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Synchrotron X-ray Scattering and Monte Carlo Simulations of Structure and Forces in Silicate Nanoplatelet Dispersions
Popular Abstract in Swedish Lera-vatten-systemet finns i stort sett överallt i vår omgivning. Syftet med denna avhandling är att identifiera och undersöka egenskaper hos leror som är av betydelse för deras inbördes växelverkan. Leror är sammansatta av två eller tre molekylära lager och får därför en relativt komplex fördelning av elektrostatiska laddningar. Denna fördelning förändras med olika betClays are the world’s most widely used natural material, however, little is known regarding the microstructure as well as the forces involved in clay-water interactions, and their influence on the swelling properties. The utilization of clay platelets is nowadays a key in a number of biological and industrial applications e.g. nuclear waste management. Bentonites from different natural sources an
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Effects of farmland heterogeneity at multiple spatial and temporal scales on house sparrow (Passer domesticus) population ecology
Popular Abstract in Swedish VIKTEN AV HETEROGENA JORDBRUKSMILJÖER FÖR GRÅSPARVEN Under de senaste 40 åren har vårt odlingslandskap genomgått kraftiga strukturella förändringar som en konsekvens av att jordbruket har intensifierats och effektiviserats. Dessa förändringar har möjliggjort en nödvändig, ökad produktion av spannmål och andra grödor men samtidigt har det haft förödande konsekvenser på dStrong declines of European farmland birds in recent decades are assumed to be caused by decreased food availability resulting from agricultural intensification and concomitant loss of farmland heterogeneity. One of the species suffering particularly strong declines in NW European countries is the house sparrow. In this thesis I investigated the importance of farmland land-use on house sparrow eco
Kvinnor, genus och sverigedemokrater
Markups and Export Pricing
We analyze empirically product-price variation across export destinations using detailed firm-product data. Most recent studies using highly disaggregated data emphasize variations in product quality as an explanation as to why firms charge different prices for the same product on different export markets. In this paper, we take an alternative approach and assume that variations in firms' export p
Kommentar till Lag (1969:200) om uttagande av utländsk tull, annan skatt, avgift eller pålaga
Rainbow Quality System. User-led Innovation in Quality Assurance
Using Networks to Organize Support For Entreneurs-A Graph Analysis of Swedish Contexts
Meinen und Entscheiden
Kärnfysik, fortsättningskurs laborationer, Del I
Läsning, litteratur och böcker i en digital värld
Presidentialisation from a Historical Perspective: Ministerial Selection and Reshuffling in Swedish Cabinets
Model Uncertainty and Feedback
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Smalfilm som semesterminne
Study of alternative strategies to the task clarification activity of the market-pull product development process model
A very large majority of the current product development process models put forward in textbooks present a homogenous structure, what Ulrich & Eppinger [1] call the market-pull model, presented as a generic one, while other possible product development process models are merely seen as variants. This paper focuses on the task clarification and derived activities (mainly the systematic search f
Dependency-based semantic role labeling of PropBank
We present a PropBank semantic role labeling system for English that is integrated with a dependency parser. To tackle the problem of joint syntactic-semantic analysis, the system relies on a syntactic and a semantic subcomponent. The syntactic model is a projective parser using pseudo-projective transformations, and the semantic model uses global inference mechanisms on top of a pipeline of class