

Din sökning på "*" gav 532376 sökträffar

Dynamics of cytotoxic T cell subsets during immunotherapy predicts outcome in acute myeloid leukemia.

Preventing relapse after chemotherapy remains a challenge in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Eighty-four non-transplanted AML patients in first complete remission received relapse-preventive immunotherapy with histamine dihydrochloride and low-dose interleukin-2 in an international phase IV trial (ClinicalTrials.gov; NCT01347996). Blood samples were drawn during cycles of immunotherapy and analyzed

Rac1 regulates pancreatic islet morphogenesis.

BACKGROUND: Pancreatic islets of Langerhans originate from endocrine progenitors within the pancreatic ductal epithelium. Concomitant with differentiation of these progenitors into hormone-producing cells such cells delaminate, aggregate and migrate away from the ductal epithelium. The cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating islet cell delamination and cell migration are poorly understood. Ex

New Criteria for Brine Discharge Outfalls from Desalination Plants

An efficient method for increasing the dilution rate of brine water discharged into the sea is an inclined negatively buoyant jet from a single port or a multi-diffuser system. Such jets typically arise when brine is discharged from desalination plants. Two small-scale experimental studies were conducted to investigate the behaviour of a dense jet discharged into lighter ambient water. The first e

Epilepsy and Gene Therapy: Resculpturing Synaptic Transmission with Neuropeptides

One of the most promising and novel strategies to interfere with neurological disease processes is gene therapy using recombinant adeno-associated viral (rAAV) vectors. Such a rAAV-based gene delivery approach is rapidly advancing towards clinical trials. In this regard, neuropeptide Y (NPY) gene transduction into the brain tissue has attracted particular interest due to its potential to regulate

Interstitial laser thermotherapy (ILT) of an adenocarcinoma implanted into rat liver - methodology and effects

Popular Abstract in Swedish Cancer i levern kan vara av två typer - antingen kan den ha sitt ursprung från levern och kallas primär levercancer eller också är den en spridning av tumör till levern från en annan plats i kroppen, s k dottersvulst eller metastas. Idag är kirurgi av tumörer i levern förstahandsbehandling, men tyvärr är det bara 1/10 patienter som har tumör i levern som kan bli aktuellLocal treatment of a tumour is of interest from a number of perspectives. It is focused on reducing the tumour volume with minimal trauma, inducing tumour immunity and is a potential component of a combination therapy against tumours. Interstitial laser thermotherapy (ILT) has turned out to be a method well suited for selective local destruction of malignant tumours. This thesis is based on an exp

Recent Progress on the MAX IV 1.5 GeV Storage Ring Lattice and Optics

Construction of the MAX IV facility started in 2010 and commissioning is expected to begin in 2014. Once com- pleted, the facility will include two storage rings for the production of synchrotron radiation. The 3 GeV ring will house insertion devices for the production of x-rays, while the 1.5 GeV ring will serve UV and IR users. Recently, the lattice and optics of the 1.5 GeV storage ring have be

The energy using products (EuP) directive and product chain innovation

The Energy using products (EuP) directive proposed by the European Commission is often referred to as "the first Integrated Product Policy (IPP) directive". The main purpose of the directive is to ensure the free movement of EuP in the internal market as well as to improve the environmental performance of products throughout their life cycle. Product groups likely to be addressed through the direc

Samvete och samvetsfrihet : en analys av samvetskonflikter i det svenska samhället och av begreppen samvete och samvetsfrihet.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen har flera uppgifter, som på olika sätt hör ihop. Den första uppgiften går ut på att undersöka samvetskonflikter i det svenska samhället. I denna typ av konflikt är samvete och samvetsfrihet centrala begrepp och de är viktiga för att förstå och ta ställning i konflikterna. Den andra uppgiften blir därför att undersöka och förstå begreppet samvete och ge ett The aim of this study is to describe and analyse four conflicts and two concepts. Four conflicts of conscience found in Swedish society are studied in the second chapter. 2.2 - the state’s requirement that all male citizens do military service and the citizen’s right to refuse to do military service. 2.3 - obligatory course requirements and the college student’s right to refuse participation in c

Sustainable development of water resources in India

India has a territory of 328 million hectares, which receives an average annual rainfall of 120 cm; this is among the highest for a comparable geographical area in the world. Despite India's vast water resources, droughts and famines are a common occurrence in many parts of country. This paper briefly surveys India's river-basin systems, drought-prone areas, hydrogeological systems, groundwater po