

Din sökning på "*" gav 526636 sökträffar

Worries and Psychological Well-Being in Potential Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donors Before Donation—A Swedish National Study

Background: The physical risks involved in donating hematopoietic stem cells have been thoroughly studied, but little is known about the psychological risks potential donors might face before donation. The aim of this study was to describe potential the pre-donation worries and psychological well-being of hematopoietic stem cell donors and investigate possible associations between donor characteri

Waveform optimization with SINR criteria for FDA radar in the presence of signal-dependent mainlobe interference

In this paper, we focus on the design of the transmit waveforms of a frequency diverse array (FDA) in order to improve the output signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) in the presence of signal-dependent mainlobe interference. Since the classical multi-carrier matched filtering-based FDA receiver cannot effectively utilize the waveform diversity of FDA, a novel FDA receiver framework base

Alkali Metal Cations as Charge-Transfer Bridge for Polarization Promoted Solar-to-H2 Conversion

Utilization of spontaneous polarization electric field of ferroelectric materials to realize the spatial separation and fast transfer of photogenerated charges has been regarded as a promising strategy to fabricate highly efficient photocatalysts. Herein, a novel heterostructure is constructed by coupling potassium poly(heptazine imide) (K-PHI) with ferroelectric BaxSr1-xTiO3 (BxST) through a faci

Deep-learning-based harmonization and super-resolution of near-surface air temperature from CMIP6 models (1850–2100)

Future global temperature change will have significant effects on society and ecosystems. Earth system models (ESM) are the primary tools to explore future climate change. However, ESMs have great uncertainty and often run at a coarse spatial resolution (usually about 2°). Accurate high-spatial-resolution temperature dataset are needed to improve our understanding of temperature variations and for

Reduced thalamic activity in ADHD under ABR forward masking conditions

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common chronic neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by symptoms of inattention, overactivity, and/or impulsiveness. The prevalence of ADHD varies in different settings and there have been voices raised to call for more objective measures in order to avoid over- and underdiagnosing of ADHD. Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) is a method where

Gravfridsbrottets skyddsintressen i förarbeten, doktrin och rättstillämpning

En förutsättning för att ett beteende ska kriminaliseras är att det tänkta straffbudet avser ett identifierat och konkretiserat intresse som är skyddsvärt, det vill säga godtagbart. Ett godtagbart skyddsintresse kan definieras som det värde som skyddas i ett visst straffbud. Föreställningarna om skyddsintresse har systematisk betydelse för indelningen av brottstyper. Att finna arten av det intressA prerequisite for a behavior to be criminalized is that the intended criminal law provision applies to an identified and concretized interest that should be protected. An acceptable protective interest can be defined as the value protected in a particular criminal law provision. The concepts of protective interests have a systematic significance for the classification of the type of crime. Determ

Tree species traits and mycorrhizal association shape soil microbial communities via litter quality and species mediated soil properties

Soils harbor a vast diversity of soil microbiota, which play a crucial role in key ecosystem processes such as litter transformation and mineralization, but how complex plant-soil interactions shape the diversity and composition of soil microbiota remains elusive. We performed amplicon sequencing of DNA isolated from mineral topsoil of six common European trees planted in multi-site common garden

Staten och horan - En rättshistorisk studie om vilka drivkrafter som föregick prostitutionslagstiftningens utveckling och statens förändrade inställning mellan åren 1850 och 1999

Förevarande uppsats syftar till att utreda vilka drivkrafter som föregick och motiverade rättsutvecklingen inom prostitutionslagstiftningen mellan åren 1850 och 1999. Därtill redogör uppsatsen för hur statsmaktens inställning gentemot prostitution och prostituerade kvinnor tog sig uttryck i den legisla-tiva utvecklingsprocessen. Arbetet har genomförts med hjälp av en rättshisto-risk metod för att This paper aims to investigate the driving forces that preceded and motivated the developments of the law in legislation concerning prostitution between the years of 1850 and 1999 in Sweden. Further more, the paper describes how the state's attitude towards prostitution and prostituted women was expressed in the legislative development process. The work has been undertaken using a legal-histor

