

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Measurement of dijet electroproduction at small jet separation

Deep-inelastic scattering data in the range 150 < Q(2) < 35000 GeV2 are used to investigate the minimum jet separation necessary to allow accurate description of the rate of dijet production using next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations. The required jet separation is found to be small, allowing about 1/3 of DIS data to be classified as dijet, as opposed to approximately 1/10 with more

Microbial dustiness and particle release of different biofuels

Exposure to organic dust originating from biofuels can cause adverse health effects. In the present study we have assessed the dustiness in terms of microbial components and particles of various biofuels by using a rotating drum as a dust generator. Microbial components from straw, wood chips, wood pellets and wood briquettes were quantified by several methods. Excellent correllations (r greater t

IL6 gene promoter polymorphisms and type 2 diabetes - Joint analysis of individual participants' data from 21 studies

Several lines of evidence indicate a causal role of the cytokine interleukin (IL)-6 in the development of type 2 diabetes in humans. Two common polymorphisms in the promoter of the IL-6 encoding gene IL6, -174G > C (rs1800795) and -573G > C (rs1800796), have been investigated for association with type 2 diabetes in numerous studies but with results that have been largely equivocal. To clarify the

The Euro cash changeover process

This article describes and analyzes the Euro cash changeover process. The European Monetary Union, EMU, is a unique event in history, although other monetary unions were formed and existed long before. Still, this giant experiment makes it possible to study changes in the monetary environment from a unique and new position. The article tries to find factors that can help to explain the different p

Treatment with TNF-blockers and mortality risk in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Objective: To assess mortality in patients with rheumatoid arthritis ( RA) treated with tumour necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors, compared with a standard RA population. Methods: Patients were recruited from a regional register, which includes over 90% of patients with RA treated with TNF blockers in the area in 1999 or later, and a local community-based cohort of patients with RA, established in 1

Genetic basis of the K phenotype in the Swedish population.

Abstract in Undetermined BACKGROUND: The absence of all Kell blood group antigens (K0 phenotype) is very rare. K0 persons, however, can produce clinically significant anti-Ku (K5) after transfusion and/or pregnancy and require K0 blood for transfusion. Ten alleles giving rise to the K0 phenotype have been reported: different populations were studied although none from Scandinavia. STUDY DESIGN AND

The Politics of Social Networks : Interpersonal Trust and Institutional Change in Post-Communist East Germany

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur förändras organisationer? Medan statsvetenskaplig ny-institutionell teori är mer inriktad på att förklara varför institutioner är seglivade och svåra att förändra, så antar ekonomisk organisationsteori att organisationer relativt enkelt anpassar sig till omgivningens krav. Det sociala nätverks-perspektivet fokuserar de strukturer av samarbete och tillit som utvecklaNew institutionalist approaches are inherently weak at accounting for institutional change. In this book, social network analysis is proposed as a key to institutional change. The social network perspective focuses emergent patterns of interpersonal interaction and the resulting ties of interpersonal trust. As a complement and contrast to both March and Olsen’s influential new institutionalist "lo

A Comparison Between Three Development Tools for Real-Time Expert Systems: CHRONOS, G2 and MUSE

A comparison, based on a study of how time is treated, between three development tools for real time expert system is exposed. After a presentation of the tools, some of their advantages and disadvantages arepinpointed. Since these tools are only a partial answer to the problem of real time within the expert system's area, a standpoint concerning a good use of each tool is given.

Games and Markets - Essays on Communication, Coordination and Multi-Market Competition

This thesis consists of a collection of essays on coordination in games and competition in international oligopolies. The first essay presents a theoretical analysis of a simple coordination game in which players simultaneously choose efforts from a compact interval. The original game has a continuum of Pareto-ranked equilibria. In a noisy variant of the model an error term is added to each player

The hydration of a DNA-amphiphile complex

We present measurements of isothermal DNA-hexadecyltrimethylammonium (DNACTA) complex and pure DNA hydration at 25 degreesC using a sorption microcalorimeter. This calorimeter provides simultaneous measurement of (i) water activity (sorption isotherms) and (ii) the partial molar enthalpy of water as a function of water uptake. For pure DNA, hydration is exothermic over the studied concentration ra

FARMFLOW - A dynamic model for phosphorus mass flow, simulating conventional and organic management of a Swedish dairy farm

A farm systems mass-balance calculation model, FARMFLOW, was applied to a case study comparing organic and conventional management of a Swedish experimental dairy farm, Ojebyn. Parameterisation of the model is implemented using detailed field data from the Ojebyn farm where the two management systems have been run parallel for more than 11 years. Simulations were made to compare the stocks, flows

Risk and Vulnerability Analysis of Complex Systems: a basis for proactive emergency management

The present thesis concerns methods and knowledge that are useful when analysing the risks and vulnerabilities of complex systems in a societal emergency management context. Operational definitions of vulnerability and emergency response capabilities are suggested and two methods for analysing the vulnerability of critical infrastructure networks, based on the suggested definition, are presented.