Din sökning på "*" gav 533492 sökträffar
The Influence of a Retail Firm’s Geographic Scope of Operations on Its International Online Sales
While previous research has advocated the use of online sales channels as a driver for international expansion, the nature of the relationship between e-commerce and international sales is still unexplored. The purpose of this paper is to create a parsimonious model where we investigate whether, and to what extent, strategies pertaining to the geographical scope of international operations moderat
On the temperature induced transformation between the two Al(111)-(√3 × √3)R30°-Rb structures
The dynamics of the temperature induced transformation between low and high temperature adsorption phases of Rb on Al(111) has been followed by high resolution core level spectroscopy. Particular emphasis has been paid to the order-preserving transformation between the low and high temperature Al(111)-Rb-(√3 × √3)R30° structures in which Rb atoms occupy on-top and substitutional sites, respectivel
The Sunni Discourse on Music
A first-in-human, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, dose ascending study of intra-articular rhFGF18 (sprifermin) in patients with advanced knee osteoarthritis
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the safety of intra-articular sprifermin (primary), and to evaluate systemic exposure, biomarkers, histology, and other cartilage parameters in patients with advanced osteoarthritis (OA).METHODS: This was a first-in-human, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial of single and multiple ascending doses of sprifermin from 3-300 μg in knee OA patients scheduled for t
Prognostic impact of tumour-associated B cells and plasma cells in epithelial ovarian cancer
BACKGROUND: The critical role of the immune system in controlling cancer progression has become evident and immune modulatory therapy is now approved for clinical use. However, while the majority of studies on the inflammatory tumour microenvironment have focused on the cellular immune response, in particular the prognostic and predictive role of various T cell infiltrates, the role of the humoral
Doping dependence of the O 1s core-level photoemission in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconductors
The O 1s core level of three different Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconductors has been studied by means of high-resolution x-ray-photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and x-ray-absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The O 1s XPS spectra could be decomposed into three components that were unambiguously assigned to the emission from the three different oxide layers in the crystal structure. These are, in order of increas
Core-level satellite excitations of K/Al(100) and K/Al(111)
Alkali-metal-induced satellite peaks associated with the K 3p and Al 2p core levels have been measured with photoemission for K/Al(111) and K/Al(100) under both low- and room-temperature preparation conditions. For low-temperature deposition we observedddd loss peaks in good agreement with electron-energy-loss spectroscopy studies of analogous systems which we assign to the excitation of collectiv
Core level binding energy shifts in interfaces between 4d and alkali metals
High resolution core level photoemission measurements are reported of the binding energy shifts of the 3d core level of Mo, Rh and Pd atoms in interfaces between these 4d metals and alkali metals. The core level binding energies of the interface 4d atoms are found to be almost equal to those of the clean surface atoms for Mo and Rh. For Pd a large alkali induced shift towards higher binding energy
Alkali-alkali interactions on Al(111) : segregation and islanding in Na-Rb mixtures
The low temperature coadsorption of Na and Rb on an Al(111) surface is examined with a combination of LEED and core level photoemission spectroscopy. We observe LEED pattern sequences and alkali core level binding energies which are consistent with a net total alkali coverage and can be explained by Na-Rb repulsion, segregation, and islanding, though other models cannot be definitely excluded.
Politikens drivfjäder : Frihetstidens partiberättelser och den moralpolitiska logiken
Denna avhandling studerar den moraliska konfliktlinje som genomsyrade den frihetstida politiken åren kring 1740 och som strukturerade politiken enligt en särskilt moralpolitisk logik. Logiken hade sin grund i dels samhällsordningens absoluta och normativt oföränderliga karaktär, dels ett antal djupa förmoderna erfarenheter av och förväntningar på människan som oförmögen att hantera sin fördärvade This thesis examines the moral conflict permeating the politics of Sweden’s Age of Liberty around 1740 – a conflict that also structured the politics of the time in relation to a particular political logic based on moral. This logic was based on the absolute and normatively immutable nature of the social order, but also on a number of deep pre-modern experiences and expectations of man as unable t
Sub-picosecond, table-top x-ray absorption spectroscopy using superconducting microcalorimeters
We present time-resolved X-ray absorption measurements of vanadium dioxide using ionizations radiation generated by a femtosecond pulsed laser source in combination with superconducting microcalorimeters capable of measuring energies of individual radiation quanta.
Population-based study of giant cell tumor of bone in Sweden (1983-2011)
Introduction: Giant-cell tumor of bone (GCTB) is a locally aggressive histologically benign neoplasm with a less common malignant counterpart. Longitudinal data sources on GCTB are sparse, limited to single institution case series or surgical outcomes studies. The Swedish Cancer Registry is one of the few national population-based databases recording GCTB, representing a unique source to study GCT
Semi-sovereign and Semi-integrated welfare states? : Exploring the local in a changing Social Europe.
Combating Poverty in Local Welfare Systems : active inclusion strategies in European cities
This book analyzes national anti-poverty measures at a local level via a set of unique and up-to-date empirical studies of minimum income support schemes and activation measures in five European cities. In examining this 'local welfare system' approach, it investigates the role that civil society organizations play, and the governance arrangements that prevail in contacts between public and civil
Pendelns slår i balansakten mellan välfärdsstaten och rättsstaten
I diskussionen om New Public Management och om hur mycket marknadsprinciper respektive professionerna ska styra offentlig sektor finns ytterligare en aspekt som förtjänar att lyftas fram, den nybyråkratiska logiken. Här har förvaltningen, med globaliseringen och EU-medlemskapet som drivkrafter, ökat ambitionsnivån på senare år. Inte minst i form av en allt starkare rättsstat, skriver docenten och
Superresolution microscopy of the volume phase transition of pNIPAM microgels
Hierarchical polymer structures such as pNIPAM microgels have been extensively studied for their ability to undergo structural and physical transformations that can be controlled by external stimuli such as temperature, pH or solvent composition. However, a direct three-dimensional visualization of individual particles in-situ has so far been hindered by insufficient resolution, with optical micro
Transformation toward an eco-city : Lessons from three Asian cities
This comparative case study of three Asian cities (Penghu in Taiwan, Seoul in South Korea and Tianjin in China) elucidates the effects of different national approaches to eco-city development and the antecedents of the building of an eco-city. To better understand the Asian context, the three Asian cities of interest were compared with two European cities - Freiburg (Germany) and Samsö (Denmark).
Genome-wide RNAi Screen Identifies Cohesin Genes as Modifiers of Renewal and Differentiation in Human HSCs
To gain insights into the regulatory mechanisms of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), we employed a genome-wide RNAi screen in human cord-blood derived cells and identified candidate genes whose knockdown maintained the HSC phenotype during culture. A striking finding was the identification of members of the cohesin complex (STAG2, RAD21, STAG1, and SMC3) among the top 20 genes from the screen. Upon
Non-genetic inheritance of induced resistance in a wild annual plant
Non-genetic inheritance, e.g. transgenerational epigenetic effects, has received increasing interest in recent years, particularly in plants. However, most studies have involved a few model species and relatively little is known about wild species in these respects. We investigated transgenerational induced resistance to infection by the devastating oomycete Phytophthora infestans in Solanum physaNon-genetic inheritance, e.g. transgenerational epigenetic effects, has received increasing interest in recent years, particularly in plants. However, most studies have involved a few model species and relatively little is known about wild species in these respects. We investigated transgenerational induced resistance to infection by the devastating oomycete Phytophthora infestans in Solanum physa