"The poor men seem to be all in confusion" – Sojourner Truth, negativ lust och det sublimas paradox

Syftet med uppsatsen är att med hjälp av begreppet sublimitet utveckla förståelsen för hur Sojourner Truths tal vid ett kvinnorättskonvent i Ohio 1851 fungerade argumentativt i sin kontext. För att nå en sådan förståelse gör vi en neo-aristotelisk analys och kompletterar den med en syn på talet utifrån begreppet "det sublima". Vi ser på sublimitet som ett sätt att förstå talets effekt på

Bildbaserade sexuella övergrepp - En analys av det svenska straffrättsliga skyddet avseende olovlig spridning av någon annans privata, sexuella bilder

Den digitala utvecklingen som ständigt sker i samhället ställer krav på lagstiftaren att följa med i utvecklingen. Som en följd av den frekventa användningen av internet har också brott som kränker den sexuella integriteten på nätet ökat. Forskarna Clare McGlynn och Erika Rackley har funnit en form av kränkningar som särskilt riktar sig mot kvinnor, så kallade bildbaserade sexuella övergrepp. ÖverThe digital development that is constantly taking place in society places demands on the legislator to keep up with the continuous progression. As a consequence of the frequent use of the Internet, crimes that violate sexual privacy online have increased. Researchers Clare McGlynn and Erika Rackley have examined the form of violations that specifically target women, Image-Based Sexual Abuse. The a

Property owners' attitudes to connecting to the low temperature district heating network at Brunnshög

Fjärrvärme från förnybara energikällor är ett hållbart uppvärmningsval som möjliggör att elektricitet används där den gör större nytta. Det lågtempererade fjärrvärmenätet på Brunnshög håller på att anläggas, och det är inte obligatoriskt att ansluta sig. Det finns inget naturligt diskussionsforum för fastighetsägare för att ta del av deras upplevelser av att vara anslutna till det lågtempererade fDistrict heating from renewable energy sources is a sustainable heating solution that allows electricity to be used for other purposes. The low temperature district heating (LTDH) network at Brunnshög is currently under construction, and connection is not mandatory. Ensuring that the LTDH alternative is attractive would increase the willingness to connect. There is no natural forum for discussion

Big data - en oumbärlig resurs? Den konkurrensrättsliga principen om nödvändiga nyttigheter och Digital Markets Act i relation till big data i den digitala sektorn

Den digitala sektorn av EU:s inre marknad har en allt mer betydande roll i ekonomin, och en ny typ av resurs som spelar en allt större roll i det är big data. Ett fåtal företag som tillhandahåller centrala plattformstjänster befinner sig ofta i kontroll av big data, som i sin tur kan utgöra en oumbärlig ingångsresurs för andra företag verksamma inom den digitala sektorn. Ett företags vägran att tiThe digital sector of the EU's single market is playing an increasingly significant role in the economy, and a new type of resource that is becoming more important within it is known as big data. Companies providing core platform services are often in control of big data, which in turn can be an indispensable input resource for other companies operating in the digital sector. A company's r

The cordless kitchen

I first got introduced to wireless power during another school pro- ject that resulted in a wireless charging case. In that project I con- ducted a lot of market and technology research about wireless charging and wireless power in general. During that project I got in contact with a Malmö based company called Nok9. They develope and produce test equipment for developers of wireless power de- v

Microplastics affect activity and spatial distribution of C, N, and P hydrolases in rice rhizosphere

Microplastics provide a new ecological niche for microorganisms, and the accumulation levels of microplastics (MPs) in terrestrial ecosystems are higher than those in marine ecosystems. Here, we applied the zymography to investigate how MPs — polyethylene [PE], and polyvinyl chloride [PVC]) at two levels (0.01% and 1% soil weight) impacted the spatial distribution of soil hydrolases, nutrient avai

Om jag bara kan plantera någonting litet positivt hos ett barn eller en familj

For many years, high staff turnover and difficulties in recruiting social workers have been reported in social services in general but particularly in child welfare. Previous studies have shown that giving social workers adequate social support is important in getting them to maintain their job commitment and remain at the workplace. The purpose of our study has been to investigate in what way int