

Din sökning på "*" gav 527960 sökträffar

Officersboställen : ett skånskt kulturarv att vårda.

Uppsatsen behandlar officersboställen i Skåne från indelningsverkets tid (1682-1901), med särskild inriktning på byggnadsvårds- och bevarandefrågor samt på tillämpningen av lagstiftningen kring byggnadsminnen och annan kulturhistoriskt värdefull bebyggelse. Uppsatsens tidsmässiga fokus ligger på 1850-talet. Den bygger på arkiv- och fältstudier kring det trettiotal av Skånes 50 officersboställen s

Stelt språk eller adjektivfrossa? : En språklig jämförelse mellan morgon- och kvällstidningar

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka den rent språkliga skillnaden mellan morgon- och kvällstidningar med kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod. En enkätundersökning av typen blindtest har också genomförts för att bredda resultatet. Nyhetsartiklarna behandlar samma ämne och är publicerade 060918 i Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgs-Posten, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Expressen samt Aftonbladet. Resultatet visar att

Pallhantering på Findus - Flöden , problematik och alternativ

The purpose of my task was to map the pallet flows at Findus and put together as well as analyze the problems. My work has also included finding out what alternatives there are to the present pallet exchange system and suggest measures to reduce the problems. The problems can be divided into poor quality and hygiene issues. The poor quality, for instance poor strength is due to arbitrary judgemen

TV-spel och folkbibliotek - nya medier, mediepanik och biblioteksdiskurser

The aim of this master's thesis is to study what attitude public libraries in Sweden show towards video games. By using critical discourse analysis as both theory and method we analyse several texts emerging from a debate mainly discussed in blogs. Main topics in the debate are video games in the library, the purpose of the public library and Library 2.0. Our analysis focus on views expressed

Genusaspekter på föräldraledighet i svenska små och medelstora företag

The main intention with this study was to explore how parents, employed in three Swedish small- and medium-sized companies, experienced their combination of work and parental leave. The investigation was carried out by a questionnaire, and the 21 participants estimated the attitude from and the treatment by mainly the management and the colleagues. The answers were analyzed both from a perspective

Emperor, savior, murderer: The tendency of two 10th century Byzantine chronicles towards Basil I

The paper aims to perform a comparative analysis of two Byzantine chronicles focused on their tendency towards emperor Basil I (r. 867-86). The chronicles in question are the so-called chronicle of Symeon the Logothete and the collection of writings that is commonly referred to as Theophanes Continuatus. Both are thought to have been written during the active reign of Basil's grandson Constant

Flyktingpolitiska diskurser: en kritisk diskursanalys av två debatter

The central goal of this study was to compare statements of the minister of migration in power in 1994 with those of the minister of migration in 2006. The statements reflect two peaks of refugee immigration in connection to the war in former Yugoslavia and the present war in Iraq. The study analyses the statements in a critical discourse analysis framework. More specifically the aim was to find o

Organisationen, ledaren, individen: vem ansvarar för hälsan? En kvalitativ studie om det hälsofrämjande och ohälsoförebyggande personalarbetet i Malmö stads stadsdelar.

The purpose of this study was to examine health promotion and ill-health prevention in the workplaces of the City District Committees in the City of Malmö. More specifically, we wanted to find what types of health problems there were and what kinds of strategies were applied to prevent them. Furthermore, the aim was to examine whether the leaders of the City of Malmö saw any effects of the strateg

The prevention of militarization of future refugee camps in the Great Lakes Region, "Safety First"- the right approach?

