum ZRP levels with both prevalent and incident IBD.METHOD: The study included a total of 1

Characterisation of single-phase fluid-flow heterogeneity due to localised deformation in a porous rock using rapid neutron tomography

The behaviour of subsurface-reservoir porous rocks is a central topic in the resource engineering industry and has relevant applications in hydrocarbon, water production, and CO2 sequestration. One of the key open issues is the effect of deformation on the hydraulic properties of the host rock and, specifically, in saturated environments. This paper presents a novel full-field data set describing

Effect of welding fumes on the cardiovascular system : a six-year longitudinal study

Objective This study investigated whether low-to-moderate exposure to welding fumes is associated with adverse effects on the cardiovascular system.Methods To test this, we performed a longitudinal analysis of 78 mild steel welders and 96 controls; these subjects were examined twice, six years apart (ie, timepoints 1 and 2). All subjects (male and non-smoking at recruitment) completed questionnair

Objective, subjective, and conscious cross-linguistic similarity as predictors of intentionality in lexical transfer

The study tested vocabulary acquisition of a pseudo-language in Swedish–English bilinguals. A computerized paired-associate learning task was used to teach form-meaning mappings. A learning assessment task was administered after each block. The primary research question was whether subjective typology measures predict conscious and unconscious performance in post-learning outcomes.

Applications of Laser-Plasma Acceleration

This thesis is dedicated to the investigation of laser-plasma particle acceleration concepts. Some of the work was focused on improving electron and proton acceleration for future applications, in terms of maximizing the particle energy and minimizing the divergence of the X-ray beams. In laser wakefield acceleration, a very intense laser pulse (> 1018 W/cm2) is focused in a gas. The leading edge

Hovrättens möbler och andra betydelsefulla saker

På Hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge finns flera möbler och föremål som funnits och använts sedan 1800-talet. Vi lät docenterna Martin Sunnqvist och Linda Fagerström ta en titt på några saker som de tycker är intressanta att berätta mer om.Filmen är en del av hovrättens 200-årsjubileum som firas från maj 2021 till maj 2022. Mer information finns på hovrättens webbplats: www.domstol.se/jubileumsare

AI i offentlig sektor : Från etiska riktlinjer till lagstiftning

Användningen av artificiell intelligens (AI), det vill säga en rad primärt databeroende metoder och teknologier för bland annat prediktion och automation, tycks bidra till en omvälvande period i den offentliga förvaltningen. Detta skifte föranleder ett styrningsbehov, ofta kopplat till tillitsfrågor, vilket i en internationell kontext inte minst syns i en stor mängd etiska riktlinjer och principie

AI and Patients’ Rights : Transparency and information flows as situated principles in public health care

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) for medicine and health care is rapidly evolving. However, the automation, scale and data dependency of AI-driven decision-making and decision-support calls for a reassessment of principal ethical and legal norms of transparency, in the light of these novel methodologies. The quality of AI-driven health care, we argue, is depending on it. In this cha

Countercurrent distribution of lymphocytes from human peripheral blood in an aqueous two-phase system. : II. Separation into subsets of lymphocytes with distinctive functions

Lymphocytes from human peripheral blood were separated by Countercurrent distribution (CCD) in a charged aqueous two-phase system composed of Dextran T 500 and polyethylene glycol 6000. Maximal responses to the T-cell mitogens phytohemagglutinin and concanavalin A were detected in a part of the distribution corresponding to the area where the highest percentage of E rosetting cells were seen. Anti

Neurodevelopmental disorders and somatic diagnoses in a national cohort of children born before 24 weeks of gestation

AIM: This study investigated childhood diagnoses in children born extremely preterm before 24 weeks of gestation.METHODS: Diagnoses of neurodevelopmental disorders and selected somatic diagnoses were retrospectively retrieved from national Swedish registries for children born before 24 weeks from 2007 to 2018. Their individual medical files were also examined.RESULTS: We studied 383 children born

Climate change and land degradation in Africa : A case study in the Mount Elgon region, Uganda

The aim of this study is to estimate and compare soil erosion, in the Mount Elgon region, eastern Uganda, during the last decade. Possible trends and changes in erosion are linked to precipitation/climate change as well as changes in land cover. Two different versions of the Revised Universal Soil loss Equation RUSLE. are implemented and compared, one using slope length and the other using flow ac

Estimating surface flow over digital elevation models using a new improved form-based algorithm

This paper discusses new improvements of a form-based algorithm, which is used to estimate flow distribution over a continuous surface. In the new form- based algorithm (IFBFD), cells in a DEM are classified into five different classes. The classes are Peaks, Complicated, Sinks, Flats and Undisturbed cells. The method of how to estimate the flow distribution from each cell depends on its class. Es

Äganderättspresumtionen i 4 kap. 19 § utsökningsbalken : familjerättsliga perspektiv

According to the Swedish Enforcement Code a debtor is presumed to be the sole owner of movable property which is possessed jointly with a spouse or domestic partner. In my thesis, I investigate this statutory presumption of ownership from a family law perspective. The applicability of the statutory presumption as well as its legal repercussions are determined by family law. It is therefore surprisAccording to the Swedish Enforcement Code a debtor is presumed to be the sole owner of movable property which is possessed jointly with a spouse or domestic partner. In my thesis, I investigate this statutory presumption of ownership from a family law perspective. The applicability of the statutory presumption as well as its legal repercussions are determined by family law. It is therefore surpris