

Din sökning på "*" gav 534715 sökträffar

Infant responses to direct gaze and associations to autism : A live eye-tracking study

When other people look directly towards us, we often respond by looking back at them, and such direct-gaze responses are important for establishing eye contact. Atypical eye contact is common in autism, but how and when this aspect of autism develops is not well understood. Here, we studied whether how much and how quickly infants respond to others' direct gaze is associated with autism in toddler

Acoustophoretic Characterization and Separation of Blood Cells in Acoustic Impedance Gradients

Single-cell phenotyping based on biophysical properties is a promising tool to distinguish cell types and their response to a given condition, and charting such properties also enables optimization of cell separations. Isoacoustic focusing, where cells migrate to their points of zero acoustic contrast in an acoustic impedance gradient, added the effective acoustic impedance of cells to the directo

Crop diversification across scales : implications for resource use and cropping systems sustainability

The industrialization of agriculture and efforts to maximize yields of commodity crops are major drivers of biodiversity loss and disruption of ecosystems balance. To become more sustainable, agriculture needs to be aligned with the delivery of multiple ecosystem services, and reduce its dependency on external inputs and its negative environmental impacts. Increasing crop diversity may be a key st

The man in the purple coat : Art and empire in Ilia Repin’s Reception of Volost Elders

This chapter discusses Ilia Repin’s court commission, Reception of Volost Elders by Alexander III in the Courtyard of the Petrovsky Palace in Moscow (1886). It argues that the painting reflected marginalizing discourses on the non-Russian minorities dominant at the outset of Alexander III’s rule. Repin employed a differentiating approach to rendering ethnically and religiously diverse representati

Embodying transnational shared space : Pirjo Honkasalo’s The 3 Rooms of Melancholia

The article investigates the ways in which Pirjo Honkasalo’s documentary The 3 Rooms of Melancholia (2004), examining the impact of the Russian-Chechen war on children, engenders a transnational audience through cinematic qualities, and most importantly through embodiment, producing a strongly affective resonance in the spectator. I argue that through a strategically affective approach to transnat

Philosophy and history in the study of political thought

This article analyzes how the relationship between philosophy and history has been conceived within the study of political thought, and how different ways of conceiving this relationship in turn have affected the definition of the subject matter as well as the choice of methods within this field. My main argument is that the ways in which we conceive this relationship is dependent on the assumptio

Neurofilament light predicts worse nonmotor symptoms and depression in Parkinson's disease

Background: The identification of biomarkers that reflect worse progression of nonmotor symptoms (NMS) in Parkinson's disease (PD) is currently an unmet need. The main aim of this study was to investigate whether cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum neurofilament light (NfL), measured at baseline or longitudinally, can be used to predict the progression of NMS in patients with PD. Methods: Baseline

Development and first results of a magnetic sample environment for polarized neutron imaging of thin metal sheets

Polarized neutron imaging brings the great advantage of analyzing bulk magnetic properties with good spatial resolution. The technique is based on the interaction of the neutron spin with magnetic samples or free magnetic fields and observing the changes to a spin-polarized neutron beam. The high sensitivity to even small magnetic fields is a benefit in obtaining magnetization information but simu

Alterations of particle deposition in the respiratory tract at increasing activity

The deposited dose of particles in the respiratory tract is an important factor for understanding health effects of aerosol particles. It is a combination of the exposure, volume of inhaled air and particle deposition. At increasing activity the minute ventilation ( volume of breath x number of breaths ) increase . Little is known about if and how this affects the regional particle deposition.

“I don’t like talking about the fact that I fly” - Exploring the value-action gap in Lund international students’ cross-border mobility

In today's globalised landscape, the pursuit of education abroad holds undeniable importance and allure for the prospects of young generations. Simultaneously, climate change related reforms and policies are increasingly present in the public discourse at least at the EU level, and the mounting expectation for our generation to drive positive change add urgency to the equation. International s

Goodness and Numbers

You can save either David or Peter and Mary. Is there a compelling reason for saving the greater number? Taurek (1977) (in)famously denied it. In providing such reason one might attempt to establish that it is better if more people survive rather than fewer. This would settle the issue for consequentialists, but even non-consequentialists might find it relevant to the question at hand. The standar

Influence of nuclear dynamics on molecular attosecond photoelectron interferometry

In extreme ultraviolet spectroscopy, the photoionization process occurring in a molecule due to the absorption of a single photon can trigger an ultrafast nuclear motion in the cation. Taking advantage of attosecond photoelectron interferometry, where the absorption of the extreme ultraviolet photon is accompanied by the exchange of an additional infrared quantum of light, one can investigate the

A Simpler, More Compelling Money Pump with Foresight

One might think that money pumps directed at agents with cyclic preferences can be avoided by foresight. This view was challenged two decades ago by the discovery of a money pump with foresight, which works against agents who use backward induction. But backward induction implausibly assumes that the agent would act rationally and retain her trust in her future rationality even at choice nodes tha

Diversifying crop rotation sequences with grain legume/cereal intercrops and legume/grass cover crops

Diversification of cropping systems creates multiple benefits for the sustainable development of agroecosystems. Notably, introducing intercrops and cover crops in crop rotations allows ecient use of resources and promotes the synergy between ecosystem processes and functions (e.g. enhancing soil quality, preventing risk of build-up of pests and diseases). We used eld experiments to assess how g

Metodik för framtagande av konsekvenskartor för klimatanpassad dagvattenplanering

Vilka konsekvenser uppstår till följd av översvämningar och var riskerar de att bli som störst? Det är två frågor som vi bör ställa oss i arbetet med att minimera de negativa effekterna på samhället. De senaste åren har nyheterna om extremväder runt om i världen avlöst varandra. I samband med det förändrade klimatet förväntas både fler skyfall och perioder av torka att bli vanligare. Under sommarThe extreme short-term precipitation in Sweden is expected to increase due to climate change. This means that there will be an increased risk of floodings in urban areas. Several cloudbursts during the past decade have caused major damage to communities all over Sweden with high restoration costs as a result. To prevent further damage, solutions for managing increased amounts of water are needed.