The militarization of refugee camps is not a new phenomenon, it can be traced back over half a decade to the independence movement of former colonies. However, it's first during recent years that the UNHCR and host states have tried to act on the problem as to retain the civilian and humanitarian status of the camps. Unfortunately has their measures proven to be inadequate and the militarizati

Bringing Participation into Governance A way to Combat Poverty and Inequality? A Minor Field Study of a Participatory Program in Brazil

Today there are various views on how democracies can be advanced. Bringing participation into decision making processes has been suggested as one method. It is believed that it can give rise to better government, better decisions and better citizens ? but its positive effects will depend heavily on the cultural and local context. Opening up the public sphere for participation is never a simple mat

Democratization and Structured Contingency in Competitive Authoritarian Regimes: A Nested Investigation

The aim with this study is to empirically investigate explanations behind different levels of democracy in a competitive authoritarian setting. My theoretical perspective is based on a structured contingency approach, since I argue that the common dichotomy between structural and actor-oriented causes behind democratization is unfruitful. Moreover, I use a nested research design that combines cros

Institutionaliserad symbolpolitik? En studie av skriftliga förklaringar i Europaparlamentet

Written declarations in the European Parliament have not been given much attention in the field of political science. The scope of this Master's thesis is to examine whether symbolic politics are present in written declarations and how this may show. In this study, the aspects of symbolic politics of written declarations of the sixth parliamentary term are examined using a taxonomy for id

Vårdnadsöverflyttning i svensk rätt -förenligt med artikel 8 i Den europeiska konventionen angående skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och grundläggande friheterna?

Utgångspunkten för följande uppsats är dynamiken mellan Föräldrabalken, FB, 6:8 och artikel 8 Den europeiska konventionen angående skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna, EKMR. FB 6:8 innebär ett ingrepp i familjen då vårdnaden om ett barn flyttas över på någon utanför familjen. Detta ingrepp i familjen som FB 6:8 medför innebär inte enkom att den faktiska vårdnaden ö

"Alla pratar om reception men vad menar dom?" - Lärarutbildares erfarenheter av arbete med estetisk kommunikation ur ett mottagarperspektiv med särskilda aspekter på reception av musik

Title: "Everybody is talking about reception but what do they really mean?" - Teacher trainers' experience of work with aesthetic communication in perspective of a receiver with a special attention to the reception of music. The purpose of this thesis is to study the notion of reception among a group of teachers at the department of education at Malmö University. Our principal aim is

Musikteorins roll och status - En undersökning av gymnasiets estetiska program

Title: The role and status of music theory ? an inquiry into the Arts Programme of the Swedish upper secondary school. The purpose of this inquiry is to find out what teachers of the Arts Programme say about the role and status of music theory within the different music subjects. Four teachers were interviewed, two teachers of music theory and two instrumental teachers. The interviews were formula

Privata säkerhetsföretag - Våldet som handelsvara

This essay tries, in different levels, to explain and create a deeper understanding for the phenomena ?private security companies?. By using Mary Kaldors theory about new wars, I will come to the conclusion that the insecurity that these wars create is an important part in understanding the emergence of a security need that these private security companies can provide. Later I investigate and expl

How to Repair the Loss of a Future? An Intersectional Analysis of the Politics of Reparations in Colombia after Paramilitary Demobilization

This study investigates the Colombian transitional justice process from an intersectional perspective in order to uncover potentials and problems of the reparation process to meet the needs of female victims. A theoretical framework on reparation that highlights the importance of the dimensions of recognition and redistribution, as well as the collective and individual dimensions, is used in order

Det emotionella valet - ett alternativ och komplement till rationaliteten

The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate and develop a useful theory of human behavior that recognizes the importance of our emotions. The new framework, called the theory of emotional choice, is developed by a holistic method in which results from the fields of psychology, sociology and (neuro-) biology are used to mutually support the conclusions. The theory is distilled into six preliminary po

Civilsamhällets mobilisering i demokratiseringsprocessen -en fallstudie av Sydafrika

This essay captures the process toward a democratic transition in South Africa and tempts on analyzing the efforts made by civil society before the negotiation with the government in the beginning of the 90´s. The method used is a case study. By applying the theory of Elisabeth Jean Wood about the importance of continued mobilization, I try to answer the question: to what extend did civil society