

Din sökning på "*" gav 528141 sökträffar

An Optimization Model for the Placement of Mobile Stroke Units

Mobile Stroke Units (MSUs) are specialized ambulances that can diagnose and treat stroke patients; hence, reducing the time to treatment for stroke patients. Optimal placement of MSUs in a geographic region enables to maximize access to treatment for stroke patients. We contribute a mathematical model to optimally place MSUs in a geographic region. The objective function of the model takes the tra

Sweden "Go Jimmie go!" : The voices of Sweden Democrat supporters

The Sweden Democrats is a nationalist right-wing populist party with roots in neo-Nazism and white supremacist beliefs. The party has experienced continuous progress during the last decade in Sweden, attracting 20.5 per cent of the vote in the general election of 2022. A combination of discourse analytical methods is applied to study the comment sections of the party's official social media accoun

Higher versus lower oxygenation targets in adult ICU patients : A rapid practice guideline

The aim of this Intensive Care Medicine Rapid Practice Guideline (ICM-RPG) was to provide evidence-based clinical guidance about the use of higher versus lower oxygenation targets for adult patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). The guideline panel comprised 27 international panelists, including content experts, ICU clinicians, methodologists, and patient representatives. We adhered to the met

Design of a case erecting and product placement station

This report presents an innovative approach to industrial automation, focusing on the development of an automated system for erecting and filling cardboard boxes with wax jars. The project, executed in collaboration with Odigo Consulting and Scandinavian Hair Company (SHC), aimed to showcase enhanced production efficiency for small and medium-sized enterprises through the implementation of co

Spelar ryktet roll? En kvalitativ fallstudie av USA:s motiveringar till användandet av veto i Israel-Palestina-konflikten

I denna studie analyseras USA:s motiveringar till vetoanvändandet i Israel-Palestina-konflikten. Studien är av vikt för att fallet i sig är unikt och intressant. Samtidigt kan resultatet också säga något mer allmänt om möjliga tillvägagångssätt för stater som försöker rättfärdiga sitt agerande inför omvärlden. Materialet som används är resolutioner och protokoll från FN:s säkerhetsråd. Studien utg

Har amerikansk politik utvecklats till att bli mer populistisk i modern tid? En analys av 2000-talets State of the Union Addresses

Populism is a disputed concept and has become a popular term for describing political leaders and movements. The United States is not an exception from having its presidents and politics labeled as populist. Thus it raises the question whether American politics has become more populistic over time during the 21st century. This paper's purpose is to investigate the development of populism in co

Nationalismens närvaro i det politiska rummet

Utgångspunkten för denna studie rör den pågående diskussionen kring patriotiska uttalanden och nationalism i den svenska politiska kontexten. Syftet är att undersöka nationalismens inflytande och närvaro i samtida svensk politik. Studien synliggör således nationalistiska tendenser i två partier, Moderaterna och Socialdemokraterna. Det teoretiska ramverket särskiljer klassisk och liberal nationalis

Arabisk vår, men kom demokratin in i värmen?

The Arab Spring broke out in the MENA-region in 2011 in the guise of a series of mass protests demanding political and regime change. The rebellion was triggered by a long period of autocratic rule which for the region’s citizens had meant social injustice, economic complications, oppression and lack of political and human rights. The purpose of this study is to examine the democratization process

Om valsystem och demokratisk backsliding-En komparativ analys av Ungern och Tjeckien

Denna studie ämnar att undersöka och påvisa den påverkan som valsystemet har på demokratiskt backsliding i en jämförande fallstudie av Ungern och Tjeckien. Länderna har haft många liknande förutsättningar, men ändå har Ungern upplevt mer demokratiskt backsliding i olika politiska institutioner. Genom att tillämpa most similar design systemet har vi analyserat hur majoritetsaspekterna i valsystemet

Har den sociala bostadspolitiken flyttat ut?

De senaste 50 åren har den svenska bostadspolitiken förändrats stort. Avregleringar och liberaliseringar har skett i system som utformats med ambitionen att ge korrektiv till marknadskrafterna och gynna boendeformer som inte styrs av ekonomisk vinst. Socialdemokraterna, som varit drivande i hur den svenska bostadspolitiken organiserats, har under samma tid rört sig mot mitten på den politiska skal

Stopp, samhällets kropp (?)

The medial coverage as well as political interest of criminal rates in Sweden has increased over the years, especially regarding organized crime. Therefore this study aims to investigate how the discourse within criminal politics in Sweden has evolved during the last two terms. It also aims to compare the results with power relations between the state and the citizens democratic fundamental rights

What were the consequences of Jeanine Áñez´s presidency for violence against women in politics in Bolivia?

This study investigates the consequences that female descriptive representation, at the highest executive political position, had on violence against women in politics. More specifically it looks at Jeanine Áñez ́s presidency and its impact on violence against women in Bolivia. The research question guiding the research is What were the consequences of Jeanine Áñez ́s presidency for violence again

Roles and regulation of tRNA-derived small RNAs in animals

A growing class of small RNAs, known as tRNA-derived RNAs (tdRs), tRNA-derived small RNAs or tRNA-derived fragments, have long been considered mere intermediates of tRNA degradation. These small RNAs have recently been implicated in an evolutionarily conserved repertoire of biological processes. In this Review, we discuss the biogenesis and molecular functions of tdRs in mammals, including tdR-med

The "Old Testament" as the Origin of the Patriarchy : A Comparison of the German and Swedish Debate

This article explores and compares two similar debates in Germany and Sweden duringthe 1980s, in which feminists blamed the Hebrew Bible, or ‘Old Testament’, for being the origin ofthe patriarchy. In Germany, the psychologist and pedagogue Gerda Weiler articulated the discoursein several writings, which led to a scholarly debate on anti-Jewish tendencies within Christian femi-nist theology. In Swe

MRI morphological characteristics of lymph nodes in anal squamous cell carcinoma

ObjectivesPre-treatment staging of anal squamous cell carcinoma (ASCC) includes pelvic MRI and [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography with computed tomography (PET-CT). MRI criteria to define lymph node metastases (LNMs) in ASCC are currently lacking. The aim of this study was to describe the morphological characteristics of lymph nodes (LNs) on MRI in ASCC patients with PET-CT-posi

Crystal structure and biochemical activity of the macrodomain from rubella virus p150

Rubella virus encodes a nonstructural polyprotein with RNA polymerase, methyltransferase, and papain-like cysteine protease activities, along with a putative macrodomain of unknown function. Macrodomains bind ADP-ribose adducts, a post-translational modification that plays a key role in host-virus conflicts. Some macrodomains can also remove the mono-ADP-ribose adduct or degrade poly-ADP-ribose ch